The HBS Author's Spotlight SHOWCASES David VanDyke's New Book: SLIPKNOT.
David is the bestselling author of the Plague Wars and Stellar Conquest series.
California Corwin P. I. Mystery Series Book 3
Author: D. D. VanDyke (David VanDyke)
Barnes and Noble

After a woman is found dead in Cal Corwin's car and police detectives come knocking at her door, the case turns far more personal than first it seemed. As the ghosts of past cases rear their ugly heads, not only must she find out who murdered the victim, but why. Teasing the answers out soon reveals the disturbing question: Who is the hunter, and who hunted?
Slipknot is Book 3 of the Cal Corwin mystery series. Set against the rich backdrop of the San Francisco Bay Area, Cal Corwin novels brim with intrigue and fully fleshed characters from cops and criminals to hit men, oddball family and unexpected allies.
Excerpt from SLIPKNOT
Chapter 1
October 2005 “All in,” I said, shoving my stack of chips to the center of the table.
The sharp-faced, dark-haired woman stared at me from across the poker felt, repeatedly shuffling her chips one-handed as she tried to get a read on me.
If the sound was meant to irritate me, she was off base. I actually found it calming, like a smoker reacting to nicotine.
I couldn’t get a decent read on her either. Except for the last three hours at the table, she was unknown to me. She did seem to overplay her hands, but she hadn’t paid for it yet.
This was the beauty of the big play, though, betting all my chips. Now she had to make the decision.
Call and risk a showdown, or fold and give me a huge pot.
I resisted the urge to check my pocket jacks again. I knew what I had. The question was, did she?
Pocket jacks was one of those hands every poker player loves to hate: too weak to be confident, too strong to simply throw away as a bad job. Like many things in my ex-cop-turned-P.I. life, they tempted me to get in too deep.
In this case, though I had reason to be confident. With a jack and two queens on the board, I had a well-hidden full house. Only two other hands could beat me, and based on my observations of the way she played, I didn’t think she had one of them.
I stared at the pot, over six grand, and imagined the chips as mine. In fact, I imagined those chips plus her remaining stack as mine, which would mean eight and a half at least.
She took a sip from the water bottle she’d been nursing all evening, pulled an envelope out of her purse, removed a stack of cash and placed it on the felt. “Raise.”
“Table stakes,” the dealer reminded her.
The rules of table stakes said I didn’t have to risk anything but the chips in front of me. I could refuse – I should refuse – and we’d still play for the money on the table, a pretty nice payday.
My opponent smirked as she replied, “Unless she wants to accept the bet. I see car keys if she doesn’t have cash.”
I’d set my key ring in front of me as a convenience. I don’t carry a purse, and the metal had been poking me inside my tight jeans. With only two players in a pot, poker etiquette as well as the legalities of oral contracts said we could make whatever bets we wished on the outcome of the hand, as long as we agreed in front of witnesses.
“How much is the raise?” I asked.
“Twenty large.”
Twenty thousand, plus the eight in the pot. Several month’s operating expenses. No need to accept mind-numbing spouse-surveillance or dangerous skip-tracing cases for a while. Maybe I could even afford to take a vacation. I hadn’t gone anywhere fun in years.
I drew in a deep breath. I should refuse, but with her pattern of overplay, I thought I had a big chance here. There was a potential flush showing on the board, which was strong, but would still lose to my full house.
The greedy hope-monkey every player knows seized me by the hair and gibbered in my ear. Okay, maybe greedy wasn’t really the right word. The money would be nice, but it was also about what it represented: a big, satisfying, ego-boosting win. Bragging rights, respect in the card rooms. They’d say, “Hey, Cal, remember when you called that cocky chick’s big bet and took down twenty-eight grand at Sergei’s?”
Yeah, she must be overplaying that flush or bluffing. That’s what the hope-monkey told me.
“Call.” I took the set of car keys off my master ring and tossed them into the pot. “That’s to the 1968 Mustang in my garage. It blue-books at least twenty grand.”
A bit overeager – I should have made her show first – I rolled my jacks, displaying the full house, jacks over queens.
She shrugged and turned over a queen and a jack, giving her queens over jacks to beat me with a higher full house.
My gut seized up and I felt like vomiting. I thought of giving up Madge, the classic California Special my father had customized for me. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why the hell hadn’t I just stuck with table stakes? Or even bet Molly, my rally car, instead? She was far more replaceable.
I cursed myself for a sick gambler and stood, picking up the rest of my keys and shoving them in my pocket. Gathering the shreds of my dignity, I muttered “Nice hand,” nodded good night – okay, good morning – to the table and walked like a zombie out of the card room into the bar area of Vyazma.
Uncle Sergei himself, the owner and an old friend of my parents – therefore of mine – nodded at me as I settled myself on a barstool with a sigh, almost a sob. I reached across to pluck the pack of Marlboros from his pocket and tap one out, lighting up and taking a deep drag. I felt my head swim with the unaccustomed nicotine. Hadn’t had a cigarette in three years – I’d quit the day I’d lost my badge – but today, it seemed natural.
Sergei opened an MGD and set it in front of me. “How much?”
How much did I lose? How much did I want to borrow? I was tempted to ask him for a marker – a big one – to try to go win Madge back.
With agonizing difficulty I beat down the jones that whispered in my ear and shook my head. “Thanks. Nothing.” I tilted the beer, feeling its cold hit my throat and sink toward my stomach, coating my nausea.
He wasn’t going to let it go. “How much you lose, Cal?” His Russian accent made the word sound like “loose.”
“Why’re you busting my balls, dyadya?” I didn’t feel much like the shit he was about to give me, but I loved him too much to walk away. At some level I knew I had it coming. Fair punishment for listening to the craziness lurking in the back of my head.
“Because, solntse, you been playing too much, and when you play too much, you start making mistakes. I know that look. You make a bad mistake and now you’re beating yourself up for it.”
What could I say to that? Sergei was the closest thing to a parent I had anymore, what with Dad long gone and Mom stuck in eternal adolescence.
“So what? I’ll bounce back. Always do.”
“I know. But one day, you don’t.” He reached out a hand to brush my left cheek with scarred fingers. “You have good detective business. You’re good girl. Time to go back on the wagon for a while.”
I grabbed his hand and held it for a moment, aching. “Okay. I will. No poker for three months.” Better to set a realistic goal than tell myself some obvious lie, such as that I would quit forever.
I made a face. “Okay, six.” That would be penance enough.
Sergei’s face cracked into a smile, showing tobacco-stained teeth. “Now you’re talking.”
That made me feel better for about five seconds, until a new wave of psychic pain washed through me as I remembered Madge. I briefly considered ducking the debt, but my ingrained integrity wouldn’t let me. Even if I did, my name would be mud forever in the poker world. Word would get around and even legit rooms would bar me, not to mention the unofficial ones like Sergei’s.
I could get a loan against the house or my office, though. Yeah, that’s what I’d do. When it came time for the handover, I’d offer her crisp, green cash instead. Portable wealth that she could use to get whatever she wanted.
That would make the pain go away.
I felt someone sit next to me. I turned to see the woman. She dangled the keys. “Where and when?”
I sighed, checking my watch. “How about noon at the Sycamore?” For some reason I didn’t want her to come to my home or office. A public place would be more anonymous. Less embarrassing.
“The Sycamore what?”
“Sycamore bar. At Sycamore and Mission.”
“Where’s that?” She took a sip off her water bottle.
I rolled my eyes. “Where you from, anyway, chica?”
“Not here. And I’m not Hispanic.”
“Could have fooled me.” I thought a moment. “Where you staying?”
“Vitale, at the terminal.”
“Ritzy. I’ll see you there at noon.”
“Parking garage.”
“Right.” I stared at her.
She shifted her bottle, held out a hand. “No hard feelings.”
Well, I sure as hell wasn’t going to show her any. Poker etiquette said you take your losses with a smile and you don’t gloat over your wins. I shook the hand. It felt warm and dry.
Turning to Sergei, the woman said, “Gun.”
Interesting, that she carried. I wondered if it were legal or not, and what line of work she was in, but it was bad form to ask.
Sergei lifted a compact Ruger .380 from beneath the bar and slid it across to her. She dropped it into her purse, and then left with one more smile.
“Who was that?” I asked Sergei.
“No idea.” Sergei’s lower lip curled. “Not a cop, though. I always ask.”
“I wish you’d have sent her packing the moment she walked in,” I grumbled.
“Cal!” His tone reproached me. “I run a business here. Who am I to turn down action?”
“Sorry. Not your fault.” I crushed out the cigarette, half-smoked, and finished the beer. “Bedtime.”
“What was with keys? And why you meeting her at noon?”
I explained the whole thing, including my intention to pay her off.
Sergei’s face turned even more hound-doggish. “If the bank don’t loan you, I can front the cash. Like you should have at the table.”
I rolled my eyes. “Gee, thanks for the reminder.” But Sergei was right. I should have taken a marker from him instead of putting up Madge. That way, I’d only owe him the twenty grand and I’d still have my car.
He shrugged.
I relented. “Okay, that was unfair. Thanks for the offer, but I’ll try the bank first.”
“As you wish. You want Rostislav run you home?” Of course I’d walked to his place earlier, during the daylight. I’d never park in the Tenderloin.
“Sure.” I held out my hands, and Sergei gave me my Glock and my .38, which I holstered with the ease of long practice.
“Das vedanya, Cal.”
“You too, Sergei.”
I had Sergei’s man drop me at my office to sleep rather than risk an encounter with Mom. She’d spot my agony right away and start prying and lecturing. Funny how even a supposedly laid-back leftover hippie went right down that mother path when it suited her.

Author Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Website: Author David VanDyke
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Author Description: David VanDyke is the bestselling author of the Plague Wars and Stellar Conquest series, co-author of BV Larson's Star Force Series Books 10, 11 and 12. He also writes P. I. mysteries under the pen name D. D. VanDyke. He's a retired U.S. military officer, veteran of two branches of the armed forces, and has served in several combat zones. He lives with his wife and dogs near Ogden, Utah.
The Plague Wars apocalyptic thriller series begins in the world of today with a man and a woman twined together by circumstances, destined to change the world. It leads readers into an ever-darkening future of upheaval, struggle and war marked by the depths of evil and the heights of selfless sacrifice. Plagues, secret technologies and extraterrestrial meddling provide the backdrop for heroes and villains to struggle for control of the destiny of humanity.
The Stellar Conquest series carries the central cast of Plague Wars forward a century into the future, when humanity turns to the stars to find its destiny. Follow the starship Conquest as its captain and crew take the fight to Earth's enemies, finding allies and making heroic sacrifices in order to secure the future of our solar system against a hostile universe. Read it first and then its prequel series Plague Wars, or read it in order from The Eden Plague onward if you prefer.
The Star Force Series is a sweeping space opera and military sci-fi saga of alien invasion, telling the story of one ordinary man, Professor Kyle Riggs, who rises to become Earth's most implacable defender. In book 10, Outcast, his son Cody Riggs, fresh out of Star Force academy, takes over the legacy. With more than a million copies sold, this top-rated science fiction series sweeps readers into adventure.

Author's Book List

Puppies and poodles and phantoms, oh my! When Ashlee’s mate Will pushes for lupine breeding just as her twin Amber is exploring new magical powers, the impending Blood Moon threatens to turn a difficult situation into a total fiasco. Add in a witches’ brew of mysterious out-of-towners, old and new enemies and creatures familiar and strange, and once again her life is turned upside-down. Can Will and Ashlee forge happiness out of their newfound bond, or will fate contrive to drive them apart once more?
BloodMoon is a paranormal romance of werewolves, witches, ghosts and vampires, an urban fantasy story of family, pack and kin

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When oppression by the Unionist-dominated federal government becomes intolerable, the Republic of Texas secedes from the United States. As the Unionists respond with immediate violence, Daniel Markis and Spooky Nguyen send Reaper and Skull on missions to help the fledgling nation survive in the face of overwhelming odds. Can they win through to establish a haven for Edens on North American soil? Or shall the world edge further into darkness?
Battles rage in the air, on the ground and in the shadows in this apocalyptic technothriller, book 4 of the Plague Wars series.

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Three stars, three worlds, three civilizations…one massive war.
In a triple star system, not all planets are equal. When the DEMON STAR swings closest in her orbit, the Insectoids always invade. They raid the inner worlds with grim regularity, riding hordes of stealthed ships in ever growing waves. Their mission is to destroy all opposition—alien, human or otherwise.
Cody Riggs, lost among an endless chain of interstellar rings, flies his task force of starships into the middle of an eternal struggle for survival between three civilizations. He takes it upon himself to help the more peaceful worlds, but only manages to bring disaster to all humanity.
DEMON STAR is the twelfth book of the Star Force series, a novel of military science fiction by bestselling authors B. V. Larson and David VanDyke.

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Vampires and spirits and wolves, oh my! When travel writer and werewolf Ashlee Scott is approached with a shocking offer to be the mother of a new race, she must decide where to place her trust: in the hot new werewolf in town, in her first love Will, or even in the shadowy vampire lurking in the background. Pulled in all directions by her family, she must confront her own demons while trying to exorcise others.
MoonFall is a New Adult paranormal romance of werewolves, witches, ghosts and vampires, an urban fantasy story of family, pack and kin.

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The Eden virus is spreading. Blessing or curse, it's apparent that it can't be contained. For the poor and the sick, the Plague is a godsend, yet it puts those infected in the cross hairs of people who fear their power is slipping away. When these desperate Edens turn to Daniel Markis and the Free Communities for help, he can't refuse. Spooky, Skull, and Reaper are soon struggling to save these Edens - but someone on the inside may betray them.
Eden's Exodus is a Plague Wars novel that continues where Skull's Shadows ended, filling in more of the apocalyptic events of the decade before the incidents of The Demon Plagues, when the world changed yet again.

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After barely fending off the insectoid Scourge, Admiral Absen frantically prepares for another attack while dealing with politics and treachery from within, even as Spectre pursues his own hidden agenda. Can EarthFleet save humanity once more, and will a bold counterstrike by an elite force of AI-equipped ships buy time, or merely invite disaster?

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When Admiral Absen and the crew of EarthFleet's most powerful dreadnought Conquest are sent on a mission forty light years from Earth, none of them expect to return. But to find a home and keep humanity safe from hostile aliens, they must fight to seize a new world, initiating EarthFleet's first conquest of another star system.
First Conquest is Book 1 of the Stellar Conquest series, which carries the Plague Wars forward a century into the future when humanity turns to the stars to find its destiny. It tells of a bitter battle as EarthFleet smashes into an alien star system in a desperate first strike to save humanity. Follow the starship Conquest as its captain and crew take the fight to Earth's enemies, finding allies and making heroic sacrifices in order to secure the future of Earth's solar system against a hostile universe.

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When a blackmailed drag queen walks into Cal Corwin's P. I. agency, she quickly throws herself into the investigation, but with each new clue she finds the case gets murkier, its web of lies more tangled. When murder rears its ugly head, it becomes clear more is at stake than money, and Cal must watch her own back even as she tries to find the culprit.
In A Bind is the second book in the new P. I. mystery series from D. D. VanDyke, though they can be read in any order. Set against the rich backdrop of the San Francisco Bay Area, Cal Corwin novels brim with intrigue and fully fleshed characters from cops and criminals to hit men, oddball family and unexpected allies.

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When a young girl is kidnapped, street-smart but damaged San Francisco ex-cop California "Cal" Corwin is engaged to find and rescue her before murder raises the stakes. As a straightforward case takes unexpected twists, Cal must quell a growing fear that an anguished mother may never see her child again. With a shadowy crime lord lurking behind every unexpected clue, Cal struggles to tie up loose ends before evil claims its next victim.
Loose Ends is the first book in the Cal Corwin P. I. mystery series from D. D. VanDyke, though the books can be read in any order. Set against the rich backdrop of the San Francisco Bay Area, Cal Corwin novels brim with intrigue and fully fleshed characters from cops and criminals to hit men, oddball family and unexpected allies.

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Lost and cut off from Earth, the crew of the starship Valiant seeks a way home.
In the eleventh book of the Star Force series Cody Riggs collides with the overwhelming power of the Ancients. They fly incomprehensible ships and consider humans to be curiosities.
Caught between ghosts of the past and demons of the present, Cody is abandoned by everyone. His girl, his crew, and even his ships change sides, exiling him in the cold depths of space.
Demonstrating the strength of any Riggs, Cody manages to claw his way back into the game, upsetting the plans of his enemies and his allies alike. The only question is whether or not he’ll live long enough to regret it.
EXILE is a full length novel of science fiction by bestselling authors B. V. Larson and David VanDyke. The first book telling Cody Riggs' story is titled OUTCAST. If you've never read any of the Star Force novels, SWARM was the beginning of it all.

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Fresh out of the Academy, Ensign Cody Riggs follows his legendary father Kyle into space with fiancee Ensign Olivia Turnbull by his side. But instead of enjoying a quick trip around Earth's federated star systems they are thrown into a battle for their lives as their ship is hurled hundreds of light-years from home with no way back. Fighting hostile aliens and enemies within his own crew, Riggs finds himself facing challenges he never envisioned as he takes command of the battlecruiser Valiant in a desperate bid to survive and return home.
Joined by a new supporting cast as well as favorites from the first nine Star Force books such as Marvin, Kwon and Hoon, this first volume of a new Star Force series delivers all the action and adventure readers have come to expect from BV Larson and David VanDyke. Read it first, or go back to Star Force Book One, SWARM, and experience the saga from the beginning.
The new Saga in the Star Force universe begins with OUTCAST, the longest book in the series. OUTCAST is a full length novel of military science fiction by bestselling authors B. V. Larson and David VanDyke.

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Conquest of Earth is Book 4 of the Stellar Conquest series. Find Book 1, First Conquest, within the anthology Planetary Assault, or go back 100 years to where it all began, the military sci-fi thriller The Eden Plague.
Poised to reconquer humanity's home, Captain Absen and Conquest are confronted with a new enemy that upsets the balance of power and changes everything EarthFleet expected. Their struggle to free Earth becomes instead a desperate battle for sheer survival as they contemplate the unthinkable: total annihilation.

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Book 3 of the Stellar Conquest military science fiction series. Find book 1, First Conquest, within the anthology Planetary Assault. Or, go back 100 years to where it all began with the military sci-fi thriller, The Eden Plague.
Armed with alien technology and a complete refit, Henrich Absen captains Conquest on a voyage to take back what humanity has lost. Along the way he must confront a new form of life as well as his own demons in this shocking episode of the Plague Wars/Stellar Conquest saga.

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Book 2 of the Stellar Conquest military science fiction series. Book 1, First Conquest, is contained within the Planetary Assault anthology. Or, go back 100 years to where it all began with The Eden Plague, a military sci-fi thriller.
When an enormous and potent alien ship appears in the colony system of Gliese 370, EarthFleet's Marines must investigate. What they find within will change the course of humanity's future yet again, as they face Desolator. The risks are high and so is the price in blood - and the payoff: new technology far ahead of their own, which may provide the key to fight the alien Meme Empire.

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Sometimes defending those you love means risking everything and attempting the most dangerous task in the universe—making a planetary assault against a heavily entrenched enemy. It's grim and always ugly. But as long as men refuse to bow their heads to conquerors, they will take the fight to the enemy or die trying.
Three masters of military science fiction have come together to tell harrowing tales of high-tech mayhem. In BV Larson's "Army of One" the Macros of the Star Force series invade from the skies, forcing a nanotized assassin into a deadly decision. David VanDyke's "First Conquest" tells of a bitter battle as EarthFleet smashes into an alien star system in a desperate first strike to save humanity. Vaughn Heppner's Space Marines of the Doom Star series race to the Oort Cloud in "Cyborgs!" For them, the hour of desperation has arrived.
Planetary Assault drips of glorious victories and grim defeats as humanity forces its way into the galaxy through sheer fighting ability. Despite their opponents, mankind will not be denied.

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When the enormous world-killing alien Destroyer arrives in the Solar System, EarthFleet must use every resource and employ every tactic from sneak attacks to suicide ships to fend off its genocidal intentions.

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Under the threat of impending alien invasion, when the Professor and the rogue Septagon Shadow cyborg program surface in Russia, the world has a problem. When they seize the government in a coup, the world faces disaster, and Jill Repeth and Spooky Nguyen must do everything in their power to shut them down while fending off rivals bent on assassination and subversion. Earth's nations will need to cooperate to prepare for the arrival of the Destroyer, but Daniel Markis and his allies must overcome violent intrigue, bloody special operations, and underhanded politics to find a path to humanity's survival.

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New name! Previously titled "SwitchBack."
Werewolves and ghosts and magic, oh my! When travel writer and werewolf Ashlee Scott returns to her hometown to recuperate from a shooting, she must confront a place full of painful and pleasant memories while dealing with her identical twin sister Amber and the complications of family. Throw in the full moon, old boyfriends, old ghosts and new enemies, and Knightsbridge Canyon will never be the same for her again.
MoonRise is a New Adult paranormal romance of werewolves, witches, ghosts and vampires, an urban fantasy story of family, pack and kin.

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Guns blazing, Master Sergeant Jill Repeth and her team search the nuclear wasteland for her kidnapped fiancé, while Spooky Nguyen prepares Earth's first-ever Space Marines for duty aboard the experimental battleship Orion. But even commanded by the legendary Navy Captain Henrich Absen, Orion is hopelessly outclassed, and only by supreme sacrifice can Earth be saved.
For now, that is -- because the Destroyer is on its way.

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With a homicidal alien spacecraft inbound at high speed, Skull and Raphaela fly to meet it in a desperate bid to buy time for the Earth. In the meantime Brigadier Spooky Nguyen presses to build the world's first space battleship while Colonel Muzik and Master Sergeant Repeth fight a life-and-death battle to return civilization to the nuked and plague-ridden nation's capital.
The Reaper Plague puts you in the middle of more Plague Wars action, expanding your favorite characters and extending the most popular story lines from the earlier books.

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Ten years after Infection Day, Daniel Markis struggles to unite a shattered world in the face of nuclear attack and extraterrestrial plagues, while others grasp for power and dark technologies. Skull mounts a one-man campaign to thwart the fascist Unionists, while Jill Repeth, Spooky Nguyen and his team gamble their lives to change the course of the Second Cold War.

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Sniper and antihero Skull Denham refuses the Eden Plague rather than giving up the demons that drive him. Instead, he selects his own mission to fight against the ever-growing evil of those who would murder innocent Plague carriers, using the only methods he's ever found effective: swift, precise and brutal violence.
Edgier than other Plague Wars novels, Skull's Shadows is a post-apocalyptic thriller meant for mature readers due to language, violence and adult situations. It provides another view of the period following Infection Day and fills in more of Skull's story before he becomes a key player in the future salvation of humanity.

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