Be sure to check out what they have coming next for their readers. I try to pick authors who are interesting studies and ask them unique questions for our Q/A section.
Check out the Showcase feature of the HBS Author's Spotlight. I have included those authors in this class. Also, we have added the Author Bundles we have posted this month.
Thanks to the following outstanding authors for a great month. Here is a summary of our April 2015 crew.

Doug Hocking
Author Genre: Westerns, Mystery, Historical fiction
Author's Blog: Way Out West
Website: Doug Hocking
Twitter: @HockingDoug
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Amazon Author Profile
Next: I'm working on a biography of Tom Jeffords, the guy who rode alone into Cochise's Stronghold. (remember Jimmy Stewart in Broken Arrow)
Author bundles: short story collections published by La Frontera Publishing and stories for Saddlebag Dispatches.
Writers best friend: I have a dog, Patrick O'Frodo, who barks and snarls at my wife when she interrupts my writing.
ebooks: I feel great about people who want to hold a real book, but I think the future is electronic and that there is so much more we can do with it. I can include maps, diagrams, pictures and photos, even in my novels.
Software: My favorite software is Scribe 3.5. It keeps cards and notes on everything. I can use it to track the events of a real or imaginary person's life and keep them in order.
The blog is a way to write down things I want to remember and want to put in a readable form.
Reviews: I like the ones that come from my reading audience. I belong to a number of history related and writing organizations and if I send them a book, they get me a published review.
Tucson Festival of Books: The booth was Three Amigos and the Lady, Western Writers was next door. But we all are members of Western Writers of America.
Author's Book List
The Mystery of Chaco Canyon
Massacre at Point of Rocks
Marshal of Arizona

For the rest of the story...View Doug Hocking - HBS Author's Spotlight

Cricket Rohman
Author Genre: Fiction, Mystery, Romance
Author's Blog: Cricket Rohman
Website: Author Cricket Rohman
Twitter: @CricketRohman
Google+: Check Out Google+
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Amazon Author Profile
Next: My latest novel, Saving Madeline, is not only on the horizon, it is currently with my editor. A tease? My pleasure. Here you go— A naïve, though spunky young woman heads to L.A. to escape from her miserable life within a dysfunctional Midwestern family and to begin an “acting” career, but the unexpected arrival of a blind roommate and a woman with Alzheimer’s complicates her career plans. A ruthless drug dealer complicates them further putting her wilderness survival skills to the test. We hope to get this book picked up by one of the five major publishers, so it may take a while. We’ll see. I’m not known for my patience.
S ocial media: I have a love/hate relationship with social media. I love being able to connect with so many wonderful people, but it takes time and focus away from writing. Having only a little over two years’ experience using social media, I learn something new every day with regard to how it all works.
Personal appearances: Visiting with readers in person—my favorite promotional (and learning) activity— makes all those solitary months living in the heads, hearts and emotions of my characters worthwhile. The energy and motivation I receive from current and future readers is amazing.
Covers: I found a fantastic designer that loves the back and forth approach. We clicked immediately. I knew what I wanted as far as the content of each cover and shared that with the designer. She came up with several versions, I selected the one closest to my vision and we made modifications till we were both happy. I swear Jaycee (Sweet & Spicy Designs) can read my mind.
Bundling: My main objective was to offer readers another option, a great price, the entire trilogy in one click. So far I haven’t noticed any impact on the sales of any of my books. In all honesty, I’ve been so busy writing lately that I haven’t promoted the boxed set much. What I have noticed is that, other than a trickle, sales happen only when I promote. Where oh where is that book sales fairy godmother?
Giveaways: I have given paperback versions of my books to booksellers, my feedback readers, and a few readers that get everyone they know to purchase my one of my books (if only I had that kind of sales talent). I tried two giveaways on Goodreads and was happy with the number of readers that signed up for the giveaway.
Reader list: I have a lot to learn in this area. I do maintain a list; a list that is in dire need of lengthening. I have high hopes that I will meet knew people through my recently created blog. I truly do love to talk with readers and I welcome any connection whether through any of the social media outlets or my email.
Blog: My blog is not a writer’s blog (so many writers have those). It is a blog for anyone looking for a quick, entertaining read and a glance at something interesting, colorful, or laughable. I should have called it the One-Minute Blog. Its real title is: Love, Laughter, and Life’s Little Mysteries. I don’t try to sell books on my blog, though the easy-to-use book links are there, should someone be so inclined. My goal is to have conversations with people all over the world, and maybe, just maybe, someday, they will like me enough to read one of my books.
Author's Book List
The School Days
The Road Trip
A Break in the Clouds
Kindergarten Baby

For the rest of the story...View Cricket Rohman - HBS Author's Spotlight

Lynn Rush
Author Genre: New Adult, Paranormal Romance, Young Adult
Author's Blog: Catch The Rush
Website: Lynn Rush
Twitter: @Rush_Monroe
E-Mail: LynnRush (at) lynnrush (dot) com
Google+: Check Out Google+
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Amazon Author Profile
Next: Frostbite in a BOXED set with fifteen other authors! Dirty Boys of Summer: Alphas, Billionaires, Bikers, and Jocks BOXED Set
Social media: Twitter is huge and I have fun with that. But most of the time I’m on Instagram. Sure, that feeds to Twitter so you’re seeing me on there quite a bit from that. As for affect on success, etc. I don’t look at it that way. I look at it as making connections, hanging out with people, and getting to know them.
Personal appearances: This May I’ll be at the Romantic Times Booklovers Convention!
Book trailer: Rachel Firasek made that trailer. Isn’t it great?? She’s amazingly talented. I’m not so sure about the impact on the book, but I can tell you I love it and it paints a nice picture of the story, so I’ll go with it. It’s a nice teaser about the book for sure. I just smile when I see it.
Author bundles: Dirty Boys of Summer Boxed Set being released in June with fifteen amazing authors.
Free books: I’ve done each of my Touch of Frost trilogy free for a very limited time. Getting books into people’s hands is key. It exposes yourself to new readers, and if they like the book they picked up, they’ll see what else you have. Ultimately, it’s about writing a good book, though. Free or not, it has to be good for anyone to want to read anything else you’ve written.
Reader list: I have a newsletter, you bet. I do giveaways almost every month. I usually ask some type of question to learn more about my readers. By answering the question they earn entry to the giveaway. It’s just fun for me, I love doing it. ? Growing my list…I’ll sometimes do an incentive post to gain new subscribers, but mostly, I want them to want to sign up to learn more about my books and interact with me. I put the link in the back of my books, so they can sign up after reading my books if they want to.
Author's Book List
Claimed By Light
Marked By Hades
Forged by Fate
Absolute Zero

For the rest of the story...View Lynn Rush - HBS Author's Spotlight

Camelia Miron Skiba
Author Genre: Romance, Women's Fiction, Historical Fiction
Twitter: @CamiSkiba
E-Mail: authorcameliamironskiba[at]gmail[dot]com
Google+: Check Out Google+
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Amazon Author Profile
Next: I have several novellas and two full novels in different stages of being finished. Me Tarzan—You Jane only came out four months ago, so I’m reluctant to give a definite new release date, but I will say before the end of the year for sure.
Social media: …I’m constantly reaching out to other users. My twitter account is actually much newer than my blog, which is my main social platform. I link all my accounts (website, facebook, goodreads, twitter, etc) to ensure maxim visibility and reach people that only prefer one platform or the other.
Personal appearances: My next public appearance will be at the Dreamin’ Convention, here in Phoenix, May 29 through May 31. I also do local book clubs appearances, and anyone interested in inviting me can contact me at authorcameliamironskiba[at]gmail[dot]com
Covers are to me equally as important as the story. I work with several artists/photographers. To me each cover starts with an image that totally steals my heart. I see it, and my gut instinct says, “That’s. It.” We then go over the details. For A WORLD APART, my second novel I had readers involved which was a lot of fun. I had 3 covers and we did a poll and the cover with most votes won.
I love blog hops and giveaways! They allow me to meet new people, catch up with other bloggers and, if I enter any of the giveaways, then I might as well win a prize. Not sure the hops really boost my sales or not, but definitely they bring new people to my blog...involved with I am a Reader, Not a Writer book hop.
Reader list: I have a very solid group of beta-readers, relying totally on their input. I’m always looking for new ones, so if anyone reading this interview is interested, please do contact me at authorcameliamironskiba[at]gmail[dot]com. I also have a list of bloggers I contact about 3 months before publishing a new book.
Blog: I began blogging regularly since February of 2012 and now, three years later I have over 10,000 followers. My goal is to share from my writing journey and help other writers be discovered.
Author's Book List
Me Tarzan--You Jane

For the rest of the story...View Camelia Miron Skiba - HBS Author's Spotlight

Jaclyn Weist
Author Genre: Young Adult
Author's Blog: Jaclyn Weist
Website: Jaclyn Weist
Twitter: @JaclynWeist
Google+: Check Out Google+
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Amazon Author Profile
Next: Right now I’m finishing up book four of the Luck series. I’m still working on a title for it, but I’m hoping to get it released in June so I can do a launch for books three and four.
Personal appearances: I will be teaching a couple of classes at Write Here in Ephraim on April 17th in Ephraim, Utah. There is a signing afterward. Then in May, I’ll at Storymakers in Provo Utah. I’ll be signing that Saturday night (May 16th). I keep my event schedule updated on my website,
Covers: I love my covers. I have had the chance to work closely with those creating my covers, and I love how each of them turned out. With the luck books, my sister and talked over several possibilities, and then she and her husband put them together. I couldn’t be more thrilled.
Novella: Just my Luck was a first novella for me. I had a few people ask if I’d ever write a short story about other characters. I did a poll to see who people would want to hear about, and it was unanimous that they wanted to hear from Adam. This is his story.
I think it has help sales a little. I enjoy writing in this world of mine and novellas are a great way to go back there without doing full length stories.
Author bundles: Wendy Knight originally came up with idea of doing a series together with other authors. She asked a few people and we came together. A few had to back out because of other time commitments so we brought in a couple other people. Atlantis was born that way. We wanted to do Middle Grade which is something only a couple of the authors had ever done, but it was a fun new adventure for each of us. We had our struggles as we’re all artists and have our own set ways, but they’re all among my best friends now.
Doing the series with other authors made marketing easier because it wasn’t just one of us doing all of it. We were able to help each other out. We attended Salt Lake Comic Con in 2014 and had a booth there. We were able to get a lot of sales of both the series together and as individual books. Four of us went back together again for Fan Experience in 2015 and we had several people come back and get other books because they remembered us.
Support groups: . iWritenetwork is a great group. They have a chat room where we can all get together and help cheer each other one as we write. That’s actually where I met some of the other group members for our Atlantis series.
Sprintwriters is a great group of friends that also help build each other up as we write.
I’m actually the literary director for the Eagle Mountain Arts Alliance and I’ll be putting a writing workshop in August. I’m hoping to help writers in my city find other writers to work with so they can help each other.
Giveaways: I have done a few giveaways, but not always with great success. Just My Luck is permanently free and I do that because it’s so much shorter, and because I hope to bring in readers. When I had Endless free on Amazon, it did really well, and I’ve seen a slight pickup in sales since then. Some obstacles come from getting the word out. There are times when I have the same people entering over and over. It’s great for them because they get free books, but I also hope to gain new readers as well.
Author's Book List
Just My Luck
Stolen Luck
Twist of Luck
Stolen Luck
Magicians of the Deep
The Princess and the Prom Queen

For the rest of the story...View Jaclyn Weist - HBS Author's Spotlight

HBS Author's Spotlight Showcase

Sharon Black
Author Genre: Romance, Contemporary romance
Author's Blog: Sharon Black - Going Against Type
Twitter: @authorsharonb
Google+: Check Out Google+
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
SHARON Black grew up in Dublin. She studied history and politics at University College Dublin and then did post-graduate in journalism at Dublin City University.
She has worked for national newspapers, including The Evening Herald and The Irish Examiner.
She had short stories published in U Magazine and won the 2010 Dromineer Literary Festival short story competition.
When she is not writing, she reads, walks and sees friends. She co-founded a local book club 14 years ago. She loves theatre, old Hollywood films, science fiction and good stand-up comedy. She lives in a Dublin coastal village, with her husband and their three children.
Author's Book List

For the rest of the story...View Sharon Black - HBS Author's Spotlight Showcase

Ellie Campbell
Featured Book: Million Dollar Question
Author Genre: Contemporary Women's Fiction, Chick Lit, Romance
Author's Blog: Chicklit Sisters
Website: Ellie Campbell
Twitter: @ecampbellbooks
Google+: Check Out Google+
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Ellie Campbell is a pseudonym for sisters, Pam Burks and Lorraine Campbell who collaborate across the mighty Atlantic from their respective homes in Surrey, England and Colorado, USA, finding writing together a great excuse for endless phone conversations. Together they have written four novels How To Survive Your Sisters, When Good Friends Go Bad, Looking For La La and To Catch A Creeper. They love any chance to connect with their readers.
Author's Book List
Million Dollar Question
To Catch A Creeper
When Good Friends Go Bad
How To Survive Your Sisters
Looking for La La

For the rest of the story...View Ellie Campbell - HBS Author's Spotlight Showcase

Stacy Eaton
Featured Book: Barbara's Plea
Author Genre: Crime, Thriller and Mystery
Author's Blog: Stacy Eaton, Author
Website: Stacy Eaton
Twitter: @StacySEaton
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Stacy Eaton is a police officer by profession. Currently, she is assigned as the department detective and enjoys digging into cases and putting the pieces of the puzzles together.
Stacy resides in southeastern Pennsylvania and is the wife to a police officer and the mother of two. She is very proud of her son who is currently serving in the United States Navy and equally proud of her tween daughter who is a black belt and cheerleader.
Stacy also currently servers on the Board of Directors for her local Domestic Violence Center. When Stacy is not working her demanding job, or spending time with her family, she works on her business and volunteers with the World Literary Café. When there is time, she writes.
Author's Book List
Barbara's Plea
My Blood Runs Blue
Six Days of Memories
Distorted Loyalty
Second Shield
Liveon - No Evil
Garda – Welcome to The Realm
Blue Blood For Life
Whether I'll Live or Die

For the rest of the story...View Stacy Eaton - HBS Author's Spotlight Showcase

Dianne Harman
Featured Book: Murder in the Pearl District
Author Genre: Romance and Literary Fiction
Author's Blog: Dianne Harman Author
Website: Dianne Harman Author
Twitter: @DianneDHarman
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Dianne Harman draws her stories and characters from a diverse business and personal background. She owned a national antique and art appraisal business for many years, left that industry, and opened two yoga centers where she taught yoga and certified yoga instructors. She's traveled extensively throughout the world, most recently dividing her time between Huntington Beach, California and Sacramento, California, where her husband was a Senator. An avid reader, Dianne brings the richness of her life experiences to her novels, Blue Coyote Motel, Coyote in Provence, and Cornered Coyote - all of which are available now in the Coyote Series.
Being a dog lover and having attended numerous cooking schools, she couldn't resist writing about food and dogs, thus the Cedar Bay Cozy Mystery series, which includes family recipes! Kelly's Koffee Shop and Murder at Jade Cove have been on the top of the culinary, cozy, and animal charts within a week of being published and the third in the series, White Cloud Retreat, will be published very soon. Kelly's Koffee Shop was recently voted as one of the top 30 Best Self-Published Books of 2014.
Author's Book List
Murder in the Pearl District
Murder in Cottage #6
Marriage and Murder
White Cloud Retreat
Murder at Jade Cove
Kelly's Koffee Shop
Tea Party Teddy's Legacy
Coyote in Provence
Tea Party Teddy
Blue Coyote Motel

For the rest of the story...View Dianne Harman - HBS Author's Spotlight Showcase

Pamela Fagan Hutchins
Featured Book: Heaven to Betsy
Author Genre: Mystery, Romance, Humor And Comedy, Non-fiction
Author's Blog: Pamela Fagan Hutchins
Website: Pamela Fagan Hutchins - Holding Nothing Back
Twitter: @PamelotH
Google+: Check Out Google+
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Pamela Fagan Hutchins writes award-winning and bestselling romantic mysteries and hilarious nonfiction, and moonlights as a workplace investigator and employment attorney. She is passionate about great writing, smart authorpreneurship, and her two household hunks, husband Eric and one-eyed Boston terrier Petey. She also leaps medium-tall buildings in a single bound, if she gets a good running start.
Author's Book List
Heaven to Betsy
Going for Kona
Finding Harmony
What Kind of Loser Indie Publishes, and How Can I Be One, Too?
Leaving Annalise
Saving Grace
The Clark Kent Chronicles
How To Screw Up Your Kids
Hot Flashes And Half Ironmans

For the rest of the story...View Pamela Fagan Hutchins - HBS Author's Spotlight Showcase

Dale Mayer
Featured Book: Vampire in Chaos
Author Genre: Romantic suspense,thrillers,Paranormal Romance
Author's Blog: Dale Mayer blog
Website: Dale Mayer
Twitter: @DaleMayer
Google+: Check Out Google+
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Dale Mayer is a USA Today bestselling author best known for her Psychic Visions and Family Blood Ties series. Her contemporary romances are raw and full of passion and emotion (Second Chances, SKIN), her thrillers will keep you guessing (By Death series), and her romantic comedies will keep you giggling (It's a Dog's Life and Charmin Marvin Romantic Comedy series).
She honors the stories that come to her - and some of them are crazy and break all the rules and cross multiple genres!
To go with her fiction, she also writes nonfiction in many different fields with books available on resume writing, companion gardening and the US mortgage system. She has recently published her Career Essentials Series. All her books are available in print and ebook format.
Author's Book List
Vampire in Chaos
Time Thieves
Eyes to the Soul
Rare Find
Knock, knock…
Garden of Sorrow
Maddy's Floor
Hide'n Go Seek
Tuesday's Child
Vampire in Conflict
Vampire In Defiance
Vampire in Deceit
Vampire in Design
Vampire in Distress
Vampire in Denial
Haunted by Death
Touched by Death
Dangerous Designs
Sian's Solution

For the rest of the story...View Dale Mayer - HBS Author's Spotlight Showcase

Jinx Schwartz
Featured Book: Just Add Trouble
Author Genre: Mystery & Thrillers, Young Adult/tweens, Historical/Western, Humor, Chicklit
Author's Blog: Jinx Schwartz's Water Writes
Website: Jinx Schwartz
Twitter: @jinxschwartz
Google+: Check Out Google+
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Jinx Schwartz is the author of nine books, including the award-winning Hetta Coffey series. Hetta is a sassy Texan with a snazzy yacht, and she's not afraid to use it!
A ninth-generation Texan, Jinx has lived and worked all over the globe, and much like the protagonist in her Hetta Coffey mystery series, she's a woman with a yacht and not afraid to use it.
Author's Book List
Just Needs Killin'
Just The Pits
Hetta Coffey Collection
Troubled Sea
Just Deserts
Just Add Trouble
Just Add Salt
Just Add Water
Land Of Mountains
The Texicans

For the rest of the story...View Jinx Schwartz - HBS Author's Spotlight Showcase

HBS Bundles and Co-Authored Showcase

Featured Set: The Gates of Atlantis Complete Collection

Available at Amazon: The Gates of Atlantis Complete Collection

Wendy Knight
Title: Banshee at the Gate
Author Genre: Romance, Young Adult, Fantasy
Author's Blog: Wendy Knight Author
Twitter: @wjk8099
Goodreads: Check Out Goodreads
Google+: Check Out Google+
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Wendy Knight was born and raised in Utah by a wonderful family who spoiled her rotten because she was the baby. Now she spends her time driving her husband crazy with her many eccentricities (no water after five, terror when faced with a live phone call, etcetera, etcetera). She also enjoys chasing her three adorable kids, playing tennis, watching football, reading, and hiking. Camping is also big: her family is slowly working toward a goal of seeing all the National Parks in the U.S.
You can usually find her with at least one Pepsi nearby, wearing ridiculously high heels for whatever the occasion may be. And if everything works out just right, she will also be writing.

Laura D. Bastian
Title: Guardians of the Gates
Author Genre: Young Adult Fantasy,Sci-fi
Website: Laura D. Bastian
Goodreads: Check Out Goodreads
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Laura grew up in a small town in central Utah and now lives in another small town in northern Utah. She always loved stargazing and imagining life outside her own little world. Though they grew up only thirty miles apart, she didn't meet her husband until they went to college. A graduate of Utah State University with a degree in Elementary and Special Education, Laura has been using that training as she raises her children and writes make believe worlds. You can usually find her on her laptop either typing away, or on social media interacting with friends.

Juli Caldwell
Title: Secrets of the Mine
Author Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy, Romance
Author's Blog: Oh, How Novel
Twitter: @ImJuliCaldwell
Goodreads: Check Out Goodreads
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
This is where I tell you about how amazing and interesting my life is. Sorry to disappoint you with my non-glamorous life, but I'm a normal person who loves to read and loves to write. I've written romance, YA paranormal, and mid-grade fantasy--who knows what I'll try next? I just listen to the voices in my head and let their stories out. I'm married to my favorite person, and together we're raising two hilarious daughters and a dog who dances gangnam style for treats. La vie est belle!

Jaclyn Weist
Title: Magicians of the Deep
Author Genre: Young Adult
Website: Jaclyn Weist
Author's Blog: Jaclyn Weist
Twitter: @JaclynWeist
Goodreads: Check Out Goodreads
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Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Jaclyn is an Idaho farm girl who grew up loving to read. She developed a love for writing as a senior in high school, when her dad jokingly said she was the next Dr. Seuss (not even close, but very sweet). She met her husband, Steve, at BYU, and they have six happy, crazy children who encourage her to keep writing. After owning a bookstore and running away to have adventures in Australia, they settled back down in their home in Utah. Jaclyn now spends her days herding her kids to various activities and trying to remember what she was supposed to do next.
She has published six books in a year, and her mind is still reeling from the awesomeness. Her books include The Princess and the Prom Queen; Magicians of the Deep; the Luck series--Stolen Luck, Twist of Luck, Best of Luck, and Just My Luck, a novella.

J.R. Simmons
Title: Madness Behind the Throne
Author Genre: Fantasy, Middle Grade , Fiction
Twitter: @jrsimmons_3
Goodreads: Check Out Goodreads
Google+: Check Out Google+
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
JR Simmons lives in Northern Utah with his wife and 4 boys. He loves spending time with his family and coaching his kids in all of their different sports. He is an avid gamer and is very excited that his boys are picking up on his hobby. JR was recently introduced to triathlons and has since found that he loves the sport. Most nights he can be found either sitting down with a good game or hunched over his iPad writing.

Mikey Brooks
Title: Battle for Acropolis
Author Genre: Children's, Middle Grade , Fantasy
Website: Welcome to Mikey's World!
Author's Blog: My Keys on Writing, Illustrating, & More
Twitter: @MIKEYBR00KS
Goodreads: Check Out Goodreads
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Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Mikey Brooks is a small child masquerading as an adult. On occasion you'll catch him dancing the funky chicken, singing like a banshee, and pretending to have never grown up. He is an award winning author of the middle-grade fantasy adventure series The Dream Keeper Chronicles. His other middle-grade books include: The Gates of Atlantis: Battle for Acropolis and The Stone of Valhalla. His picture books include the best-selling ABC Adventures: Magical Creatures, Trouble with Bernie, and Bean's Dragons. Mikey has a BS degree in English from Utah State University and works fulltime as a freelance illustrator, cover designer, and author. His art can be seen in many forms from picture books to full room murals. He loves to daydream with his three daughters and explore the worlds that only the imagination of children can create. As a member of the Emblazoners, he is one of many authors devoted to 'writing stories on the hearts of children' (

Featured Set: Beyond A Reasonable Doubt and Dubious Justice Facebook Release Party

Linda S. Prather
Title: Beyond A Reasonable Doubt
Author Genre: Mystery, Suspense, Paranormal
Website: Linda S. Prather
Author's Blog: Linda S. Prather - Mystery At Its Best
Twitter: @jacodypress
Goodreads: Check Out Goodreads
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Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Kentucky author living in Lexington, Kentucky. I have always had a penchant for things a little outside the norm. I saw my first "ghost" when I was five years old, and I've spent my entire life trying to understand that vision. Was it real? And if it was, why? I became a paranormal investigator and love old houses that go bump in the night. I can often be found in old cemeteries just hanging out.
I studied metaphysics, including areas of touch healing, dream analysis, meditation and self-hypnosis. The power of the mind has always fascinated me. When reading I love books that allow me to travel around the world without ever leaving home. As an author my greatest desire is to create stories and characters that readers and love and hate, laugh and cry with and spend hours in sheer entertainment.
The Jacody Ives Mysteries was my first attempt to combine my love of mystery with my love of all things paranormal. The Catherine Mans series continues and expands that combination, delving into the darker side of the power of the mind.
I have always loved reading and writing. And although perhaps not a great literary work, I loved and was inspired by Old Yeller. The characters in that book were real to me. When I started writing, it was my greatest desire to write characters that readers could love and hate, laugh and cry with.
Knowledge was another love. I wanted to learn about everything. I studied metaphysics; delving into touch healing, dream analysis, meditation, and hypnosis. I received my associate's degree in metaphysics in 1992 and continued from there to become a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. I spent several years studying the effects of hypnosis on cancer and pain. I taught meditation, dream analysis and self-hypnosis through Eastern Kentucky University's Special Programs for four years. The power of the mind has always fascinated me. I've recently become a paranormal investigator, and love old houses that go bump in the night.

M.A. Comley
Title: Dubious Justice
Author Genre: Mystery & Thrillers, Romance, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Website: M.A. Comley
Twitter: @Melcom1
Goodreads: Check Out Goodreads
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
New York Times, USA Today, Amazon Top 20 bestselling author, iBooks top 5 bestselling and #2 bestselling author on Barnes and Noble. I am a British author who moved to France in 2002, and that's when I turned my hobby into a career. I'm fortunate to be represented by a top New York agent.
I share my home with two crazy dogs that like nothing better than to drag their masterful leader (that's me) around the village.
I hope you enjoy reading my books, especially the Justice series, Cruel Justice, Impeding Justice, Final Justice, Foul Justice, Guaranteed Justice, Ultimate Justice, Virtual Justice, Hostile Justice, Tortured Justice and the novella Blind Justice.

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Thanks, James. As always you are great at promoting authors!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jinx. Keep up the great writing.