Author Genre: Mystery & Thrillers, Literature & Fiction, Crime
Website: Bruce A. Borders - Author
Author's Blog: Bruce A. Borders - Author
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Author Description:
Bruce A. Borders was born in 1967 in Cape Girardeau, MO. Bruce's childhood years were spent in a number of states, including Missouri, Oregon, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
During his high school years, he was a member of the football, basketball and track teams, involved in various non-athletic activities such as school yearbook production and photography, and won numerous awards for his artistic creations. Bruce graduated Valedictorian in 1984.
While in school, Bruce held three part-time jobs; a store clerk, a janitor, and a dental technician, working about 60-70 hours per week.
After graduation he became employed full time as a dental technician. Other jobs have included restaurant manager, carpenter and grocery store cashier. For the past sixteen years, he has worked as a commercial truck driver, logging more than two million miles.
At the age of fifteen, Bruce decided to become a writer. He began by writing songs, news articles and short stories. Eventually, books were added to the list. Over the years, he continued to write and currently has a catalog of more than 500 songs, numerous short stories and nine completed books. He writes on a variety of subjects such as the Bible and politics, as well as fictional novels of legal issues and westerns.

SPOTLIGHT Questions and Answers with the Author
Let’s start with what’s next. Rumor has it that you have a children’s book on the horizon called The Adventures of Stupid the Cat. Can you tell us the timeline for its release and give us a little tease?
Yes, this book was a joint effort with my wife. It was a really fun project to work on. The book has been released as both an ebook and paperback. So far the reviews are pretty decent! Http://
You have a good following on twitter. How important have your social media relationships been? How did you build your following in your niche? Do you see a carry over to your writing success?
I have worked for quite a few years to build up a Twitter following that consists of real people. I’m sure that some are bots but the majority are not. Twitter has helped immensely in generating awareness of my books and sales have followed. Perhaps the most notable results came after joining Rave Reviews Book Club. They have a LOT of promotion and support going on there, and it is constant. Https://
Do you do any book signings, interviews, speaking and personal appearances? If so, when and where is the next place where your readers can see you? Where can they keep up with your personal contacts online?
Have not done any book signings or personal appearances yet. Would like to at some point. I work as a truck driver, long hours on the road so, scheduling becomes a problem. I have done a few radio and Internet interviews, but nothing in person.
You have great covers. They carry a theme and your brand with them. How does your book cover creation process work? Do you hand over the basic theme or do you have more of a hands-on approach? Do you get your readers involved in its development?
I design the covers myself. I start as I’m writing the book and try to incorporate the feeling of the book into the design. (Not sure how well that works sometimes). I do occasionally get input from others and rely heavily on my wife’s opinion! If she says it’s junk, then I trash it!
You have written many short stories. Can you tell us if they had an impact on the sales of your novels? Are shorty’s one of your styles of writing or are they created to give readers a sample of your work?
I like to write some short stories. Originally, I thought perhaps I would turn them in to full length novels but so far I have not done that. Not sure if they have impacted sales of the other books or not. But they are fun to write.
I like the idea of bundling a series of novels. You have put together a set of your novels called The Wynn Garrett Series. What was the impact on your other sales? What was your main objective in bundling your works?
The Wynn Garrett Series began as a set of books meant for my children. They are quite political, not politically correct, and a little violent and some would say the guy is downright rude. The main theme of the Wynn Garrett Series is fighting terrorism. My children loved the books so I began publishing them. The impact on other sales has actually been the other way around; I tend to sell more of the Wynn Garrett Series because of the other books than having sales generated through the series. The bundling was to make it more affordable for those who would like to try the series. I put the first three titles together with a price of .99.
Between your book writing, blogging, marketing, music, work, family and all the other things that can get in your way, how do you manage your time? Do you have a set schedule or do you sort of play it by ear?
I try to get the things that have to be done out of the way, and then focus on all of my hobbies. I drive a truck for about 70 hours a week and try to devote at least 40 hours to writing. With all of the other things that come up during the week, quite often, this means no sleep, or very little. My schedule usually ends up being me working on what I can, when I can make the time.
What has been your experience in giving your books away free? Have you been involved in any other type of giveaways and how did that work out? What was your main goal in doing this? Did you run into any obstacles?
I have done a few giveaways on Goodreads. Those were partially successful in that, it generated interest and a few sales. The problem is, it is costly. There is the cost of the book, then shipping charges twice, once to get the book from the printer and once to send it to the winner.
Do you maintain a reader list? What are the methods you use to find your readers and create the list and the relationship? Do you use social media, forums, newsletters and/or support groups to build your list?
I have recently started a reader list. Up until now I have mainly used Twitter and Facebook Groups and as mentioned earlier, Rave Reviews Book Club.
What is your method of getting reviews for your novels? Do you seek professional reviews, use social media or do you rely on your reading audience to supply them?
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the main method of getting reviews is Rave Reviews Book Club. They have a lot of active members who love to read and support authors.
Besides being a successful writer of novels and short stories, you have written many songs including There'll Never Be Another Johnny Cash. I enjoyed listening to the song so I thought I would include this link so our readers could enjoy and sign along with you.
This song is a tribute to the Man In Black, Johnny Cash. Written by Bruce A. Borders and performed by the Borders Brothers. Carl Borders - Guitar, Bruce A. Borders - vocals.
There'll Never Be Another Johnny Cash

Author's Book List

When Thomas Wardahl and Richard Scorby, co-directors of Homeland Security's Anti-Terrorism Operation, discover a scheme by Islamists, to influence and rig an election, things begin looking dim. The only Homeland Security operative in the War On Terror, Wynn Garrett, with his usual antics and disregard for political correctness, manages to spread a little sunshine in the darkness.

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One man against an unknown number of terrorists.
When a digital interface containing sensitive government documents and classified information is stolen from the Anti-terrorist Operation by the terrorist group ASAD, Wynn Garrett is called into action. His assignment initially is to only retrieve the interface but soon turns into more after ASAD attempts to kill him. Ignoring his original mission of finding the interface, in favor of eliminating the targets, his violent tendencies create a political uproar. His bosses, Thomas Wardahl and Richard Scorby are ordered by the President to immediately shut down operations. Wynn Garrett objects, vowing to complete his assignment. In his usual aggressive approach, Wynn manages to function successfully on his own and the terrorists get more than they bargained for.

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Wynn Garrett is back, terrorizing the terrorists!
Muhammad Shaweh, a deranged lunatic who believes himself to be the reincarnated prophet of Islam, is one of five Islamic Caliphs behind the Death To America terrorist organization. When co-directors of the Anti-terrorist Operation, Thomas Wardahl and Richard Scorby, get wind of the religious leaders’ campaign, they respond by sending Wynn Garrett to eliminate the threat. The assignment takes the lone operative to the Nevada desert where he discovers a well-organized, well-funded terrorist training center. A target himself, Wynn Garrett wages his own holy war in an effort to destroy the entire terrorist camp. A brave man, a noble cause, a heroic plan, but will it work?

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Barnes and Noble

The best way to deal with terrorism? Kill the terrorists!
The terrorists are getting smarter, but are they smart enough to beat Wynn Garrett? When Thomas Wardahl and Richard Scorby, uncover a terrorist plot to target several American cities using multiple simultaneous attacks from unmanned missile launching sites, they are quick to initiate a response. The co-directors of the Anti-terrorist Operation contact their operative Wynn Garrett who is confident he can deliver - but he doesn’t plan on trying to do his job from jail. Meanwhile, an unknown number of missiles are waiting to be launched at the push of a button…

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Barnes and Noble

Court is in session; Wynn Garrett presiding.
America is being threatened from within as several high-level federal judges, sympathetic to the terrorists’ cause, conspire to use their position on the Court to aid their fellow Muslims. Thomas Wardahl and Richard Scorby, co-directors of the Anti-terrorist Operation, have other plans. Realizing the danger the judges pose to national security, they call their only operative, Wynn Garrett, into action. Always ready to defend America from any threat, Wynn conducts a slightly unconventional judicial review. But targeting judges turns out to be more difficult than it first seems.

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Barnes and Noble

The terrorism risk in America has reached an all-time high. Recognizing the need for an aggressive response, Homeland Security assigns Wynn C. Garrett to eliminate the threat of the Al Jahbid terrorist organization, by “any means necessary.” Believing he is a former Navy Seal, they expect him to be politically correct and follow reasonable guidelines of war. He turns out to be anything but reasonable. While he single-handedly exacts vengeance on the terrorists who target America, his questionable tactics are met with disapproval from his bosses, Thomas Wardahl and Richard Scorby. Their attempts to curb his reckless behavior are unsuccessful and Wynn Garrett is well on his way to completing the assignment before they discover his true identity.

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Barnes and Noble

Fighting terrorism is a dangerous business!
The terrorists are planning to bomb a passenger train and Wynn Garrett is planning to stop them. But the typical non-specific threat means no one is sure when or where the terrorists will strike. To prevent the attack Wynn will need to be a passenger on the train - and he doesn't like trains! Wardahl and Scorby worry his usual behavior will incite panic among the passengers before he actually gets the job done. All is well that ends well, but with Wynn they're never sure how things will end!

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Parkview Manor has a secret, and eighteen-year-old Cynthia is curious!
When Cynthia Holt takes a job at a former sanitarium, now operating as an assisted living center, she instantly discovers something more is occurring than simply providing the elderly with housing and care. Something very strange is going on behind the locked door of Room 913! After she is warned to stay away from the room and to not discuss it or the occupant with her co-workers, she is even more intrigued - and suspicious! Letting her curious nature guide her, she immediately begins asking questions. When she finds that Room 913 has been closed off; locked and sealed for many years, her curiosity turns to concern. Though rumors abound, no one seems inclined to talk about it. Not giving up so easily, Cynthia persists in her pursuit until she finds out the truth - or does she?

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The justice system is just a system, not a just system.
Sentenced to fifteen years in prison for a crime he didn't commit, Ethan Rafferty has one thing on his mind - payback! With his time up, the ex-con is free to pursue his mission of revenge.
During the trial, the District Attorney, Mariana Clark, suppressed evidence that would've exonerated him and now is the focus of Ethan’s vengeance. Intent on making her life a living hell, he works daily to antagonize and torment the woman. Unable to retaliate through the courts, considering the role she played, Mariana chooses to fight fire with fire. Soon, their feud escalates to a point where neither imagined it would go.
Which one will prevail, Ethan or Mariana? Can either? Or, are both of them bound to a destiny produced by a Miscarriage of Justice?

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Barnes and Noble

When a teenage boy, who thinks he knows it all, leaves home in search of a better life, he finds out the hard way what everyone must learn – growing up isn’t an easy thing to do.
Leaving home at fifteen, Kyle Davis’ path to adulthood takes him on an eventful ride, and at times a dangerous one. His firsthand experiences with the cruel realities of a callous world drive home the point that he has a lot to learn and a long ways to go.
Unwilling to admit his mistakes, he flounders a while before finally accepting life for what it is – hard work. It takes considerably more time for him to reach the point of going home and apologizing. That’s when he discovers the world didn’t stop to wait for him. Home isn’t quite the way he remembers it, and he sees how drastically things can change.
Still, certain things remain the same; principles and values are a constant. It isn’t a persons age, location or where they are in life that determines when they’ve become an adult. Kyle realizes The Journey is more than merely miles traveled. The road to maturity, whether literal or figurative, takes a person only as fast as they are willing to go. Yet, at some point, everyone has to make The Journey.

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Barnes and Noble

How far will a man go to protect his family?
When the director of Child Protective Services uses his position to exact a personal vendetta in removing three-year-old Ashley from the Blake’s home, Jeff Blake, a financial advisor, responds to the threats in the only way he feels he can – violently. By the end of the short encounter, three people are dead and Ashley, the daughter, is still taken and placed in temporary foster care, so the tragic fiasco gained Jeff nothing. Or, so it seems.
Matters are further complicated when Amy, the wife and mother, winds up for a brief stay in a mental ward due to the trauma she witnessed in her home. It seems as though everything is against the Blakes. Understandably, the police, as well as the Courts, are not too concerned with the needs of the family. Complete with many twists of fate, the story looks at the common problems of a typical family caught between love and the law.

Order the Book From:
Barnes and Noble

Author Recommended by: HBSystems Publications
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Thanks for this awesome spotlight! It is an honor to be featured and have my books listed on your site!