The HBS Author's Spotlight SHOWCASES Dawn Greenfield Ireland's New Book: Love of Thol.
Award-winning independent publisher Author Dawn Greenfield Ireland is the creator of the Hot Chocolate series and two very popular non-fiction books. Dawn writes Mystery Thrillers, Fantasy and Professional & Technical books.
Love of Thol
Book 3 in the Thol series
Author: Dawn Greenfield Ireland

D’laine and Trakon are mushy in love. Brian and Jamie can barely stand to be around them. Stanley has a new girlfriend after many failed dating attempts. They are a perfect match.
Thol is a welcome haven for Earthlings whose gifts benefit all Tholians. More Earthlings emigrate. They get to watch a baseball game between the Plotals and the Egroms.
D’laine is snatched from a crestrider by a never-before seen insect-man. Trakon, Herish and the Ebscalon fleet pursue.
Ekka gets sick. The large borjo appears to be on deaths door. Jamie is frantic. The Visionary, Ghury and D’laine determine what is wrong—poison!
Ebscalon and the other kingdoms are in the direct path of a churling—a huge storm that surpasses any hurricane on Earth. Treachery comes on the eve of storm recovery, almost leading to war.
They make the trip to the caves in the Aguberro mountains. Ghury discovers that Lee is the direct descendant of the King of Thol.

Author: Dawn Greenfield Ireland
Author Genre: Mystery Thrillers, Fantasy,Professional & Technical
Website: Dawn Ireland Writer
Twitter: @dawnireland
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Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight

Author Description: DG Ireland writes full time. She lives among dreams and fantasies with two cats and moving boxes. Her head is filled with stories. She doesn’t suffer from writer’s block. If you buy her books and products, she’ll love you forever.
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Author's Book List

Gifts from Thol - Book 2 in the Thol series
At the end of Prophecy of Thol, D'laine returned to Earth leaving a broken-hearted Trakon behind on Thol. She returns to Thol with her family and one of the scientists who had investigated her disappearance from Texas.
D’laine is happy that her family is settling in at the Egrom village and getting used to their new surroundings. She knows that Thol changes people from Earth who cross over so she's looking forward to finding out what their gifts will be.Lee and Stanley are on a quest to find Greg Claymore, the man who disappeared from Earth in 1952, returned in 1975 and left again.
Victor, the scientist left behind on Earth, is frantic. His wife is terminally ill and he knows D’laine can heal her. He and Ben Joplin write a note and go to Coronado Beach where Claymore went through a portal. D’laine, Trakon and Stanley, bearing gifts, walk through the portal to Earth.
But will they be able return to Thol? Will D’laine and Trakon get back in time to fulfill their marriage vows? Or, will they be stuck in a place that Trakon despises due to the noise, traffic, and pollution?The adventure continues.

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Roman Davenport thought he was the only shifter in existence—a freak. He first shifted to a panther when he was twenty years old. Now, in his forties, he and his panther are so lonely.
Then he rescued Gage Stryker, an eagle that had been shot from the sky with an arrow through his wing. Like Roman, Gage thought he was the only shifter.
Roman and Gage were so happy to have found each other. They spent the next fifty years searching for their kind—and searching for mates. Relationships with women were short—most only wanted the limelight of the city’s two most eligible bachelors.
Then Ari Davis crossed their path.
The woman was seventy but looked not quite fifty, with thick white hair to her waist. The attraction was a powerful pull for all three of them.
Ari was so confused by the strong attraction to the men—that were barely older than her two sons—that she fled to Mexico for a week to try to get her head straight. When she returned home, they were there—waiting for her.
Nothing would ever be the same for any of them again. They formed a bond that could never be broken.

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Forced Dreams
When the boundaries blur between dreams and reality, a woman must learn to trust her dream lover.
* * * *
What if you learned that everything you thought you knew about your quiet, ordinary life was a lie?
And what if you discovered that a far-away world in trouble, an insane rebel, and coming to grips with your husband’s death had more in common than you’d ever expect?
Alma fears for her sanity and the safety of her children in a dangerous adventure that takes her to the depths of space, where a vehicle isn’t even necessary.

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The Far Corner
The Far Corner is an intense psychological horror narrative about a crowd of creatures who try to protect a woman -- from one of their own.
The Far Corner is a Print Replica which is appears like a screenplay format.

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The Last Dog
2018 Book Excellence Award Winner (6/26/18)
After the Unified World Pact of 2045, people lived in a state of peace and prosperity previously unknown in human history. The World Guild, a new global government, managed all the needs of humanity and the animals it loved.
Then in 2086, a security breach of Xavier Labs in Colorado and Zheng Industries in China released the deadly experimental agent XSKL435. Anyone outside was dead within minutes.
As statistics on the death toll are gathered from all over the world, Abby, the six-week old dog-daughter of Bill and Teresa Maxwell, was one of only four known surviving canines. News services soon announce that the other three dogs had succumbed to the deadly poison. Abby was now the last dog.
You’re invited on a journey with a puppy who longs for home after she is confiscated and held captive at a lab, and the family who are determined to get her back at all costs.
After escaping from the lab, Abby must quickly learn how to survive in the wild. Bill and Teresa must devise a plan to find Abby without being arrested themselves.
Neither Abby, or her parents know whether their plans will work, if they will survive the journey, or if they will be reunited. But love of family drives them onward.

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What's Breaking Your Budget - A Foolproof Household Plan
2018 eLit Gold Medal Winner (Finance/Investment/Economics)
When you’re drowning in debt and can’t see how you can turn things around, it’s time to examine what’s really going on in your life. Not all budgets are equal. Many only hit the top common living expenses.
What’s Breaking Your Budget dives deep into your habits. Things you may not want to admit to that are really breaking you down and making a mess of your life. This book will thoroughly help you explore all outgoing cash in all forms, many of which you don’t even consider as an expense until the money’s gone.
You will learn how to create a true budget from the work you be guided through in the book. Once you complete the process, you will be able to breathe easier and begin to eliminate your debt once and for all.

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Prophecy of Thol
Recurring nightmares haunted D’laine Jackson when she woke from an eight-month coma following a tragic accident. Four images were branded in her head: a dark-haired, handsome princely young man, a fierce reptilian monster, a white furry creature whose red eyes implored her with some unspoken message, and an ominous black robot.
Now, five years later, D’laine was getting ready to go off to college. During one last shopping trip with her father and brothers for dorm supplies, a blanket of fog rolled out of the sky at the mall, in broad daylight in plain sight of dozens of witnesses. When the fog pulled back D’laine was gone.
When she woke, her nightmare turned into reality.

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Spicy Chocolate - Book 3 of the Alcott Family Adventures
Everyone croons over Dorothea’s twins, and Bambi’s baby in Lila Mae’s dining room. Louie jumps up and barks, waking the babies. Lila Mae and Amelia look to see who arrived—everyone was already accounted for.
A young Hispanic woman gets out of a cab, with luggage. She sashays to the kitchen door and waves at Amelia and Lila Mae. Amelia opens the door and the woman barges in. She’s Chiquita, one of Uncle Tito’s nieces. She was sent to train for Amelia’s job.
Everyone is flustered. Why would Uncle Tito send Chiquita? Was Amelia going to quit? Lila Mae is freaked out. Amelia’s only thoughts are, “am I dying or getting fired?”
And who’s this chubby-cheeked, middle-aged, cigar-smoking Dougie Vey character that Dr. Victor Tic’s daughter shows up with, all glam and glitter, after being gone for nearly a year? Victor and wife Jeffie Ann had a falling-out with Luna over gambling debts.
The four romantics of Bitter Chocolate go out to dinner and are seen exiting the Bentley by a gang of thugs. The thugs try to rob them. Guess which one of our friends goes into his Shaolin Kung Fu routine? Another remembers some boxing moves. The thugs drop like flies to the sidewalk.
Pecos and the widow are still a couple. He runs the numbers for multiple wedding dates.
Scooter the cat disappears. Louie is sad. The Munson’s accuse Lila Mae of stealing him.
Then Qxxxx shows up and becomes Louie’s best friend.
There’s more love blooming and a surprise change.
Expect company from Las Vegas, and a bumpy ride in Mexico.

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Bitter Chocolate - Book 2 of the Alcott Family Adventures
The characters you loved in Hot Chocolate are back with more escapades of life in Houston’s wealthy River Oaks.
Lila Mae is in a tizzy over the Chocolate Ball – a huge event that she and her sisters, Dorothea and Madge, host every year. But due to unusual circumstances, Dorothea and Madge dump everything in Lila Mae’s lap. If it weren’t for Julian Gillespie of Event Is King, the Chocolate Ball would have melted.
Bernie, the Alcott sisters’ 92-year old father, decides he wants his Bentley back. The sisters and Bambi are horrified. They hire Joseph’s cousin Chewie as Bernie’s new chauffeur.
Wolfram, Lila Mae’s new astrologer, gives clues of things to come. This leaves Lila Mae and her sidekick Amelia with brows furrowed.
On her day off, Amelia decides to bake a chocolate blueberry pie. She discovers she needs to make a grocery run. When she returns home, she discovers her kitchen door is slightly ajar. Arms loaded with groceries, she toes the door open.
Three things catch her attention: a vase of flowers on the kitchen island that was not there when she left the house, her marble rolling pin covered with blood… and a dead body on her kitchen floor.
Amelia’s eyes drift toward the dining room and beyond – is the house empty, or is there a murderer in the house? She backs up, turns and hurries outside. After setting the bags on the ground, she slips back into the kitchen and snaps a picture of the dead guy. Then she calls Detective Chance Walker, Lila Mae and finally… 9-1-1.

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Hot Chocolate - Book 1 of the Alcott Family Adventures
Meet the middle-aged, eccentric Alcott sisters: Madge, Lila Mae and Dorothea, heiresses to the Alcott Chocolate fortune and mavens of Houston's elite River Oaks.
Madge ambushes Lila Mae with Dorothea's manipulative plea: she can't care for Bernie, their 92-year old father, any longer. Lila Mae explodes in a hissy fit--she had warned Dorothea years ago that they should put Bernie in an assisted living center.
Robert, Lila Mae's astrologer, warns of impending problems and he's rarely wrong.
The sisters call a meeting with Walter Branson, their solicitor. They discuss Bernie's nurse Bambi Chaline, a blonde bombshell who looks more like a hooker than a nurse. The sisters fear that Bambi has her sights on being the next Mrs. Alcott and the need to separate her from their father is at critical mass.
Arrangements are made for Bernie to be transferred over to Lake Sides Assisted Living Center in the Uptown Galleria area and a severance package is drawn up for Bambi. Out from under the ever watchful eye of Dorothea, Bernie takes to the Lake Sides social scene like a butterfly to sugar-water. He's the best dressed senior and chases the nurses relentlessly. He may be 92, but he's a handful.
Jimmy Ray Chaline, Bambi's bowling alley husband, is enraged that Bambi was let go. He hires ambulance chaser Mark Slade to file a lawsuit for wrongful termination. Bambi had been more than satisfied with her bonus, letters of recommendation and praise from the Alcott clan. She does not want to sue her former employer and the Alcott chocolate empire.
Jimmy Ray's eyes dazzle as Mark Slade convinces him that the court will award Bambi millions. The judge dismisses the suit as frivolous and it is thrown out of court further fueling Jimmy Ray's rage. He's shocked when the callous attorney demands his bill be paid upon receipt.
When Jimmy Ray fails to return home from the bowling alley that night, a series of events unfold that shocks the entire Alcott family and their extended members.
Who killed Jimmy Ray Chaline? Was it Bambi, his innocent looking wife? Could it have been Tilly, Walter Branson's half-looped niece who had a mysterious relationship with Jimmy Ray? Or was it Dorothea Divine - the weapon came from her house where Bambi worked for three years.
The Alcott clan is in turmoil and no amount of chocolate will soothe their nerves until they solve the mystery and Dorothea is off the hook.

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Mastering Your Money
If you or someone you know is constantly coming up short of money in your checkbook, or if you have checks bouncing like basket balls, Mastering Your Money will take the mystery out of maintaining your checkbook. You will soon learn:
* How to create a budget.
* Why checks bounce (Hint: you contribute to this).
* What happens when a check bounces.
* How to make your check register your financial guru.
* And how to maintain your checkbook so you can safely use online banking without disasters.
This book is perfect for:
* Young people getting started on their own.
* High school and college students.
* People starting over.
* Anyone thrust into the role of responsibility for their household.

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Barnes and Noble
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The Puppy Baby Book
This unique fill-in-the-blanks book gives dog lovers the same opportunity to chart their puppies growth and progress, as parents of infants do with their baby books. Now, as your puppy grows, you can document:
*Where the puppy was born
*The birth parents names and breeds
*Who the puppy resembles
*Where the puppy was adopted from
*Puppy's first meal
*The puppy's playmates
*When potty training took place
*Obedience school classes
*Favorite things to do
*What vitamins the puppy takes
*Medical records
*Medical emergencies and blunders
*And much more There is a keepsake pocket for the first rabies tag after it expires, a page where you can place your puppy's paw prints, a pocket to keep the adoption papers, a placeholder for an adoption announcement card, a first aid kit list, and picture placeholders throughout the book. You will be able to write what you did with your puppy on special days throughout the calendar year from New Years day to Hanukkah and Christmas -- 23 occasions in all.

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Author Direct

Writer’s Preparation Handbook
You want to write a book, but you don’t know the first thing about getting started. Will it cost you money to create a book? How should you begin? Maybe you’re not that computer savvy. This course helps you get everything organized so when you sit down in front of that computer you will not be intimidated by the setup and mechanics of getting started. You will be able to dive into writing your book content and, you will make great progress as you challenge yourself to write more and more each time you sit down at your computer. The great thing is, you will learn some neat tips and tricks along the way to make your book dream come true.

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Author Recommended by: HBSystems Publications
Publisher of ebooks, writing industry blogger and the sponsor of the following blogs:
Indie Author’s Corner
Mystery Reader’s Circle