Be sure to check out what they have coming next for their readers. I try to pick authors who are interesting studies and ask them unique questions for our Q/A section.
Check out the Showcase feature of the HBS Author's Spotlight. I have included those authors in this class. Also, we have added the Author Bundles we have posted this month.
Thanks to the following outstanding authors for a great month. Here is a summary of our June 2015 crew.

Rhys Bowen
Author Genre: Mystery & Thrillers, Historical Fiction, Mystery
Website: Rhys Bowen
Twitter: @RhysBowen
Google+: Check Out Google+
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Next: I write two series and the latest in the Royal Spyness novels just came out, called Malice at the Palace. After that I have a Molly Christmas book appearing on November 17th, called Away in a Manger, and then the Next Molly book in March 2016, called Time of Fog and Fire... set in San Francisco in April 1906.
Social media: I have a great following on Twitter and eleven thousand plus on Facebook. Neither has changed the way I write, but the immediate interaction with my readers is powerful. They love to know where I am and what I am doing. I can keep in touch on book tour and share my special moments with them
Personal appearances: the next place I'll be speaking is at the Bouchercon mystery convention in Raleigh NC in October. then nothing more until the Christmas book comes out, when I'm sure I'll be doing events
Covers: Authors often have little say in their covers. I am lucky because I am shown preliminary sketches and can make suggestions. And you are right. Both series have a great brand look to them. I have gotten readers involved in titles but not cover design. That's up to the art department at the publishing house.
Audiobooks: My audiobook sales have literally changed my life. Audible has adopted me as one of their top mystery authors and I sell incredible numbers of audio books. My Royal Spyness titles are always on their bestseller lists and this new medium has opened up my writing to a whole different type of reader/listener.
Short stories: I love writing short stories as I can explore worlds I wouldn't want to visit for whole novels. I find them a challenge but also satisfying. I have done several short stories that feature the same characters as my book series and of course these are helpful in introducing the books to readers who might not have tried them.
Reader list: I keep a mailing list and send out a newsletter about six times a year. I also give daily updates on Facebook and use Twitter for smaller news bytes. People can click on my website to join my mailing list and I have run several contests where people have added their names to my list.
Tucson Festival of Books: The Tucson festival is brilliant. It is one of the rare opportunities when I am able to speak to crowds who are not normally mystery readers and thus gain a new audience. It is a fantastic experience to be on a panel with very famous people and to have an audience of several hundred.
Author's Book List
Malice at the Palace
The Edge of Dreams
City of Darkness and Light
The Family Way
Hush Now, Don't You Cry
Bless the Bride
The Last Illusion
In a Gilded Cage
Tell Me, Pretty Maiden
In Dublin's Fair City
Oh Danny Boy
In Like Flynn
For the Love of Mike
Death of Riley
Murphy's Law
Queen of Hearts
Heirs and Graces
The Twelve Clues of Christmas
Naughty In Nice
Royal Blood
Royal Flush
A Royal Pain
Her Royal Spyness

For the rest of the story...View Rhys Bowen - HBS Author's Spotlight

Diane Burton
Author Genre: Science Fiction Romance, Romantic Suspense, Mysteries
Author's Blog: Diane Burton - Adventure and Romance . . . in this world and beyond
Website: Diane Burton ~ Author
Twitter: @dmburton72
Google+: Check Out Google+
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
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Amazon Author Profile
Next: Another Alex O'Hara cozy PI mystery, The Case of the Fabulous Fiance
Social media: I've met so many interesting people--readers and authors alike. Since I believe in "do unto others as you wish them to do undo you" I follow/friend/promote other authors and they do the same to me. I ask for help and so many generous people are there to help launch a new book.
Speaking: In April 2016, I'll go back for a speaking engagement. Readers can find all my online contacts at either my website or on my blog
Covers: Florence Price from The Novel Difference has done the covers of my last three books. She also did the cover for my upcoming novel The Case of the Fabulous Fiance.
Writer support groups: Romance Writers of America, Mid-Michigan RWA, Fantasy, Futuristic, & Paranormal RWA, Kiss of Death RWA, Savvy Authors, Insecure Writers Support Group, Marketing For Romance Writers, Authors Helping Authors, a critique group, and a critique partner.
Book tour with Novel Book Tours sponsored by Florence Price: Florence is so easy to work with. She has a great "stable" of reader/author blogs who are wiling to be stops on the tours (my blog been a stop on other author's tours).
Blog: My goal is sharing--ideas, new books, new authors. The wonderful guests my blog are so willing to have me guest on their blogs. Time management is tough.
Author's Book List
The Protector
The Case of the Bygone Brother
The Chameleon
One Red Shoe
Switched Resolution
The Pilot
Switched, Too

For the rest of the story...View Diane Burton - HBS Author's Spotlight

Melodie Campbell
Author Genre: Humor, Fantasy, Mystery
Author's Blog: Melodie Campbell
Twitter: @MelodieCampbell
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
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Next: I have two books coming out this year, James! A Killer Necklace will be coming out in October. It's the second book in the series that started with A Purse to Die For…In January, the 4th book of award-winning Goddaughter series will be coming out. It's called The Goddaughter Caper, and is broad comedy.
Social media: I am very active on social media, James! Besides my own humor blog, which has over 60,000 hits, I guest blog a lot. I've done over 110 guest blogs in three years.
Personal appearances: I'm doing a lot of readings and panel appearances in the fall. You can follow where I'm at by checking my website:
Short stories: I actually got my start writing short stories, and had 24 published and six awards before writing my first novel. Many people have found me through short stories published in Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine, and have gone on to read my novels. I will always write short stories, James! I love the clarity and crispness of a good short story.
Author bundles: Deadly Dozen
My publisher had the idea, and I think it's great! People buy a bundle to read an author they already know, and discover new ones along the way. I've done it myself.
Writer support groups: I'm the Executive Director of Crime Writers of Canada, the national professional association for crime writers in Canada. We do lots of book promotion on behalf of our members. I also belong to the International Association of Crime Writers.
Free books: I think the free book thing worked really well, two years ago. There were two goals, as I saw it:
1. To get more reviews, so you could qualify for ads like Bookbub.
2. To reach new readers who liked your style so much that they would buy your other books.
I'm not so sure the free book thing works as well right now. It's simply a matter of over-abundance. From what I have heard, readers have hundreds of free, unread books on their kindles already.
Teamed with Cynthia St-Pierre to write ‘A Purse to Die For’: We had a great time! Basically, we sketched out a basic plot together, without too much detail. Then we each took turns writing a chapter. I took delight in reading what Cindy would come up with.
Author's Book List
Code Name: Gypsy Moth
The Artful Goddaughter
Rowena and the Viking Warlord
The Goddaughter's Revenge
Rowena and the Dark Lord
The Goddaughter
A Purse to Die For
Rowena Through the Wall

For the rest of the story...View Melodie Campbell - HBS Author's Spotlight

Tonya Kappes
Author Genre: Mystery & Thrillers, Romance, Women & Gender Studies
Website: Author Tonya Kappes
Twitter: @tonyakappes11
E-Mail: Tonyak11(at)yahoo(dot)com
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
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Amazon Author Profile
Next: The fourth novel in my Ghostly Southern Mystery Series, A GHOSTLY MURDER, will be released on September 28th! I'm very fortunate HarperCollins has put out the first four novels in the series this year!
Social media: Oh these are such GREAT questions. Social media, including Twitter has really changed the way I have interacted with readers. I'm a people person and the more up front and personal I can get with someone, the better. Social media has really let me get to know my readers as more than just a reader. I'm also able to share with them my personal life and let them connect with me.
Covers: I'm fortunate enough to have cover control with my traditional novels as well as my self-published titles. While writing the novels, I get a good sense of what I'd like to have on the cover. From there I work with the artist to get exactly what is in my head. Covers are VERY important to me.
Audiobooks: I absolutely LOVE audio books. It has NOT hurt my regular sales at all. In fact, it has opened up a whole new audience. Some readers have bad eyes or can't read for long periods of time and the audio book works great for them. I would tell every author to be on every platform. Why not?
Short stories: I came up with my first short when I wanted to introduce the reader to a new crop of characters. It was sort of a prequel thing. Since I write mystery, I have a tad bit of romance in them. Short stories are great to hit on those romance elements instead of incorporating them in a full novel. It's been very helpful for me and keeps my readers happy between novels.
Author bundles - Tombstones and Tiaras: I was very excited to be asked to be in that boxset. Our idea was to be what I like to call PR BUDDIES where we tap into each other's reader base. It's a great way to get new readers. Luckily I've never had to put one together. I'm on the fun end.
Free books: I have a perm-free novel on kindle. It's the first in my Magical Cures Series. I give it away because I want to reach more readers and if they end up liking my free novel, they will pick up the other 8 in the series
Reader list: I have a pretty big newsletter list. I also keep an address book of my reader's mailing address. Every month I mail between 10-20 post cards to random readers. I hope they feel happy and loved and appreciated when they get one from me. It's my way of showing appreciation.
Author's Book List
A Ghostly Demise
Checkered Thief
A Ghostly Grave
A Ghostly Undertaking
A Charming Secret
Checkered Past
Taming Mr. Right
Checkered Crime
Crimped To Death
Tag. . .You're IT
A Charming Magic
A Charming Spell
A Charming Wish
Strung Out to Die
A Charming Cure
A Charming Crime

For the rest of the story...View Tonya Kappes - HBS Author's Spotlight

A. J. Lape
Author Genre: Young Adult, Mystery, Thriller
Website: A. J. Lape
Twitter: @AJLape
Google+: Check Out Google+
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
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Amazon Author Profile
Next: I’m currently working on the fifth book in the series called, “Foolproof.” This is the senior year in high school for Darcy and her friends. A little tease for the reader is the theme is all about the changes that you go through senior year in high school…
Social media relationships are very important to me and indie authors in general because we don’t have the advertising dollars that come with big publishing houses. So I try to form relationships with readers through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and newsletters to keep them in the loop with what’s going on in Darcy’s world.
Book signings, interviews, speaking and personal appearances: I do all three of those and love to get the chance to talk with readers directly. It's so much fun to discover the affect your character has on someone and to find out you’ve given someone a little bit of escapism is the best feeling in the world. If a reader wants to keep up with me for specific events, the best way is to sign up for my newsletter or check my calendar of events on my website.
Covers: I absolutely love my covers. They are done by the guys at ’68 Zombie Comics. I went to high school with Mark Kidwell, the illustrator at ’68 Zombie Comics, and I will contact him before a book releases and give him a plot summary. Mark will then pull something together and his partner, Jay Fotos, will color it.
Giveaways: My first book, Grade A Stupid, is on perma-free at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Kobo, and Smashwords. My main goal was to get readers drawn into the series at no cost for them and hopefully they enjoy Darcy’s world and decide to stay. Being on perma-free is a double-edged sword though. You can give away thousands of books a month on something you’ve worked so hard to create. That being said, the payoff has been worth it because of the free advertising.
Book tours: I think any time you get your name out there in book tours and blog hops you are encountering readers that you may never have met before. Yes, I do both of these. Do they always transpire into sales? It’s hard to measure sometimes but again, the exposure for you and your series is what keeps the indie boat chugging along.
Book launch process: I always hire a couple of promotional companies before a book launch to help get the word out and hire someone to organize a blog tour. Both of these companies will offer ARC copies to those bloggers that want to read and review. I will try to give bloggers about a month ahead of time to read and review and request they post their review on release day. I know a lot of indies do all the organizing themselves to save money, but I just don’t have the time to do it.
Reviews: For each book, I will send ARCs or advanced readers copies, out to bloggers that have reviewed in the past. I will also do a social media push and rely on my loyal reader audience. The professional review services are uber expensive, and I haven’t gone this route, but it is something I think about all the time, wondering if I’m making a mistake.
Author's Book List
100 Proof Stud
No Brainer
Grade A Stupid

For the rest of the story...View A. J. Lape - HBS Author's Spotlight

Regina Morris
Author Genre: Fiction, Romance, Paranormal
Author's Blog: Author Regina Morris
Website: Author Regina Morris
Twitter: @ReginaMorris
Google+: Check Out Google+
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
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Amazon Author Profile
Next: I have a few projects in the works. 1) "Eternal Service" will be available in audio format in November. 2) A COLONY collection of the first three books will be available by December. 3) An alternate time travel novel (not in the COLONY series) will come out spring of 2016. A Vampire in Paris novellla will come out summer of 2016. 4) A COLONY Christmas novel will be out December 2016.
Social media: I love Twitter. I follow bloggers in my genre and I like to post about freebies, other author's information, information about the craft or writing, and a lot of other great pieces of information. The secret to successfully tweeting is to give 90% information and only 10% self-promotion for your books. I connect with a lot of readers this way.
Book signings: Joining my newsletter is the best way of knowing where I am and what my next project is. You can sign up at I'm scheduled to do a signing in San Antonio in February 2016 and a signing in Dallas in August 2016.
Book trailers: I used to create them. Overall I haven't connected with a lot of readers through my videos but people have told me that they are nice.
Giveaways: I'm always giving away an ebook, a marketing paperback book, or something. My newsletter will have more information, but in general I am involved with at least one giveaway a month.
Book tours: If you have the time to do your own book tour or to sign up with one that has a proven track record, you'll do well. If you're in a pinch and sign up with a company that no one has recommended to you, you might not see the results you want.
Time management: I gave up sleeping a long time ago. My passion is writing and every spare minute I have I'm always trying to advance my next novel forward. I take a lot of writing classes too to keep on top of what readers are looking for in their novels.
Author's Book List
Reliant Service
William's Tale
Enduring Service
United Service
Eternal Service

For the rest of the story...View Regina Morris - HBS Author's Spotlight

Cathy Ann Rogers
Author Genre: Mystery, Crime, Suspense
Author's Blog: Cathy Ann Rogers
Website: Cathy Ann Rogers
Twitter: @feywritinggirl
Google+: Check Out Google+
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
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Next: Here Lies Hidden, is the sequel to Here Lies Buried, and the second in the Pilar Sagasta series. The projected release date is December 2015.
Arizona Mystery Con 2016: Any authors or readers interested in should go to
for information on author panels and other reader opportunities. Embassy Suites has a great room rates available.
Aquitaine Ltd, the sponsor of the Arizona Mystery Con 2016: Aquitaine Ltd, or Aquitaine Publishing, evolved from publishing my own books into my desire to share the knowledge I’ve gained on my path to publishing. I’ve had other authors come to me for advice, so I thought the best way to encourage other new writers is to give them a place where their book is respected while providing them with direction to make it the best it can be. We specialize in emerging writers on a platform that is part self-publishing, part traditional publishing. While I know plenty of self-published or Indi authors, I observed a need for a professional touch in book covers, independent editing. We also provide marketing materials, such as bookmarks, postcards, and other handouts. Aquitaine never charges an author a fee to publish their books, but in return I require the use of my own book cover designer and professional independent editor to make sure the content is as clean as possible and is represented by a striking cover.
Our tagline is, “Boutique publisher for the emerging writer.” We solicit most fiction genres and non-fiction (see Submission Requirements at
). The goal is not to focus on one genre, but to focus on new authors.
Short stories: First, I enjoy creating short stories and consider them an art form in their own right. Similar to telling a story as flash fiction, in less than 100 words or 500 words, I love the challenge of using fewer words to get the story across. On the business side, I track the free downloads of my short stories and get a lot of activity.
Author bundles: Speaking for myself only, I viewed my inclusion in anthologies as a way to get exposure for my writing… I believe providing the public a taste of your work in small bites a good way for readers to find out about your style before they invest dollars in a novel.
Reader list: I began compiling my list and add to it from newsletter signups or from readers who give me their email information to keep up with what I’m doing. I use social media to increase my presence and direct them to my website where they can subscribe to my newsletter/blog.
Reviews: For the first book, Here Lies Buried, I solicited professional reviewers, but I’m happier relying on the honesty of my reading audience, even if they don’t care for my book. I learn from criticism and want to know what they think. Social media is a great way to solicit real reader reviews.
Author's Book List
Sick In Shadows
Deliberate Fools
Heavy Mascara
Woman's Work: A Short Story
Here Lies Buried

For the rest of the story...View Cathy Ann Rogers - HBS Author's Spotlight

Rik Stone
Author Genre: Thriller, Crime, Suspense
Website: Rik Stone
Twitter: @stone_rik
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
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Amazon Author Profile
Next: [Following] The Turkish Connection and Birth of an Assassin is The Man in the Blue Fez, book three, brings the agents together to face new, and old, enemies.
Social media is really important to a writer in need of exposure; and that covers all of us! As you build relationships, you begin to care, pretty much like real life, and the support I’ve had from fellow writers, readers and marketeers has been awesome.
Book signings for independent publishers are still in its infancy in the UK, but it really is a case of watch this space. I do have some stuff lined up for next year that includes signings and I have previously done a little TV and radio. Book festivals for the independents are beginning to pop up over here, so that is another positive on the horizon.
Book trailer: I haven’t a clue as to whether the trailer has actually sold books, but I’ve had a lot of positive comments about it. Either way, I feel it rounds off the professional projection of the work on offer and it makes the bookshelf that much more attractive. Actually, having said that I guess it must help with sales.
Audio books: It has been available for a few months, but the audio is still a work in progress. While it is a very professional production by the narrator, my approach to the marketing has had shortcomings. I should have carried out more research, but, typical me, I learn a lot of stuff in retrospect. Online advertising for audio, certainly in the UK, seems to be thin on the ground, but I have since found out there are quite a lot of folk out there who do audio reviews. The difficult part is finding them! I have been putting a file together and when I think I have enough people to approach, I will hit them all at once. Hopefully, that will have more of an impact should the assault prove successful.
Audio sample on your website: To produce the audiobook I worked in partnership with Dennis Kleinman, a Los Angeles voice actor. He was a very easy associate and he sent me one or two chapters at a time for approval. I’m not a director and have no desire to be so; the work was merely sent for accuracy checks and to make sure I liked his take on the story. Anyway, as I checked it out I picked snippets that I thought stood alone quite well. Dennis supplied me with the pieces as separate soundtracks which were then uploaded to the website.
Reader list: I do maintain a reader list, yes. I use social media to drive people to my site where I offer the first two chapters of the Birth of an Assassin audio in exchange for an email address. All of the hype will tell you that such a list is of paramount importance, and who am I to disagree, but I don’t feel I reach as many readers as I’d like to.
Getting reviews: If by saying professional reviews you include book tours, then yes, I use them quite a bit; some are excellent and I stick with them, others not so much. I’m not talking about good/bad reviews with the thumbs down brigade, more that they don’t fulfill their obligations.
Author's Book List
The Turkish Connection
Birth of an Assassin

For the rest of the story...View Rik Stone - HBS Author's Spotlight

Glenn Trust
Author Genre: Fiction, Thriller, Suspense
Website: Glenn Trust / Sweat Equity Books
Twitter: @GlennTrust
Google+: Check Out Google+
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
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Next: The next book coming is titled “Blue Water Horizon”, working title, of course, as they seem to change during the editing process sometimes. It’s the third book in the Blue Eyes Series, a bit lesser known than The Hunters, but building a following.
Great covers: Thanks. I appreciate that. Covers were something new to me, and I have had to learn a lot over the years. I actually design and produce all of my covers. For me, Cover Design has become part of the artistic process in writing the book. I usually get into the book, see where the story takes me, what key themes there are, where the drama, conflict, tension, etc. will be in the story and try to incorporate that in the cover.
Short story collection: ‘Lightning in the Clouds’ was one of my favorite projects. I have always been a fan of the short story format. Short works of Bradbury and Hemingway are among my favorites.
Bundling a series of novels: There has been some impact on sales, not huge but steady I think. Putting the series together started as a marketing idea to allow readers who may have read my books to gift them to others around the holidays at a reduced price. I kept the collection out there because there are some who like the format, not having to wait for the next book, or having to go out and find it and download it.
Giveaways: Honestly, sometimes it is painful to know you are handing out books for free when you just spent months writing and fine-tuning a story. One of the Hunters books may have four to six months of work in them, a thousand hours of creative labor. In short, it galls just to give it away as if it has no worth.
Reader list: I do have an Email subscriber list. As I mentioned, readers can subscribe at
Blogging: I enjoy blogging but have to be careful it doesn’t interfere with the creative writing that is my love. Sometimes it is tempting to spend more time blogging than I should. My primary goal in blogging and maintaining a website is to stay in touch with readers.
Reviews: ...I never pay for reviews. I know some have in the past, and I think that has hurt all of us as independent authors. Paid reviews damage the credibility of the independent writer – reader relationship, so for any new authors out there…do not do it.
Author's Book List
Fire and Blood
Blood Reckoning
Criminal Enterprise
Sanctioned Murder
Eyes of the Predator
Dying Embers
Lightning in the Clouds
A Desert View
An Empty Tree

For the rest of the story...View Glenn Trust - HBS Author's Spotlight

HBS Author's Spotlight Showcase

Connie Flynn
Featured Book: Know When to Run
Author Genre: Mystery, Fantasy and Romance
Author's Blog: Imagination Gone Wild
Website: Connie's Books
Twitter: @ConnieFlynn
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
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Author Description:
FIRST WE KILL ALL THE ZOMBIES launched my series of zany supernatural mysteries involving, of course, zombies, but also very real human villains who aim to rule the world, perhaps the galaxy. But they're up against gutsy amusement park owners who have just returned from their honeymoon, fighting mad that it was interrupted.
If you are a short story fan, you may have come across There's a Dead Elf in Santa's Workshop and/or Murder at the Toadstool Cafe which introduce Derek and Clara Shriver. This couple will be with us a while as the series continues. They are a revival of the old school husband and wife teams that populated fiction and television back in the 1970s and 1980s and I'm looking forward to working with them for some time to come. Which means I'm developing a sequel to ZOMBIE.
Also coming up is the sequel to KNOW WHEN TO RUN, my romantic suspense series set on a riverboat. It will tentatively star the daughter of the mob boss. To stay in touch with story developments and my appearances, subscribe to my free newsletter at
or through my website
Meanwhile, keep on reading. And remember that novels expand the imagination better than any other entertainment form. True fact.
Author's Book List
First We Kill All the Zombies
Know When to Run
Old Bones
The Dragon Hour
Chills & Thrills Paranormal Boxed Set
The Fire Opal
Shadow of the Wolf
Shadow on the Moon

For the rest of the story...View Connie Flynn - HBS Author's Spotlight Showcase

Matthew Mather
Featured Book: NOMAD
Author Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Website: Matthew Mather - tomorrow -- today
Twitter: @PhutureNews
Google+: Check Out Google+
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
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Author Description:
In just three years, Matthew Mather's books have sold over a half million copies and been translated into sixteen languages, with 20th Century Fox developing his second novel, CyberStorm, for film. He began his career as a researcher at the McGill Center for Intelligent Machines, before starting high-tech ventures in everything from computational nanotechnology to electronic health records, weather prediction systems to genomics, even designing an award-winning brain-training video game. He now works as a full-time author of speculative fiction.
Author's Book List
The Dystopia Chronicles
The Atopia Chronicles

For the rest of the story...View Matthew Mather - HBS Author's Spotlight Showcase

HBS Bundles and Co-Authored Showcase

Featured Set: Score One For Love

A Boxed Set of Ten Sexy Sports Romances

Score a touchdown with this fantastic collection of 10 romance novellas from USA Today bestselling and award-winning authors. Football, hockey, soccer, baseball and so much more—there’s a sexy story for every sports fan and every lover of romance. So, grab your copy today because everyone’s a winner when you Score One For Love!
"Playing for Keeps" by Michele Shriver
"Racing Hearts" by Marcia James
"Loved by the Linebacker" by Lyssa Layne
"Finding the Strength" by Stacy Eaton
"Third Base" by P.C. Zick
"Flawed" Jade Kerrion
"An Unforgettable Lesson" by Abbie St. Claire
"Body Lock" by Kimmie Easley
"Serving Up Love" by Chantel Rhondeau
"Played by Love" by Rachelle Ayala

Title: Playing for Keeps
Author: Michele Shriver

Available at Amazon

Author: Michele Shriver
Author Genre: Real Life Women’s Fiction, Chick Lit
Website: Michele Shriver
Author's Blog: Michele Shriver - Author of Real Life Women's Fiction
Twitter: @micheleshriver
Goodreads: Check Out Goodreads
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
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Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
I was born in Iowa and raised in Texas and now live in Iowa again. I am proud to consider both states to be home, and therefore poke fun at both of them, but it's always meant in the nicest way possible. I am a practicing attorney with a focus on juvenile law and have also worked as an educator, and some of my experiences have found their way into my writing. My dream is to someday pay the bills as a writer and be able to spend winters in the Dallas area going to Dallas Stars hockey games. In my free time, when I'm not writing, I am probably at a Zumba class, riding my bike, watching a football, hockey or soccer game on TV, or enjoying a glass of wine while I lose myself in a good book written by someone else.

Title: Racing Hearts
Author: Marcia James

Author: Marcia James
Author Genre: Romance
Website: Marcia James Web Site
Author's Blog: James Gang
Twitter: @Marcia_James
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
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Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Marcia James writes hot, humorous romances and finaled in eleven Romance Writers of America contests before selling her first comic romantic suspense, At Her Command. Her latest releases are Sex & the Single Therapist (a comic romantic mystery), Heating Up the Holidays (a romantic Christmas novella), and Love Unleashed (a super sexy reunion romance). In her eclectic career, she has shot submarine training videos, organized celebrity-filled nonprofit events and had her wedding covered by People Magazine. After years of dealing with such sexy topics as how to safely install traffic lights, she is enjoying "researching" and plotting her novels' steamy love scenes with her husband and hero of many years.

Title: Loved by the Linebacker
Author: Lyssa Layne

Available at Amazon

Author: Lyssa Layne
Author Genre: Romance, Chick Lit
Twitter: @layne_lyssa
Goodreads: Check Out Goodreads
Google+: Check Out Google+
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Lyssa Layne is first, and foremost, the proud momma to her precious daughter, AR. In addition to working full-time and being a mommy to AR, she is also an avid St. Louis Cardinals fan, a runner, blogger, and an infertility survivor. Having watched one too many medical dramas and being inspired by author Rachelle Ayala, who introduced her to the world of indie writing, Lyssa decided to try her hand at writing a romance story. Her attempt turned into the Burning Lovesick series. You can find Lyssa's own interests throughout her stories although all stories are fictional.

Title: Finding the Strength
Author: Stacy Eaton

Available at Amazon

Author: Stacy Eaton
Author Genre: Crime, Thriller and Mystery
Website: Stacy Eaton
Author's Blog: Stacy Eaton, Author
Twitter: @StacySEaton
Goodreads: Check Out Goodreads
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
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Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Stacy Eaton is a police officer by profession. Currently, she is assigned as the department detective and enjoys digging into cases and putting the pieces of the puzzles together.
Stacy resides in southeastern Pennsylvania and is the wife to a police officer and the mother of two. She is very proud of her son who is currently serving in the United States Navy and equally proud of her tween daughter who is a black belt and cheerleader.
Stacy also currently servers on the Board of Directors for her local Domestic Violence Center. When Stacy is not working her demanding job, or spending time with her family, she works on her business and volunteers with the World Literary Café. When there is time, she writes.

Title: Third Base
Author: P. C. Zick

Available at Amazon

Author: P. C. Zick
Author Genre: Literature & Fiction
Website: P. C. Zick
Author's Blog: Living Lightly
Twitter: @PCZick
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Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
P.C. Zick began her writing career in 1998 as a journalist. She's won various awards for her essays, columns, editorials, articles, and fiction. She describes herself as a "storyteller" no matter the genre.
She's published five works of fiction and two nonfiction books.
She was born in Michigan and moved to Florida in 1980. She finds the stories of Florida and its people and environment a rich base for her storytelling platform. Florida's quirky and abundant wildlife - both human and animal - supply her fiction with tales almost too weird to be believable.
Her fiction contains the elements most dear to her heart, ranging from love to the environment. In her novels, she advances the cause for wildlife conservation and energy conservation. She believes in living lightly upon this earth with love, laughter, and passion.
"This is one of the most exciting times to be an author," Ms. Zick says. "I'm honored to be a part of the revolution in writing and publishing."

Title: Flawed
Author: Jade Kerrion

Available at Amazon

Author: Jade Kerrion
Author Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Website: Jade Kerrion
Twitter: @JadeKerrion
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Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Jade Kerrion, an award-winning author, got her start in fan fiction. She developed a loyal reader base with her fan fiction series based on the MMORPG Guild Wars. She was accused of keeping her readers up at night, distracting them from work, housework, homework, and (far worse), from actually playing Guild Wars.
And then she wondered why just screw up the time management skills of gamers? Why not aspire to screw everyone else up too? So here she is, writing books that aspire to keep you from doing anything else useful with your time. She lives in Fort Lauderdale, Florida with her wonderfully supportive husband and her two young sons, Saint and Angel, (no, those aren't their real names, but they are like saints and angels, except when they're not.)

Title: An Unforgettable Lesson
Author: Abbie St. Claire

Available at Amazon

Author: Abbie St. Claire
Author Genre: Romance
Website: Abbie St. Claire
Twitter: @AbbieStClaire
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Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
I've spent many years crafting stories in my brain. Finally, after the encouragement from those that love and support me the most, I put my first story out by self-publishing in 2013. That first milestone created a writing monster in me that couldn't be stopped and filled a void I cannot explain. Each story is a true gift from my heart and a sacrifice from my soul, since I find it difficult to let the characters go. At home in Texas, my husband and I share our life with children that mean the world to us and include a couple of fur babies. When we aren't busy watching sports and betting on the game, we are entertaining with friends. I do have a writing cave, but honestly, most of my work comes from the kitchen, the heartbeat of any home. Since noise doesn't disturb me too much when writing, I can write and keep the pulse on the family at the same time. And... Possibly enjoy my favorite, sinful treat... Cookie dough! The writer-reader world is my lifeline. I'm addicted and each time I get a message from a reader, I'm thrilled. There's quite a few stories planned for the next several months. I'm hoping the readers fall in love with my next series, The Creek Series. A story that is guaranteed to bring out all the emotions.

Title: Body Lock
Author: Kimmie Easley

Available at Amazon

Author: Kimmie Easley
Author Genre: Romance, Erotic, Fiction
Website: Kimmie Easley - Romance Author
Twitter: @KimmieAnnWrites
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Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Kimmie is an author who grew up traveling the country, rarely settling in one place for much longer than a minute. Being no stranger to heartache, she allows her unconventional childhood to fuel her writing. Kimmie is addicted to all things books, wine, cupcakes, and flip flops. She is a homeschool momma, southern wife, and pug wrangler. Kimmie can be found somewhere in the south writing wine worthy stories. Gutter Princess coming in 2015 from Swoon Romance.

Title: Serving Up Love
Author: Chantel Rhondeau

Available at Amazon

Author: Chantel Rhondeau
Author Genre: Romance, Mystery & Thrillers
Website: Chantel Rhondeau - Romantic Suspense
Author's Blog: Chantel Rhondeau - Past Writing/Self-publishing Tips
Twitter: @ChantelRhondeau
E-Mail: ChantelRhondeau(at)gmail(dot)com
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Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
I once thought a great mystery or fantasy book with strong romantic themes was the highest level of reading bliss. After reading my first romantic suspense novel, I never looked back. Before long, the need to create my own stories took over. I spend my days in the clinical profession of medical transcriptionist, but my passion is in the blissful hours spent with my characters in the evenings.
I live in the western United States, and when I'm not writing I love playing cards with my family, bowling, and snuggling with my lazy kitties.

Title: Played by Love
Author: Rachelle Ayala

Available at Amazon

Author: Rachelle Ayala
Author Genre: Romance Historical
Website: Rachelle Ayala
Author's Blog: When a Woman Wrongs a Man
Twitter: @AyalaRachelle
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Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Rachelle Ayala was a software engineer until she discovered storytelling works better in fiction than real code. She has over thirty years of writing experience and has always lived in a multi-cultural environment. The tapestry of characters in her books reflect that diversity. Rachelle is currently working on a story dealing with women and contemporary issues. She is a very happy woman and lives in California with her husband. She has three children and has taught violin and made mountain dulcimers

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