Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Crisis At The Southern Border - Operation Baja Special By James Moushon

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The HBS Author's Spotlight SHOWCASES James Moushon's Short Story: Operation Baja Special, A Jonathon Stone Mystery.

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Author James Moushon is a self-published Mystery Author of the Jonathon Stone Mysteries. Also, he is a Short Story writer and an Author Advocate. James is the creator of the industry blogs: The Indie Author's Corner, the HBS Author's Spotlight and the HBS Mystery Reader's Circle.

Operation Baja Special

A Jonathon Stone Mystery Short Story #15

Author: James Moushon


A Crisis At The Southern Border is caused by a terrorist attack in San Diego.

The Fourth of July weekend in the San Diego area starts on a tragic note as a Church in La Jolla is attacked by three gunmen during mass, killing over fifty people. It’s quickly determined that the shooting was by a group of Syrian terrorists. Jonathon Stone and Chuck Chun, CIA special agents, are immediately dispatched to San Diego to assist the FBI.

At the same time, FBI Agent Jodi Shannon and several of her agents from LA join the San Diego FBI field office team in the investigation. As the search for the terrorists accelerates, another mass shooting occurs in a movie theater on Coronado Island.

As the investigation seems to stall, Stone comes up with a special plan to uncover the terrorist’s location as the team battles politics and a Mexican cartel.

Excerpt from Operation Baja Special

As I turned north onto the beach running path, I could see my favorite coffee shop ahead. Essie’s. There was a slight mist in the air. We really never got fog here in Long Beach, at least, not like San Diego. It was the start of the Fourth of July week and I was feeling the effects of a late night at the Ocean Queen Casino.

I tried to jog every day when I wasn’t on assignment. I huffed and puffed my way to the coffee shop entrance. As usual, Essie was at the front door with a bunch of menus under her arm.

“Hi, Jon. Are you doing well?” she asked.

I nodded, being a little out of breath.

I headed to the end of the counter. Boy, I loved this place. There was a good view of the TV. I have no one sitting to my left and a great view of the running path along the ocean. I sat there watching the ladies flash by on their roller blades, dressed in as little as legally permissible, headed toward the pier.

I checked around the coffee shop for Roxie. She was the morning waitress and had been here for years. Roxie was a large Mexican woman in her late forties, I would guess. She was a Dodger and Lakers fan depending on the season. Usually, you tell how her team was doing by the loudness of her voice. The Dodgers must have won because you hear her all over the restaurant. She had the whole place to herself.

She swung by me, poured me a cup of coffee, and asked, “The usual, sweetheart?” She was referring to the bagel and cream cheese I had every morning. I smiled as she charged on down the counter, pouring coffee and placing my ticket in the order’s wheel.

The locals were gathered in front of the big screen TV, talking loudly for some reason. I stood up and walked over to their table. The national news was talking about something that happened yesterday in La Jolla. They were showing pictures of a church by hundreds of people outside.

“What’s going on?” I asked the group.

One of the guys turned toward me and said, “There as a mass shooting at a church in San Diego. They killed over fifty people. Sounds like three shooters.” He turned back toward the TV.

That wasn’t good. I looked back up at the TV. The station had moved on to other news. I walked back over to the counter. Roxie had already delivered my bagel. I sat there eating and staring at the ocean through the window. Fifty people. How could something like that happen? I finished my bagel, gave Essie a hug and continued my jog home.

Read the Complete Series:

Author: James Moushon

Author Genre: Mystery & Thrillers, Satire

Website: James Moushon - Mystery Writer / Author Advocate
Author's Blog: Indie Author’s Corner
HBS Author's Spotlight
Twitter: @jimhbs
Goodreads: Check Out Goodreads
Facebook: Check Out Facebook

Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight

Amazon Author Profile

Author Description: James Moushon is a Mystery writer and an Author Advocate. All his novels and short stories feature CIA Agent Jonathon Stone.

James is currently wearing two Hats. He is a Mystery Writer and a Book Publishing Blogger. You can find his blogs at:

HBS Author’s Spotlight

The blog's purpose is to help authors get exposure in the book publishing industry. He has interviewed and showcased over 600 authors to date.

Mystery Reader’s Circle
The HBS Mystery Reader's Circle provides information about the latest novels and what is coming next from a collection of Bestselling and Outstanding Authors in the Mystery, Thrillers, Historical Fiction and Crime genre.

Indie Author's Corner The Corner is a collection of Author advice and studies including Marketing, Social Media and other major topics created to help writers in today's ever changing world of book publishing.

HBS Virtual Bookshelf
The HBS Virtual Bookshelf is a collection of novels and short stories at discount prices from outstanding, best-selling authors. The Bookshelf gives you the book details and buy links plus the authors bio and contact information.

He has spent the majority of his adult life developing computer systems and thinking about writing mysteries.

Post Created by: HBSystems Publications
Publisher of ebooks, writing industry blogger and the sponsor of the following blogs:
HBS Author’s Spotlight
Indie Author's Corner
Mystery Reader’s Circle

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