Authors, we have a dozen outstanding authors this time around. This month we have an interesting variety of writers with worlds of expertise.
December is starting right where we left off in November. Here is a summary of our November authors.
Erik Christian
Author Genre: Biographies & Memoirs, Literature & Fiction, Nonfiction
Author's Blog: erikchristian - Writing of that not written
Website: Erik Christian
Twitter: @SimplyAfterDark
LinkedIn: Check Out LinkedIn
I encourage writers by telling them how easy it is to submit their work, usually via Kindle Direct Publishing.
Social media: I promote my work, mostly with Twitter, because you can get your message out fast.
For the rest of the story...View Erik Christian - HBS Author's Spotlight
Cheryl Bradshaw
Author Genre: Mystery/Thriller fiction novels
Author's Blog: A Place to Embrace our Love of Books
Website: Cheryl Bradshaw
Twitter: @cherylbradshaw
LinkedIn: Check Out LinkedIn
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Support group: Indie Chicks isn’t as much about marketing as it is about fellow author support from a group of other strong women.
Create group support: I used the Indie Writers Unite Cookbook to unite the group. (IWU)
Support group: Indie Writers Unite (IWU) on Facebook
Social media is my primary focus. I love twitter for many reasons. Main importance for me is using it to connect with my fans and fellow authors.
For the rest of the story...View Cheryl Bradshaw - HBS Author's Spotlight
Joanna Penn
Author Genre: Action-Adventure Thriller
Author's Blog: The Creative Penn
Website: J. F. Penn, Ancient Mystery, Modern Thrill
Twitter: @thecreativepenn
LinkedIn: Check Out LinkedIn
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
I got people on my blog to pick the book cover for Pentecost. It made people feel more involved.
Book trailers should capture people’s attention, be catchy and use a shortened back blurb.
I find social media brilliant for connecting with people, mainly my writing peers and people in the industry. Selling books: social media is about getting attention in this noisy world and then having people follow back.
Blogging: it was a means to become part of a community and help others.
For the rest of the story...View Joanna Penn - HBS Author's Spotlight
Stacy Eaton
Author Genre: Crime, Thriller and Mystery
Author's Blog: Stacy Eaton, Author
Website: Stacy Eaton
Twitter: @StacySEaton
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Support Groups: I am all in on the World Literary Café. What a great group of writers. The biggest benefit is the network and friendships. Melissa Foster is amazing.
Book Tour: extensive ones like I did are hard to coordinate and hard to pull off. Started out by reaching out to my author friends. I timed it so it was during the week Whether I’ll Live or Die was released.
Book Trailers: I love making video trailers!!! Some people thing video trailers are good, some don’t. It’s a personal taste, just like how one reader will like one book, but not another.
I have a sign in my kitchen that hangs over a clock where the battery is dead. I leave it that way because it goes well with the sign that reads, “Once upon a time, there was time”
For the rest of the story...View Stacy Eaton - HBS Author's Spotlight
Dave Folsom
Author Genre: Mystery & Thrillers
Author's Blog: Dave Folsom - All About This and That
Website: Dave Folsom's Books
Twitter: @davefolsombooks
LinkedIn: Check Out LinkedIn
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Support group: I’m a big fan of IAN for support. They give me access to the efforts of fellow writers and help with marketing.
Marketing: I try to have my books on as many sites as possible, along with my own websites. I do extensive social media play simply because I think it’s necessary to build a platform and get your name our as much as you can.
For the rest of the story...View Dave Folsom - HBS Author's Spotlight
Melissa Foster
Author Genre: Literature & Fiction, Mystery & Thrillers
Author's Blog: Melissa Foster Blog
Website: Melissa Foster
Twitter: @Melissa_Foster
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Book Trailers: What a joy it is to put faces to the characters.
Time management: I schedule everything from phone calls to picking up my children from school.
Indie Chicks: These ladies are friends, mentors to many, and fabulous writers.
World Literary Café: Readers, writers, bloggers, reviewers, and anyone interested in the literary field can join. Our goal is to unite the literary community, bring authors to readers and help authors promote their work.
Social Media: I love to share what I've learned in publishing. It allows me to connect with readers across the world.
For the rest of the story...View Melissa Foster - HBS Author's Spotlight
Dani Amore
Author's Blog: Dani Amore
Twitter: @authordaniamore
LinkedIn: Check Out LinkedIn
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Outsourcing: Having outside help, especially with editing and proofreading is essential. I've got a whole team of great people I work with. There are no shortcuts.
I have done book trailers and have no idea if they helped or not. My favorite quote on advertising is: 'I know half of my advertising money is wasted. I just don't know which half.'
IAN member: Before I published my first book, I reached out to quite a few authors. I'm sure some of them don't even remember me.
Indie Chicks: Being a part of the Indie Chicks has been amazing. It's just a fantastic group of hard-working, talented, wonderfully nice people.
Social media: The main thing is to connect with my readers. I answer all of my emails, friend requests, tweets.
Starting off as a writer: The ability to separate the two, writing and selling, is essential. I look it as writing is my job.
For the rest of the story...View Dani Amore - HBS Author's Spotlight
Pamela Burford
Author Genre: Romantic suspense and contemporary romance novels
Website: Pamela Burford
Twitter: @PamelaBurford
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Group support: Writing is the quintessential solitary pursuit. Getting together with others who are facing the same empty page—or screen—and the same frustrations and anxieties is crucial.
Pamela is the founder of Long Island Romance Writers, a chapter of Romance Writers of America.
Social media: Facebook, Twitter, and their social-media cousins have eroded the barrier between authors and readers, and every author I know loves the change!
Ebook world: What an exciting time to be a writer! Digital self-publishing has changed the way I publish my work, but not the quality of my writing. Readers are more savvy and demand quality.
For the rest of the story...View Pamela Burford - HBS Author's Spotlight
Dawn Greenfield Ireland
Author Genre: Mystery Thrillers, Fantasy,Professional & Technical
Author's Blog: Dawn Ireland
Website: Dawn Ireland Writer
Twitter: @dawnireland
LinkedIn: Check Out LinkedIn
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Dawn Ireland Critque Group in Houston: about 20 years old now. It is very gratifying to help new writers get on the right track. Hardest thing: they should not be offended by criticism.
Your How To Publishing Program: Includes creating the best product, indie publishing and to get the book on all the sites.
Marketing: Every book I send out in the mail, or autograph and sell at an event has my three postcards inside. That is my #1 marketing tool.
For the rest of the story...View Dawn Greenfield Ireland - HBS Author's Spotlight
Sean E. Thomas
Author Genre: Mystery/Crime/Suspense/Thriller
Author's Blog: AlaskanNovelist
Website: Alaskan Mysteries
Twitter: @AlaskanNovelist
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Multi online retail sites: It's like a shotgun. I'm trying to get my name and my books out to the public. Twitter seems the best.
Support groups: Belonging to groups gives me inspiration and friend support.
Writing mysteries with Alaska as the setting: There are lots of places to hide bodies and the animals will obliterate the remains leaving virtually nothing.
Social Media: Twitter helps sell a number of books, Facebook is my inner circle of writers, family and friends and is a support network.
For the rest of the story...View Sean E. Thomas - HBS Author's Spotlight
Troy Blackford
Author Genre: Horror, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Short Stories
Website: Troy Blackford - Journey to Death at Lifespeed
Twitter: @TBlackford3
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
The first novels are more like learning opportunities for you as a writer than they are likely to be examples of your best work.
Another bit of advice is to really focus on short stories early on so that you can develop your skills before making writing novel after novel your priority.
I just keep my head down and keep writing/rewriting/editing.
I am at a phase in my writing career where I am very much just trying to get off the ground, hone my craft, and get to a decent level of skill.
Social media: I try not to think of it as a marketing tool, but as a way to connect to people. I've met a great deal of my current close friends on there.
For the rest of the story...View Troy Blackford - HBS Author's Spotlight
Devin C. Hughes
Author Genre: Ethnic & Minority Studies + Biography
Website: Devin C. Hughes
Twitter: @DevinCHughes
LinkedIn: Check Out LinkedIn
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Independent Author Index: Faydra Deon's group is awesome and I do occasionally look there for support or clarity around issues or challenges that I encounter since other writers can relate to my situation
I am huge social media maven and spend hours a day interacting with a wide variety of folks…
MY comic titled "Self Talk" is used by parents and educators as a resource with kids who are struggling to fit, being bullied and or may just feel isolated alone or disconnected from others.
For the rest of the story...View Devin C. Hughes - HBS Author's Spotlight
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