Be sure to check out what they have coming next for their readers. I try to pick authors who are interesting studies and ask them unique questions for our Q/A section.
Check out the Showcase feature of the HBS Author's Spotlight. I have included those authors in this class. Also, we have added the Author Bundles and events we have posted this month.
Thanks to the following outstanding authors for a great month. Here is a summary of our April 2019 crew.

Merle McCann
Author: Merle McCann
Author Genre: Mystery, Suspense
Website: Merle McCann
Twitter: @gigimm2
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
MERLE McCANN is known for her National literature award- winning Longjohners Mystery Series for middle grade readers. She has published many short stories featuring Arizona, Mississippi, and Washington locations. McCann’s work won best in all categories and genres in the Dixie Kane Memorial as well as Arizona Authors Association annual National literature contest. Born in the Yukon, raised in Seattle, she has traveled the United States and Europe with her husband, pursuing their Arabian horse business. She has also worked as a paralegal, event planner, and scenic photographer, and lives with her husband in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Interview Excerpt
Next: I am just finishing the sequel to Vagabonds & Kings, “Katherine’s Story.”
Personal appearances: I am preparing now to do a presentation for the attending writers and shoppers, “Ten Tips for Writing the Best Short Stories”, at Payson’s Book Festival in July. I will be signing and selling the entire day, taking only the time away from my table for the presentation.
Short stories: I don’t know if the short stories had an impact on my novel sales as I really don’t follow it. When selling “across the table” I am usually talking about my stories and the interesting plot lines, so I’ve not had many mentions of the published short stories.
SoWest: Killer Dreams Anthology: It takes a lot of work and willing people to create and publish a collection of various writers’ work. I respect the process and the people who do it, so I follow their rules to the letter, including the submission deadline. I think the impact on my other sales has been small.
Support groups: I belong only to Sisters in Crime/Desert Sleuths. Ever since joining, I have been an active volunteer in all of their efforts to assist writers in the Phoenix Valley.
Primary genre: My primary genre is mystery/suspense. My marketing approach is to seek and accept any speaking engagements where I can also sign and sell.
Free books: I have given books away in certain circumstances. I have done it for a specific reason at that time. Sometimes, as with the Middle Reader Books, I want the child to discover The Longjohner Mystery Series and the joy of reading and owning a book.
Reviews: I ask my reading audience to supply them. I have sought professional reviewers for reviews and I have been very pleased with the opinions they have shared regarding my stories and my writing skills. I have never paid for a review and never will.
The Sisters in Crime Desert Sleuths Chapter 2019 - Mesa Public Library Event I never expect to sell many books at a library event so that goal is easily met, although I usually sell several. Most people come there to borrow, not to buy. That said, I believe it is good for both readers and writers to have an opportunity to meet and share ideas
Author's Book List
The Parmeter File
Vagabonds and Kings
SoWest: Killer Nights
The Twelve Tears of April
Fist Full of Grit
Ghosts in the September Corn Maze
The Search for Black January
The Permanent Solution
Midnight at the August Tree House
The Mystery of October Island

For the rest of the story...View Merle McCann - HBS Author's Spotlight

Katie O’Sullivan
Author: Katie O’Sullivan
Author Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal, Romance
Author's Blog: Katie O’Sullivan
Website: Katie O’Sullivan
Twitter: @OkatieO
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Katie O'Sullivan is an award-winning writer, whose ten novels include the best selling My Kind of Crazy, Ghosts Don't Lie, Crazy About You, and the Son of a Mermaid series for teen readers: Descent, Defiance, and Deception.
A recovering English major, she earned her degree at Colgate University and now lives on Cape Cod with her family and big dogs, drinking way too much coffee and working as an editor, magazine columnist and technical writer. Which explains all the coffee.

Interview Excerpt
NEXT: Next on tap for the AFTER HURRICANE NINA group of authors is a holiday series, which I’m really excited to get started on. One of Quinn’s cousins is going to star in my story. In the meantime, my next book to be released will be CHANGING THE RULES, the third book in my Cape Cod Dating Rules trilogy…
Social media: Well, I try to be a good social media author, as that seems to be the key to driving ebook sales. When I first started writing romance I joined RWA (Romance Writers of America) and my local chapter, and one of the first monthly lessons I attended was on the importance of social media
Personal appearances: Since I live in a summer tourist mecca (Cape Cod), I tend to schedule book signings and author talks during the summer months. This summer, I’m excited to say I’ll be co-hosting an author tent at the weekly Cape Cod Beer outdoor marketplace every Friday afternoon
Covers: Thanks so much and I totally agree with you that I’ve lucked out with really great covers from my publishers. I wish I was talented enough to have created these covers, but I’m not. For my latest story in the After Hurricane Nina series, we had one cover artist create all eight covers…
Audio book: I’ve been curious about the process and about the additional reach I might gain by trying it out. When The Wild Rose Press offered its authors a chance to sign audiobook rights with Audible, I took the leap. The process itself was interesting, and some of the other authors who have spent more time promoting the audiobooks have done well, but I’m not sure whether I’d pursue another one.
Primary genre: I like to think I’m truly a mixed genre author, between the YA and the steamy romance, but in reality I should have chosen two different pen names to differentiate my books.
Free books: My first big seller was MY KIND OF CRAZY, which was part of a free KDP giveaway where I “sold” 42,000 copies in a week. Oh. My. God. So yeah, free books get snatched up. My problem? It was my first “real” book. So readers that liked me? Nothing else to buy.
Blog: I started blogging when I started writing – another thing I learned at my first RWA meeting. Writers must have a blog, a platform. It’s taken me several years and a lot of growing pains to figure out a comfortable cadence, but for now it’s loosely three times a week.
After Hurricane Nina – a Hot Hunks-Steamy Romance Collection One of the other authors in this series invited me to take part. My main objective – in both cases –was to work with a group of authors with more publishing experience than me. I’m eager to learn, but at the same time insecure about self-promotion. It’s great to have a group working toward a common goal and promoting each other.
Author's Book List
After Hurricane Nina: Quinn's Resolution
Bending the Rules
Breaking the Rules
Say Yes
Ghosts Don't Lie
Crazy About You
My Kind of Crazy

For the rest of the story...View Katie O’Sullivan - HBS Author's Spotlight

Debra S. Sanders
Author: Debra S. Sanders
Author Genre: Thrillers, Mysteries
Website: Debra S. Sanders
Twitter: @DebSanders01
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Embracing a penchant for road trips led Debra S. Sanders to chuck most of her material possessions in favor of an RV lifestyle. It wasn’t easy. Dragging a skeptical husband, drooling 100-pound retriever and thoroughly disgusted cat into a tiny vintage trailer took a bit of convincing. After packing basic necessities or at least the ones that would fit in a tiny house on wheels, the four set off for parts unknown. Almost four years later, Debra still loves wandering the backroads of America - albeit more comfortably in a 35' fifth wheel. The dog doesn't drool as much, the cat has become a well-seasoned traveler and the husband smiles from time to time when he thinks his wife is not looking.
As author of 10 novels, mostly thrillers and mysteries, and 3 non-fiction books, Debra continues to write from the road. Her current cozy mystery series follows psychic detective and Southern belle, Daisy O'Connor, as she attempts to find justice for the dead while running a small restaurant and caring for adopted Lakota grandfather, Charlie Tall Tree. When the south meets the rez, Lord have mercy! DEAD MEN CAN’T DANCE – Book 2 in the Dead Men series. Release: March, 2019
Debra is currently working on a dark thriller set in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Drawing from her experience as a contract FEMA Disaster Inspector, she builds a grim world in which one claim inspector fights fraud with murder.

Interview Excerpt
NEXT: It’s always a celebration when an author releases a new book. I have TWO novels on the horizon – DEAD MEN NEVER SLEEP, Book 3 in my humorous cozy series due out October, 2019 and THE DEAD NEVER LIE, a dark thriller about a disaster inspector who tackles fraud with murder. This is a working title and may change before release date. Look for it mid-summer 2019.
Social media: Unbelievably, when I began my publishing journey, social media was just a drop in the bucket. My first book, Stone Cold Justice became an Amazon Best Seller based on word of mouth and being in the right place at the right time.
Reviews: Authors can’t sell books without reviews but readers are so darned reluctant to leave them. Many promotional sites won’t even consider your novel for an advertising spot without a certain number of reviews. It’s unethical in my opinion to “buy” reviews…
Covers: I create all my own book covers. It was never from a need to control the process but rather from a lack of budget. At some point, I will turn over that task to a book cover designer. It’s interesting to play with the covers on some of my older novels. While the interior content doesn’t change, a different cover will often attract new readers.
Support groups: Years ago, I was a long time member of RWA – Romance Writers of America. I felt their support of Indie authors was non-existent and archaic so I cancelled my membership. They have since embraced the movement but I no longer look at them as the only game in town. I LOVE SinC. I am a member of national, Desert Sleuths chapter in Scottsdale and The Old Pueblo chapter in Tucson.
Primary genre: My primary genre at this point is Cozy Mystery, although my novels embrace a growing trend of incorporating one or more sub-genres. I’ve targeted marketing toward this demographic both on Facebook, Kindle and a few upcoming ads on Freebooksy, etc. I find author appearances are a wonderful way to connect with the cozy audience.
Time Management: I’ve been traveling as a full-time RVer for over four years so creating a hard core schedule was never in the cards. I also have a special needs grandson. His health issues were my priority when he was born.
Free books: I’m adamant that no author should “give” their books away. A short promotional giveaway or raffle is fine but the concept of keeping a book on permafree astounds me. It devalues our time and effort, sending a damaging message that no one should have to pay for a book.
The Sisters in Crime Desert Sleuths Chapter 2019 - Mesa Public Library I prepared by understanding that people do not go to libraries to purchase books. LOL I had a hugely successful appearance at Tucson Festival of Books but libraries are a different animal. My purpose was to meet readers, introduce them to my novels and genre, and hopefully generate interest in my newsletter.
Author's Book List
Road Tales
Dead Men Don't Talk
An Unholy Alliance
Stone Cold Justice
The Gatekeeper
The Warrior
Blood Storm

For the rest of the story...View Debra S. Sanders - HBS Author's Spotlight

Judith Starkston
Author: Judith Starkston
Author Genre: Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Mystery
Author's Blog: Judith Starkston Weekly Posts
Website: Judith Starkston
Twitter: @JudithStarkston
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Judith Starkston has spent too much time reading about and exploring the remains of the ancient worlds of the Greeks and Hittites. Early on she went so far as to get two degrees in Classics from the University of California, Santa Cruz and Cornell. She loves myths and telling stories. This has gradually gotten more and more out of hand. Her solution: to write fantasy set in the exotic worlds of the past. Fantasy and Magic in a Bronze Age World. Hand of Fire was a semi-finalist for the M.M. Bennett's Award for Historical Fiction. Priestess of Ishana won the San Diego State University Conference Choice Award.
Judith has two grown children and lives in Arizona with her husband. Because writing is best done with community, Judith belongs to her local Desert Sleuths chapter of Sisters in Crime, the Society of Southwestern Authors and the Arizona chapter of the Historical Novel Society. Judith is represented by Richard Curtis.
For a free short story set in her Bronze Age fantasy world and a free cookbook of recipes inspired by the ancient Mediterranean foods in her novels, subscribe to Judith's newsletter on her website. The newsletter goes out occasionally with updates about new releases, special offers and useful information about recommended books and the background of her Bronze Age world.

Interview Excerpt
Next on the drawing board is the second book in the Tesha series (Priestess is the first), with the working title of Sorcery in Alpara. Probable release this summer.
Social media: Twitter, FB etc. are useful for reaching out to new readers. I try to build community by offering what readers of my historical fantasy would likely enjoy, brief insights into recent archaeological discoveries and oddities.
Personal appearances: I'm speaking with two other authors on author marketing this Saturday at the Poisoned Pen to the Arizona Historical Novel Society (spoiler alert: I'm the founder of this chapter). Best place to keep up with me online is via my newsletter.
Covers: I give some basic info to my cover designer to start the process but primarily I trust her incredible talent. We go back and forth all through the process so the design stays in harmony with my sense of what feels right.
Author bundles: I had no other books out when I was included in the SinC Desert Sleuths anthology. For me it was a great first step into publishing. They did all the work of putting it together. I can't claim that. Bundling is a great author strategy that I'd love to do more of.
Support groups: I also belong to Historical Novel Society (and founded our local chapter of it) and Southwest Writers (+ Sisters in Crime/ Desert Sleuths). All three organizations have excellent speakers on all aspects of the writing life from craft to marketing and publishing.
Primary genre: Historical fantasy. Genre specific newsletters such as Book Barbarian and interacting on r/fantasy. Historical fiction blogs and reviewing sites.
Time Management: I have the luxury of writing full time, so I sit down first thing in the morning and I keep at it until the end of the day, just like any other job. Sometimes life interrupts that schedule with doctor's appointments or something fun like lunch with friends or travels, but that's the basic plan. When my brain is done writing fiction, I attend to the marketing and other less creative sides of the job.
Blog: You might have noticed that my blog posts are primarily made up of snippets about interesting discoveries in archaeology and history. I come across them over the week, put them up on my social media and then also compile them as part of my blog.
The Sisters in Crime Desert Sleuths Chapter 2019 - Mesa Public Library Library events are always fun. People go to libraries to find new books to read so they're great places to connect with readers. People don't go to libraries to buy books, so I would have focused the event more on our panels and visiting with readers and less on having tables set up to sell from. Might as well provide what people are looking for.
Author's Book List
Priestess of Ishana
Hand of Fire

For the rest of the story...View Judith Starkston - HBS Author's Spotlight

HBS Author's Spotlight Showcase

Teresa Burrell
Featured Book: The Advocate's Justice
Attorney Sabre Brown is charged with saving Conner, a fifteen-year-old who’s accused of murdering his grandma's abusive boyfriend. All eyewitness accounts and forensic evidence point directly to the boy. To make matters worse, this time it's personal. Conner is the nephew of JP Torn, Sabre's boyfriend.
Undaunted, Sabre and JP investigate, turning up sordid details and a long list of suspects. Soon, tempers flare, confidences are broken, and secrets of the past surface as they try to untangle the web of lies created by JP's family.

Author: Teresa Burrell
Author Genre: Mystery & Thrillers, Thriller, Suspense
Author's Blog: Teresa Burrell
Website: Teresa Burrell
Twitter: @teresaburrell
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Teresa Burrell has dedicated her life to helping children and their families in both the courtroom and the classroom.
As an attorney in San Diego, Burrell maintained a private law practice for twelve years, which specialized in domestic, criminal, and civil cases. Her work in juvenile court focused on representing abused minors and juvenile delinquents. Burrell has received several awards and special recognition from the San Diego Volunteer Lawyers for her countless hours of pro bono work with children and their families.
Burrell has also enjoyed a satisfying career as a teacher. She has taught children of all ages with diverse backgrounds and special needs. After creating an after-school program that kept kids off the street, she received a community service award.
Now in semi-retirement in California, Burrell continues to educate groups about social issues impacting children and write novels, many of which are inspired by actual legal cases. She is the author of The Advocate Series which now contains eight novels: The Advocate, The Advocate's Betrayal, The Advocate's Conviction, The Advocate's Dilemma, The Advocate's Ex Parte, The Advocate's Felony, The Advocate's Geocache, and The Advocate's Homicides. Teresa has recently started a new series with a character from The Advocate's Felony called Mason's Missing.
Burrell also has two children's books that are fun for the whole family--Gaspar, the Flatulating Ghost, and Gaspar Meets a Bully.
Author's Book List
The Advocate's Justice
The Advocate's Illusion
The Advocate's Homicides
The Advocate's Geocache
The Advocate's Felony
The Advocate's Ex Parte
The Advocate's Dilemma
The Advocate's Conviction
The Advocate's Betrayal
The Advocate
Gaspar, the Flatulating Ghost
Mason's Missing

For the rest of the story...View Teresa Burrell - HBS Author's Spotlight Showcase

Dianne Harman
Featured Book: Murder at the Alamo
A honeymoon. A murdered body. Unfortunately, the victim didn’t survive the Alamo.
While visiting San Antonio, Texas on their honeymoon, Brigid and Linc discover the body of an Alamo tour guide.
Brigid can’t resist solving a crime and with a little help from the owner of a B&B and his faithful German shepherd, she and Linc set out to figure out which of the quirky cast of characters committed the murder.

Author: Dianne Harman
Author Genre: Romance and Literary Fiction
Author's Blog: Dianne Harman Author
Website: Dianne Harman Author
Twitter: @DianneDHarman
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Two-time USA Today Bestselling Author and seven time Amazon All Star Author, Dianne Harman, draws her stories and characters from a diverse business and personal background. She owned a national antique and art appraisal business for many years, left that industry, and opened two yoga centers where she taught and certified yoga instructors. She's traveled extensively throughout the world and loves nothing more than cooking, playing backgammon with her husband, Tom, and throwing the ball for their dog, Kelly.
Being a dog lover and having attended numerous cooking schools, she couldn't resist writing about food and dogs. Dianne is the author of several cozy mystery series: Cedar Bay, Liz Lucas, High Desert, Midwest, Jack Trout, Northwest and her latest, Cottonwood Springs. Each of these books contains recipes from her travels. She's also the author of the award-winning suspenseful Coyote Series, Midlife Journey Series, and the Slade Kelly Suspense Series.
Author's Book List
Murder at the Alamo
Murder in Chicago
Small Town Murder
Missing in Cottonwood Springs
Murder in Italy
Murdered by Prejudice
Murder at the Bookstore
Murder in the Cayman Islands
Wine Country Killer
Murder at the Church
Murder and the Museum
Murder in Cottonwood Springs
Murdered by News
Murder and Food Porn
Black Dots - Book Three
Black Dots - Book Two
Black Dots - Book One
The Professor's Predicament
Red Zero Book Three
Red Zero Book One
Murdered by Superstition
Murder at the Gearhart
Murder at the Waterfront
Murder and Mega Millions
Murder at the Gallery
Murdered at the Courthouse
Murder at Le Bijou Bistro
Murder in San Francisco
Murder After Midnight
Murdered By Wine
Murder in Seattle
Murdered By Plastic Surgery
Murder in Whistler
Murder & The Movie Star
Murder on Bainbridge Island
Murder in Calistoga
Trouble at the Animal Shelter
Murder at the Polo Club
Murder at the Clinic
Murder on the East Coast
Murdered in Argentina
High Desert Cozy Mysteries #1
Murder at the Big T Lodge
Murdered by Country Music
Murdered by Words
Trouble at the Kennel
The Blue Butterfly
Murder in Cuba
Murder & the Secret Cave
Murder At The Bed & Breakfast
Murder & The Monkey Band
Murder at the Cooking School
The Death Card
Murder in Calico Gold
Murder and Brandy Boy
Murder in the Pearl District
Murder in Cottage #6
Marriage and Murder
White Cloud Retreat
Murder at Jade Cove
Kelly's Koffee Shop
Coyote in Provence
Blue Coyote Motel

For the rest of the story...View Dianne Harman - HBS Author's Spotlight Showcase

Alyssa Richards
Featured Book: A Stranger in Alcott Manor
She thought she had escaped her past. But her haunted homecoming could resurrect an old flame and buried secrets… Peyton Alcott thought she put the past behind her. Years after being stood up on her wedding day, she’s finally found a dependable new love and a sense of purpose with her high-powered big city lifestyle. So when she returns to help her family open the newly renovated Alcott Manor, she never expected to awaken old feelings she thought were long dead… When Peyton discovers a tintype photo of her ancestor’s 19th century wedding, she thinks she’s found the perfect decoration for the gothic estate. Until, hidden among the guests, she recognizes the all-too-familiar face of her missing ex-fiance… Determined to solve the mystery, she’s drawn into a hidden dimension where time and truth are twisted. Confronted by secrets that threaten to unravel her bright future, she’s forced to choose between old feelings and new possibilities. Torn between an old flame and a new beginning, can Peyton navigate a realm of dark forces without losing her way?

Author: Alyssa Richards
Author Genre: Romance, Paranormal, Suspense
Author's Blog: Alyssa Richards
Website: Alyssa Richards
Twitter: @1AlyssaRichards
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
**Start reading Alyssa's best selling Fine Art of Deception Series with book 1: The Fine Art of Deception for FREE on Amazon! Read all of Alyssa's books for FREE with KINDLE UNLIMITED**
ALYSSA RICHARDS is the Amazon best selling author of The Fine Art of Deception series and The Haunting of Alcott Manor series - a contemporary gothic trilogy.
She loves living in the South with her husband and two children. She also loves good espresso, her rescue dogs, magnolias and gardenias, and, of course, reading a great book. She grew up running barefoot in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, where her favorite weekly adventure was a trip to the library with her mom.
Author's Book List
A Stranger in Alcott Manor
Chasing Secrets
A Murder at Alcott Manor
The Haunting of Alcott Manor
Lost in Time
Somewhere in Time
The Fine Art of Deception

For the rest of the story...View Alyssa Richards - HBS Author's Spotlight Showcase

Jinx Schwartz
Featured Book: Baja Get Away
Becky has been laying in low in the Baja for a long time, but now she's got to get out of And what does she face back home? Meeting a stranger in a Cabo San Lucas bar sets in motion a race against time, and the long arm of the law on both sides of the border. USA Today Best Selling author, Jinx Schwartz, weaves an exciting tale of romantic suspense.
Baja Get Away was included in the Love Under Fire Boxset

Author: Jinx Schwartz
Author Genre: Mystery & Thrillers, Young Adult/tweens, Historical/Western, Humor, Chicklit
Author's Blog: Jinx Schwartz's Water Writes
Website: Jinx Schwartz
Twitter: @jinxschwartz
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
USA TODAY BEST-SELLING AUTHOR, Jinx Schwartz, has written fourteen books, including ten in the Hetta Coffey series. Hetta is a sassy Texan with a snazzy yacht, and she's not afraid to use it!
A ninth-generation Texan, Jinx has lived and worked all over the globe, and much like the protagonist in her Hetta Coffey mystery series, she's a woman with a yacht and not afraid to use it.
Author's Book List
Baja Get Away
Just For The Birds
Just Follow The Money
Just Different Devils
Just Needs Killin'
Just The Pits
Just Deserts
Just Add Trouble
Just Add Salt
Just Add Water
Troubled Sea
The Texicans
Land Of Mountains
Hetta Coffey Series

For the rest of the story...View Jinx Schwartz - HBS Author's Spotlight Showcase

HBS Bundles and Co-Authored Showcases

Featured Set: After Hurricane Nina - Hot Hunks-Steamy Romance Collection

Hot Hunks-Steamy Romance Collection
Eight Strangers. Eight Unique Stories. All Stand-alone Novels.
On November 30, 2016, Hurricane Nina hit Bali, Indonesia. In the aftermath of death and destruction, eight strong sexy men will realize it’s time for a change in their lives. A resolution of sorts. A contractor, personal trainer, a millionaire, a stuntman, a rock star, a thrill-seeker, an army veteran, and a trust fund prodigal will all find a way to conquer their loss and learn to love.
Natalie Ann- Reed’s Resolution
Angela Stevens- Nolan’s Resolution
Suzanne Jenkins- Jason’s Resolution
Alicia Street- Kip’s Resolution
Katie O’Sullivan- Quinn’s Resolution
Stephanie Morris- Leland’s Resolution
Nicole Morgan- Hayden’s Resolution
Tamara Ferguson- Rand’s Resolution
Meet the authors of After Hurricane Nina:
Natalie Ann is a USA Today bestselling author who writes steamy contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and light paranormal.
Angela Stevens writes steamy contemporary romance, contemporary urban fantasy, paranormal, Native American themes, and children’s books.
Suzanne Jenkins is a USA Today bestselling author who writes women’s fiction, steamy contemporary romance, mystery, and suspense.
Alicia Street is a USA Today bestselling author and Daphne du Maurier award-winner. She writes both sweet and steamy contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and light paranormal.
Katie O’Sullivan is an award winning author who writes steamy contemporary romance and young adult paranormal.
Stephanie Morris is a USA Today bestselling author who writes steamy contemporary romance and paranormal.
Nicole Morgan is a USA Today bestselling author who writes steamy contemporary romance, paranormal, and romantic suspense.
Tamara Ferguson is a USA Today bestselling author and multi- award winning author including Reader’s Favorite Bronze, Silver, and Gold medals in Military Fiction who writes both sweet and steamy contemporary romance and romantic suspense.

Title: Reed's Resolution
Author: Natalie Ann

Reed Chapman thought he had the perfect life. A beautiful fiancée and a successful business. When tragedy struck, his perfect world imploded like the Titanic hitting the iceberg, making him realize his life had been anything but wonderful. Though his business is still thriving, his personal life and outlook on women are still sinking deep to the ocean floor with no life vests in sight.
Taylor Winston never had much in life so when prince charming entered her life, she figured she had it made. She thought wrong. Now she’s a single mother relocating so that she doesn’t lose custody of her daughter. The last thing she has time for in her life is a man. Then why is her new sexy boss popping into her dreams so frequently and unexpectedly, making her wonder why she’d even consider accepting the proposition he so neatly laid out for her?
Available at Amazon

Author: Natalie Ann
Author: Natalie Ann
Author Genre: Contemporary Romance
Website: Natalie Ann
Author's Blog: Natalie Ann
Twitter: @NatalieAnn121
Goodreads: Check Out Goodreads
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Natalie Ann is a USA Today Bestselling Author that lives in Upstate NY with her husband and son. She has always had a love for books, especially romance and happy ever after. She's written more than twenty-five books including the Road Series, the All Series, the Lake Placid Series, the Fierce Five and the Love Collection, not to mention being in several boxed set collections.

Title: After Hurricane Nina, Nolan's Resolution
Author: Angela Stevens

After the tragedy of losing his best friend, Nolan Carmichael submerged himself in work and found that his inability to commit to women reached a whole new level. Two years on, Nolan is a Tinder addict that has put his life on hold while he supports Lenny’s widow.
Olivia, devastated at losing the only man she ever loved is gradually learning to live without Lenny but, despite putting her toe in the water and dating another guy, she still can’t bring herself to sleep with anyone else. After spending the anniversary of Lenny’s death together, Nolan hatches a plan to turn them both around– Nolan will give up meaningless sex until Olivia has some.
Available at Amazon

Author: Angela Stevens
Author: Angela Stevens
Author Genre: Romance, Fantasy
Website: Angela Stevens
Twitter: @angelastevens13
Goodreads: Check Out Goodreads
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Angela is British born but moved to the United States a decade ago. Always a keen traveler, she has enjoyed spending time living outside of her native country. She is an ex-teacher and the mother of two children. When empty nest syndrome threatened, Angela turned to writing novels to fill her growing free time. As her hobby grew she found storytelling began to fill her waking hours.
Her debut novel, Changing On The Fly grew out of her voracious appetite for reading. After one particularly momentous year, where she consumed over one hundred paper backs, Angela Stevens decided to attempt her own. The story is set in her local town and the setting for her love story was partly inspired by her passion for ice hockey. "I discovered ice hockey when I first moved to America. We went first to see an Anaheim Ducks game when I was visiting L.A. We all loved it so much when we came home we went to watch our local team. Now I'm a rabid Washington Capitals fan, and can often be found 'rocking the red' at the Verizon center supporting the Washington Capitals."
In Angela's stories, you will always find a hero to fall in love with and a heroine who will be worthy of his love. Her characters are three dimensional and down to earth. She writes with a strong voice and in a gritty style weaving tension and suspense throughout her narrative. Her characters come to life and whisk you away, whether into a romantic or fantasy setting. Which ever you chose, be prepared to laugh out loud, cry and fall in love.

Title: After Hurricane Nina, Jason's Resolution
Author: Suzanne Jenkins

After his parents are killed, Jason Harrison, family icon, leads their business to success until his playboy reputation gets him banned. But it’s a blessing in disguise, when he takes the advice of a homeless man who just happens to have his father’s voice.
Available at Amazon

Author: Suzanne Jenkins
Author: Suzanne Jenkins
Author Genre: Romance, Contemporary, Suspense
Website: Suzanne Jenkins
Author's Blog: Suzanne Jenkins
Twitter: @suzannejenkins3
Goodreads: Check Out Goodreads
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
USA Today Bestselling Author Suzanne Jenkins writes page-turning contemporary romance, mystery, and women's fiction with passionately gripping characters that stay with readers long after they turn the last page. The Detroit Detective Stories, beginning with The Greeks of Beaubien Street are truly American with a touch of fantasy. Pam of Babylon books consistently rank in the Top 100 Best Sellers in American Drama with over 500,000 downloads.
A retired operating room nurse, Jenkins lives in Southern California.

Title: After Hurricane Nina, Kip's Resolution
Author: Alicia Street

Hollywood stunt man Kip Rocklyn loves taking risks, using his skills to cheat death. After nature gives him a tragic dose of reality testing, he wonders if he’s just a kid refusing to grow up. But can he fit in a world where he doesn’t hurl his body through space or race a motorcycle at breakneck speeds? Would a woman’s love make it possible?
Mina Winthrop has always been a straight arrow, with strict parents she had never even considered disobeying. And she dates men who never veer off the narrow path. Trouble is none of them turn her on. Which is why she’s got a secret problem—she is still a virgin at twenty-seven. And she’s decided Kip Rocklyn is the perfect man to rid her of that.
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Author: Alicia Street
Author: Alicia Street
Author Genre: Romance, Mystery & Thrillers, Historical Fiction
Website: Alicia Street - Roy Street
Author's Blog: Alicia Street - Roy Street
Twitter: @AliciaStreet1
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Author Description:
Alicia Street is a USA Today bestselling author and a Daphne du Maurier award-winner. She writes both sweet and spicy romances and sometimes collaborates with her husband, Roy. She spent many years as a dancer, choreographer, and teacher. A compulsive reader of every genre, Alicia loves watching old black-and-white movies and inventing new recipes for soup.

Title: After Hurricane Nina: Quinn's Resolution
Author: Katie O’Sullivan

Quinn MacDonald had it made. With a record label deal and their first single skyrocketing up the charts, his indie punk band is finally getting a taste of rock and roll fame. Bikini-clad women and bottomless bottles of booze fill endless days… until their hotel collapses during a hurricane. He’s still under contract but as far as he’s concerned, the music died along with the rest of his band.
Life has never been easy for Phoebe Snow. Working three minimum wage jobs barely keeps a roof over her head while she and her band struggle to get noticed. But on stage, nothing matters but the music in her heart. When her band plays a cover of one of his hits, Quinn is blown away. Can Phoebe be the inspiration he needs for more than just writing songs?
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Author: Katie O’Sullivan
Author: Katie O’Sullivan
Author Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal, Romance
Website: Katie O’Sullivan
Author's Blog: Katie O’Sullivan
Twitter: @OkatieO
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Author Description:
Katie O'Sullivan is an award-winning writer, whose ten novels include the best selling My Kind of Crazy, Ghosts Don't Lie, Crazy About You, and the Son of a Mermaid series for teen readers: Descent, Defiance, and Deception.
A recovering English major, she earned her degree at Colgate University and now lives on Cape Cod with her family and big dogs, drinking way too much coffee and working as an editor, magazine columnist and technical writer. Which explains all the coffee.

Title: After Hurricane Nina, Leland's Resolution
Author: Stephanie Morris

Leland Groff lives for the thrill. His job, his passion, is to go where the danger is—fires, floods, tornadoes, tidal waves. He's there.
Then in the blink of an eye everything changes…
Arissa Maxwell is still grief stricken by the tragic loss of her friend. Even though it’s been over two years, the pain is still fresh. As a tribute, she returns to Bali to honor her friend. A chance meeting sends Arissa running from a man who screams danger.
But once again, and too late, she discovers that there are some things over which you have no control…
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Author: Stephanie Morris
Author: Stephanie Morris
Author Genre: Romance
Website: Stephanie Morris
Author's Blog: Stephanie Morris Blog Spot
Twitter: @smorrisbooks
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Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
USA Today Bestselling Author Stephanie Morris enjoys creating a story that combines a sensual energy with a captivating storyline. Sometimes her heroines have an edgier persona to them and sometimes they are of a softer essence. But all the time, her heroines are like real women, just trying to make a living and keep on going no matter what challenges life brings them. In Stephanie's opinion, there is nothing like curling up with a good book that you can't put down, and she is addicted to writing them.

Title: After Hurricane Nina: Hayden’s Resolution
Author: Nicole Morgan

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Author: Nicole Morgan
Author: Nicole Morgan
Author Genre: Romance, Mystery & Thrillers, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Website: Nicole Morgan
Author's Blog: Nicole Morgan
Twitter: @AuthorNicMorgan
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Author Description:
Nicole Morgan has been writing since 2009 and is an author of erotic romance novels, which more often than not have a suspenseful back story. Erotic romance mixed with good old-fashioned whodunit. While she's written everything from contemporary to paranormal, her leading men will more than likely be wearing a uniform of some kind. From military to police officers, she has a love for writing about those who protect and serve. From her very first novel (which turned into a four book series) about Navy SEALs to her more recent releases, you will be sure to find a few twists and turns you were not expecting.
Nicole also writes under the pen names of Taylor Brooks and Nicki Day.

Title: After Hurricane Nina, Rand's Resolution
Author: Tamara Ferguson

One summer, at a time when both were vulnerable as teenagers, Ciara Ryan and Randall Mathew McAllister III crossed paths in Crystal Rock, Wisconsin, supporting each other through some traumatic family issues.
Now an Air Force Lieutenant and pilot, Ciara is vacationing in Bali with two of her friends when she runs into none other than Rand McAllister, who’s residing on Bali, seemingly living the life of luxury because of a family inheritance.
Ciara knew that Rand was there on Bali, and she’s never been able to reconcile the womanizing trust fund prodigal she’d heard he’d become with the boy she’d known as a teen. Especially since she’d discovered that Rand had also attended the Air Force Academy a few years ahead of her and had apparently excelled. Sparks fly from the moment they meet again.
Unbeknownst to Ciara, Rand is also a first Lieutenant, an AFSOI agent working as a government liaison with the U.S. Embassy, while unofficially assisting the anti-terrorism unit in Indonesia.
Their worlds collide on Bali during a tropical storm evacuation when a terrorist bombing threat is exposed.
Amidst tragedy, Ciara sees a side of Rand she never knew existed. She’s suspected from the start that his life on Bali is not at all what it seems.
When Rand is discovered to be on an ISIS hit list, he’s forced to disappear.
Rand vows that he and Ciara will have a future together, but will it be too late when the assassin uses Ciara to draw Rand out?
Available at Amazon

Author: Tamara Ferguson
Author: Tamara Ferguson
Author Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Suspense
Website: Tamara Ferguson - Kissed by Fate
Author's Blog: Newsletter Sign Up
Twitter: @Tammysdragonfly
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Author Description:
Writing steamy yet sweet compassionate stories of fate that are wonderfully romantic, Tamara Ferguson is the multi-award winning, USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR of the Tales of the Dragonfly Romance Suspense Series, the Kissed By Fate Series, the Two Hearts Wounded Warrior Romance Series, the Daydreams & Dragonflies Sweet Romance Series and the Tales From Dragonfly Pointe Short Story Series.
Despite their serious subject matter, the Two Hearts Wounded Warrior stories are all about hope, with happily-ever-after endings. This #1 bestselling series has won 16 awards cumulatively since the release of Two Hearts Surrendered, Book 1 in the series, including the Readers' Favorite BRONZE (2018), SILVER (2016) and GOLD (2018) MEDALS in Military Fiction.

Featured Set: Dead and Gone: A Collection of 13 Serial Killer Mysteries and Thrillers

A Collection of 13 Serial Killer Mysteries and Thrillers

Sometimes, death is only the beginning…
In this bold new anthology of 13 serial killer books, New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal and Amazon bestselling authors bring a chilling boxed set filled with murder mysteries, crime fiction, suspense and thrillers with many twists and turns.
Stories that range from amateur sleuths to seasoned police detectives with strong female characters, a rising body count, and victims found with the serial killers’ calling cards.
Can these killers be stopped?
>>>13 serial killer stories…because one is never enough.
This set includes stories from:
Allan Leverone, New York Times Bestselling Author, USA Today Bestselling Author, and Kindle Scout Winner
Judith Lucci, Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author, USA Today Bestselling Author, and Multiple gold medal recipient of Reader Favorites.
J. J. Cagney, USA Today Bestselling Author and Named to Kirkus Reviews' Best Books of 2018
Fiona Quinn, USA Today Bestselling Author, Kindle Scout Winner
Chris Patchell, USA Today Bestselling Author, Kindle Scout Winner
Inge-Lise Goss, USA Today Bestselling Author
Steve Vincent, USA Today Bestselling Author
Rob Blackwell, Kindle Scout Winner, Amazon Bestseller
Steve Gannon, Kindle Scout Winner, and International Bestselling Author
Kerry J. Donovan, International Bestselling Author
Jane Blythe, Amazon Bestselling Author
Tina Glasneck, USA Today Bestselling Author
Terry Keys,USA Today Bestselling Author

Title: Angels Cry
Author: Tina Glasneck

The city is plagued by a heroin epidemic and women are disappearing without a trace. Everyone knows the Brotherhood Syndicate is behind it, but they never leave any blatant evidence.
Undercover cop Peter Lazarus is tasked to find the smoking gun to cripple them. He's on the verge of success when his two worlds collide and threaten the entire mission when his estranged wife appears and is working with them -- a wife the Brotherhood will gladly use against him, if they learn the truth.
Now, this case is no longer just an assignment. He's fighting against time and for family. This investigation will test everything he's worked for and what he's made of. The consequences for failing could be dire. He could lose more than his badge, but also his very life.
Available at Amazon

Author: Tina Glasneck
Author: Tina Glasneck
Author Genre: Mystery, Suspense, & Thrillers, Paranormal Romance & Fantasy Rom, Crime Fiction
Website: Tina Glasneck
Twitter: @TinaGlasneck
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Author Description:
Tina Glasneck is a USA Today bestselling author of fantasy, myth, magic and murder. She enjoys creating fantastical tales starring Norse gods, like Loki, Thor, Odin and Freyja, dragons, and magic. When she is not researching mythological creatures, legends and folklore, she can be found discussing time travel, alternate history, and the epicness of all things dragons. One day she hopes to travel to Asgard and see what all the fuss is about.
Tina is described as a "must read" by her fans, who say that "history seems to come alive as nothing in the past did for me before," and "holy cow, I cannot wait to read the rest of her books." Each book is a "fantastic story filled with history, mystery, wonder and time travel,"are "dense with character, detail, action, emotion, intrigue," and are "one journey you don't want to miss!" Her readers agree: "I was pulled into this story so fast, and so deeply, that I forgot I was reading. I forgot everything around me and sank into the world that Tina Glasneck has created."

Title: Relic
Author: Fiona Quinn

Sophia is the woman who spun his world and stole his heart then disappeared from his life.
Now, she needs protection. Sophia is fighting to safeguard Syrian relics from being stolen and sold into private collections by terrorists.
Her colleagues are being kidnapped and killed.
But the FBI doesn’t believe all is as it seems with Sophia. The Bureau thinks she's helping to sell conflict relics, funding terror, and putting America and her allies at risk.
This case will test Brian’s conviction, honor, and courage. Brian loves Sophia deeply, but which will win the war, his heart or his sense of duty? Click the button and join in the action adveture!
Available at Amazon

Author: Fiona Quinn
Author: Fiona Quinn
Author Genre: Suspense, Romance, Mystery
Website: Fiona Quinn
Author's Blog: Fiona Quinn
Twitter: @FionaQuinnBooks
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Author Description:
Fiona Quinn is a four-time USA Today bestselling author, a Kindle Scout winner, and has been listed as an Amazon Top 100 author in: Romantic Suspense; Mystery, thriller, and suspense; Mysteries, Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror.
Quinn writes suspense in her Iniquus World of books including: Lynx, Strike Force, Uncommon Enemies, Kate Hamilton Mysteries, and FBI Joint Task Force Series.
She writes urban fantasy as Fiona Angelica Quinn for her Elemental Witches Series
And, just for fun, she writes the Badge Bunny Booze Mystery Collection with her dear friend, Tina Glasneck.
Canadian born, Quinn is now rooted in the Old Dominion where she lives with her husband and children. There, she pops chocolates, devours books, and taps continuously on her laptop with Little Bear sleeping near her feet.?

Title: The Imposter
Author: Judith Lucci

It is hotter than hell in New Orleans and newly promoted Police Commander Jack Francoise is battling horrific crime in the Vieux Carre. At the Psychiatric Pavilion, nurses are doling out Thorazine Slurpees to the criminally insane and viciously psychotic patients in the South. Alexandra Destephano, legal counsel for the hospital is troubled by safety issues and is working hard to protect patients and staff. The violence escalates and brutal beatings and murder becomethe order of the day as life in the Big Easy becomes Uneasy.
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Author: Judith Lucci
Author: Judith Lucci
Author Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense
Website: Judith Lucci
Author's Blog: Judith Lucci
Twitter: @JudithLucci
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Author Description:
Judith Lucci is a Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Amazon Best Selling author who loves to kill people - which is totally opposite what she's spent her life doing. "I love to think of heinous ways to dispose of people - sometimes a lot of people- but it must be creative. I don't use guns very often but rather rely on my medical background and research to figure out the best way to get the job done. Bullets are just too easy. I'm sure a psychiatrist would have a ball trying to figure out why someone who spent her life caring for people and saving lives, now spends hours each day in the creative pursuit of murder."
Dr. Lucci is a Gold Medal Winner for Best Sleuth 2017 for The Case of Dr. Dude, the first book in the Michaela McPherson Series and another Gold Medal for Best Political Thriller in 2017 for Viral Intent, the third book in the Alexandra Destephano medical thriller series. Her third Michaela McPherson mystery won a silver medal in 2018 for Best Sleuth. She's has contributed to numerous anthologies, some of which are currently available on Amazon. She has recently claimed the prestigious status of a Wall Street Journal best selling author. She is also a USA Today best selling author. Her Cozy Mystery series, Artsy Chicks, is set at Massanutten Resort in the Virginia mountains where she and several other artists and the local medical examiner, solve mysteries of deaths that occur at the resort.
Lucci's thrillers are a fast-paced, riveting reads that offer readers believable drama, memorable characters and true suspense. Her books are described as 'unputdownable."
Judith was born and educated in Virginia where she holds graduate and doctoral degrees from Virginia Commonwealth University and the University of Virginia. She is also the author of numerous academic and health-related articles and documents.

Title: Deadly Lies
Author: Chris Patchell

After running fast and far from her painful childhood, Jill Shannon has made it. She has a successful career and is married to Detective Alex Shannon. Together they live out what seems to be a perfect life in Seattle.
The vow she made as a teenager to never again be a victim lies dormant—until one day a reporter lures her to his hotel room under the pretense of an interview—and suddenly it all comes rushing back.
Jill seeks revenge on the reporter, triggering a series of events that leads Jill down a wormhole of retribution, forcing her to spin an ever-widening web of lies.
Meanwhile, Alex is on the case of a series of murders that began as cyber relationships. There seems to be a familiar fingerprint on these crimes, but Alex refuses to believe that the murderer could be so close to him.
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Author: Chris Patchell
Author: Chris Patchell
Author Genre: Suspense, Mystery, Thriller
Website: Chris Patchell
Author's Blog: Chris Patchell
Twitter: @chris_patchell
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Author Description:
Chris Patchell is the award-winning, USA Today Bestselling author of five novels. A former tech worker turned full-time author, Chris Patchell pens suspense novels set in the Pacific Northwest.
Her novels have been praised by Kevin O'Brien and Robert Dugoni, and her rich complex plot lines and well-drawn characters will keep you turning pages well into the night. When she's not writing books or watching football, Chris is hanging out with her husband, kids, and two crazy dogs.

Title: A Soul To Steal
Author: Rob Blackwell

Lord Halloween, a vicious murderer who targeted Loudoun County, Va., twelve years ago, has returned. Quinn and Kate, two community journalists, race to uncover his identity before a promised bloodbath on Halloween. But to stop him, they may unleash a far darker threat -- and pay an unimaginable price.
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Author: Rob Blackwell
Author: Rob Blackwell
Author Genre: Horror, Mystery & Thrillers, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Website: Rob Blackwell
Author's Blog: Rob Blackwell
Twitter: @robblackwellAB
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Author Description:
Rob is an award-winning journalist with 17 years' experience, and the author of The Sanheim Chronicles and The Soren Chase novels, two series that combine urban fantasy, mystery and suspense.
His first novel, A Soul to Steal, was featured on USA Today and praised by book bloggers and readers alike for its great plot and "fantastic ending." Many of his other books have been Kindle bestsellers.
As a journalist, Rob has won several Virginia Press Association awards and has been the co-winner of two Jesse H. Neal awards for business journalism. In 2017, he was also awarded the prestigious Tim White Award for Editorial Integrity, which recognizes a journalist "whose work demonstrates extraordinary courage, integrity and passion."
He has appeared several times on various media outlets, including NPR, BBC, Fox Business, CNBC and C-Span.
Rob lives in Virginia with his wife and two children.

Title: Facing the Past
Author: J. J. Cagney

After her mother’s sudden death, a Dallas housewife struggles to hold her young family together…especially after Danielle Patterson uncovers a dark secret that shatters her reality. Determined to bring her brother’s killer to justice, Danielle picks up exactly where her late mother left off. All too soon, her reckless pursuit proves Danielle—and her mother—knew the killer.
Available at Amazon

Author: J. J. Cagney
Author: J. J. Cagney
Author Genre: Mystery, Romance, Fantasy
Website: Alexa Padgett
Twitter: @AlexaPadgett
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Author Description:
J. J. Cagney is the mystery/thriller pen name of USA Today bestselling author Alexa Padgett. Her debut mystery, A Pilgrimage of Death, was named to Kirkus Reviews' 100 Best Books of 2018 and Goodreads Best Mysteries of the 2010s.
Cagney holds a bachelor's in international marketing and spent part of her twenties as the marketing director for an elite sports management firm. And, yes, she did her requisite stint with a dotcom back in the that early 2000s, first as a marketing coordinator and then as a content manager. She's penned work for a variety of websites and magazines, and she worked as a literary agent for Irene Webb Literary.
She lives in northern New Mexico with her husband, children, about a million fish, and their Great Pyrenees, Ash. Kirkus Reviews called Cagney's latest mystery, An Artifact of Death, "An exhilarating entry in a thoroughly enjoyable series."

Title: Kane: Blood Moon
Author: Steve Gannon

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Author: Steve Gannon
Author: Steve Gannon
Author Genre: Thriller, Suspense, Science Fiction
Website: Steve Gannon
Author's Blog: Steve Gannon
Twitter: @SGannonAuthor
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Author Description:
STEVE GANNON is the author of the bestselling Kane Novels, including "A Song for the Asking," first published by Bantam Books. Gannon divides his time between Italy and Idaho, living in two of the most beautiful places on earth. In Idaho he spends his days skiing, whitewater kayaking, and writing. In Italy Gannon also continues to write, while enjoying the Italian people, food, history, culture, and learning the Italian language. He is married to concert pianist Susan Spelius Gannon.

Title: The DCI Jones Casebook: Ellis Flynn
Author: Kerry J. Donovan

When fourteen-year-old Hollie Jardine fails to return home from school, her terrified parents call the police.
It doesn’t take veteran detective, DCI David Jones, head of the Midlands Police Serious Crime Unit, long to discover a link between Hollie and convicted sex-offender, Ellis Flynn.
With Hollie's chances of survival fading, Jones and his colleague Alex Olganski risk their careers when they ignore protocol to follow Flynn’s trail across the Channel into France.
What they discover in an idyllic backwater will stretch Jones' detection skills to the limit, and Alex's loyalty to heartbreak.
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Author: Kerry J. Donovan
Author: Kerry J. Donovan
Author Genre: Crime, Suspense, Thriller
Website: Kerry J Donovan
Author's Blog: Kerry J Donovan
Twitter: @KerryJDonovan
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Author Description:
#1 International Best Seller with his action thriller, Ryan Kaine: On the Run, Kerry J Donovan was born in Dublin. A citizen of the world, he now lives in the heart of rural Brittany with his wonderful wife, Jan. They have three children and four grandchildren, all of whom live in England. An absentee granddad, Kerry is hugely grateful for the development of video calling.
The cottage is a pet free zone (apart from the field mice, moles, and a family of red squirrels).

Title: The Tegen Cave
Author: Inge-Lise Goss

Then to make matters worse Sara's twenty-fifth birthday approaches, and her dark heritage begins to emerge. She is forced to make a life-or-death decision. And somehow, she must find a way to deal with the crime family.
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Author: Inge-Lise Goss
Author: Inge-Lise Goss
Author Genre: Paranormal, Romance, Mystery
Website: Inge-Lise Goss, Author
Twitter: @IngeGoss
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Author Description:
Inge-Lise Goss, a multi-award winning author, was born in Denmark, raised in Utah, and now lives in the foothills of Red Rock Canyon with her husband and their dog, Ted. She spends most of her time in her den writing stories. There, with her muse by her side, her imagination has no boundaries, and her dreams come alive. When she's not pounding away on the keyboard, she can be found reading, rowing, or trying to perfect her golf game, which she fears is a lost cause.

Title: Mr. Midnight
Author: Allan Leverone

When a local investigator learns Cait was born in a Boston suburb, the Tampa lawyer wastes no time booking a flight to the East Coast. In Boston, with the city under siege by a killer known as "Mr. Midnight," Cait's visions intensify, morphing from merely annoying to graphic and terrifying.
Worse, Cait begins to realize she shares a strange psychic connection with the depraved sociopath; a connection that may just get her killed.
As Cait and the murderer are drawn inexorably toward a violent confrontation, unraveling a decades-old mystery might be the only thing that prevents her from becoming the next victim...of Mr. Midnight.
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Author: Allan Leverone
Author: Allan Leverone
Author Genre: Mystery & Thrillers, Horror
Website: Allan Leverone Welcome
Twitter: @AllanLeverone
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Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Allan Leverone is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of nearly twenty novels, and a Derringer Award winner for excellence in short mystery fiction. His chilling novel, MR. MIDNIGHT, was included in Suspense Magazine's "Best Books of 2013" issue.
Allan lives in New Hampshire with his wife Sue, three grown children, and two beautiful grandchildren.

Title: Eyes On You
Author: Steve P. Vincent

Ashley Wheeler is hiding from her past. The only thing keeping her going is the love of her daughter, Lucy, who Ashley will risk everything to win back from her husband.
While she chases after her daughter, Ashley becomes the plaything of a killer she doesn’t know exists and a cop who’s happy to use her to get what he wants.
As their fates intertwine, Ashley will find out that indulging your obsession can put you on a collision course with others.
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Author: Steve P. Vincent
Author: Steve P. Vincent
Author Genre: Thriller, Suspense, Crime
Website: Steve P. Vincent
Twitter: @stevepvincent
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Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Steve P. Vincent is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the Jack Emery and Mitch Herron conspiracy thriller series.
Steve has a degree in political science, a thesis on global terrorism, a decade as a policy advisor and training from the FBI and Australian Army in his conspiracy kit bag.
When he's not writing, Steve enjoys whisky, sports and dreaming up ever more elaborate conspiracy theories. Oh, and travel. He's travelled extensively through Europe, the United States and Asia.

Title: Chained Guilt
Author: Terry Keys

Detective David Porter had just closed the file on his latest serial killer case when horrific murders with the same MO start happening in and around Houston. A fifteen-year veteran of the Houston Police Department, Porter was one of the best serial killer detectives in the country, his talents known worldwide. The recently promoted officer couldn’t ask for much more. He was husband to one of the hottest women on the planet, former-model-turned-news-anchor Miranda Porter. He also had two beautiful daughters. Yes, life was good . . . or so it seemed.
A cunning serial killer was on the prowl, brutally killing every child he could get his hands on. Porter was hot on his trail, but the killer was an expert – no mistakes. A late night of work, a storm and a car accident would lead David head first into another case – a kidnapping – and this time it was personal. Could there be a connection between the two? David was staring face-first down the barrel of both cases and time was running out.
Does Detective Porter have what it takes to bring these criminals to justice and solve they mystery? Will the good life he once enjoyed elude him forever? Only time will tell.
Detective David Porter is a former Army Ranger and a leading criminal profiler specializing in serial killers. He works for the Houston Police Department and lives just south of Houston with his wife Miranda and their two daughters.
Available at Amazon

Author: Terry Keys
Author: Terry Keys
Author Genre: Crime, Fiction, Suspense
Website: Terry Keys
Twitter: @tkeys15
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Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
USA TODAY Bestselling author Terry Keys is an award winning novelist, songwriter, and poet. His first novel 'Chained Guilt' won the NIEA Thriller of the year award. A native of Rosharon, Texas, Keys spends his free time reading, hunting, fishing, and working out. He lives in Dickinson, Texas, with his wife and two children.

Author: Jane Blythe
Author: Jane Blythe
Author Genre: Romantic Mysteries, Romantic Suspense, Romantic Thrillers
Website: Jane Blythe
Twitter: @jblytheauthor
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Author Description:
Jane has loved reading and writing since she can remember. She writes dark and disturbing crime/mystery/suspense with some romance thrown in because, well, who doesn't love romance?! She has several series including the complete Detective Parker Bell series, the Count to Ten series, the Christmas Romantic Suspense series, and the Flashes of Fate series of novelettes.
When she's not writing Jane loves to read, bake, go to the beach, ski, horse ride, and watch Disney movies. She has a black belt in Taekwondo, a 200+ collection of teddy bears, and her favorite color is pink. She has the world's two most sweet and pretty Dalmatians, Ivory and Pearl. Oh, and she also enjoys spending time with family and friends!

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