Monday, November 1, 2021

James Moushon – Operation Camp Navajo Giveaway featured on the HBS Author's Spotlight Showcase

The Showcase is a special feature of the Author's Spotlight. It is designed to highlight Spotlight author's NEW releases and their soon to be released novels.

The HBS Author's Spotlight SHOWCASES James Moushon's Short Story: Operation Camp Navajo.

This Short Story is included in the HBSystems Publications FREE Promotion for the Jonathon Stone Mystery Series. There are 17 short stories in the collection.

Each short story in the series will be FREE in the next few months. 

This Short Story is FREE until 11/5/21.

Operation Camp Navajo

A Jonathon Stone Mystery Short Story

Author: James Moushon

Kindle Unlimited

Explosives are missing and Stone is on the case.

Camp Navajo Weapon Station near Flagstaff, Arizona is robbed and Jonathon Stone and fellow agent Dale Oak are dispatched to the area to insure that CIA weapons stored at the site are intact. Upon arrival, he finds the FBI has taken charge and has quickly caught the thieves.

Case closed. After a drive through the area and listening to the details of the crime from the FBI, things just didn’t add up. A complete search of the facilities finds explosives are missing and Jonathon is tasked with finding them before they are used.

Excerpt from Operation Camp Navajo

A clap of thunder shook my house. I rolled over and with one eye checked the clock. It was almost seven. I slightly remembered the text message from the night before. My weekly briefing had been moved up from 0900 to 0700. Something was going on.

I stumbled to the kitchen and checked my patio through the back window. A heavy rain streamed off the roof into my backyard. It never rains like this in sunny Southern California.

I had a few minutes to fix some coffee before I would get a secure conference call from my boss, Russ Evans. Russ was the Director of the Far-East Regional office of the CIA based in San Francisco.

I’d stayed at the Ocean Queen Casino way too long last night. Of course, I thought I had two more hours of sleep coming. The way the cards were running I wanted to stay all night. It had been a while since I had a good night like that.

I called San Francisco and got transferred to the secured conference call. In a few moments, Russ was on the line. Our meeting usually had five or so agents on the call. Russ started the roll call. This morning we had way more than the usual agents connected. Finally, he got to me. “Stone?”


“Good, this meeting is directed at you.”

He continued taking the roll. I didn’t count but it sounded like he had everyone under his command on the line.

“Okay. The first order of business and the reason I have all of you on this morning.”

He paused for a second.

“There was a robbery at the Camp Navajo Armory facility yesterday near Flagstaff, Arizona. There were several Army reservists killed. Just a second.”

There was pause again. He was always well-organized.

“The Agency has a large cache of weapons and explosives stored here. The details are a little sketchy but HLS, DOD and the FBI are all involved. The FBI is running point. The lead agent is already in Flagstaff.”

Someone on the call interrupted Russ. “That figures. We’ll be lucky to get the Intel before the media.”

That sounded like Sid from New York but I couldn’t be sure. The accent usually gave him away.

Russ continued. “Langley is getting us involved because of some of the forensics coming out about the thieves. The FBI has already taken control and is processing the location for fingerprints and other forensics. We don’t have all the details yet but one of the partial prints got a hit on our terror database that was quite disturbing. The print was from Mohammad Raja, one of the Gitmo detainees released last year in a prisoner swap.”

Raja and several other detainees were exchanged for a couple of Marines captured by the Taliban in Afghanistan. The CIA had negotiated the deal which got a lot of heat by some in Congress.

There was silence for a minute. Finally, I asked, “Isn’t Raja supposed to be in Qatar under house arrest?”

Author: James Moushon

Author Genre: Mystery & Thrillers, Satire

Website: James Moushon - Mystery Writer / Author Advocate
Author's Blog: Indie Author’s Corner
HBS Author's Spotlight
Twitter: @jimhbs
Goodreads: Check Out Goodreads
Facebook: Check Out Facebook

Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight

Amazon Author Profile and Book List

Author Description: James Moushon is a Mystery writer and an Author Advocate. All his novels and short stories feature CIA Agent Jonathon Stone.

James is currently wearing two Hats. He is a Mystery Writer and a Book Publishing Blogger. You can find his blogs at:

HBS Author’s Spotlight
The blog's purpose is to help authors get exposure in the book publishing industry. He has interviewed and showcased over 600 authors to date.

Mystery Reader’s Circle
The HBS Mystery Reader's Circle provides information about the latest novels and what is coming next from a collection of Bestselling and Outstanding Authors in the Mystery, Thrillers, Historical Fiction and Crime genre.

Indie Author's Corner The Corner is a collection of Author advice and studies including Marketing, Social Media and other major topics created to help writers in today's ever changing world of book publishing.

He has spent the majority of his adult life developing computer systems and thinking about writing mysteries.

For a Complete List of James’s Books, visit Amazon Author Profile and Book List.

Post Created by: HBSystems Publications
Publisher of ebooks, writing industry blogger and the sponsor of the following blogs:
eBook Author’s Corner
Mystery Reader’s Circle

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