Author Genre: Sweet Romance
Website: Author Donna Fasano, In All Directions
Author's Blog: Awesome Romance Novels
Blog: Donna Fasano - Donna Clayton
Twitter: @DonnaFaz
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Author Description: Donna Fasano is a three time winner of the HOLT Medallion, a CataRomance Reviewers Choice Award winner for Best Single Title, a Desert Rose Golden Quill Award finalist, and a Golden Heart finalist.
She is a wife, mom, spiritual seeker, blogger, avid reader, foodie, all-around-happy individual. She has two grown sons and lives with her husband on the eastern seaboard of the United States.
She is also known as Donna Clayton. Donna has written over thirty published novels with sales in excess of 3.6 million copies. Many of these novels have gone out-of-print with the rights reverting to her. She is giving them a facelift and republishing them for your favorite eReader.
SPOTLIGHT Questions and Answers with the Author
I understand you’re working on the first of a series called: The Single Daddy Club. Can you tell us when we can expect this to be in our hands and give us a little teaser?
I am happy to report that the entire series is available for Kindle, Nook, Kobo, and iBooks. I considered putting the books out a couple of months apart, but I'm just not that patient. The series is light and fluffy fun! Three single fathers vow to support one another as they raise the children in their lives. None of them are looking for love, but love finds them nonetheless. The third book has a touch of suspense in it which is unusual for me.
You have made the move from traditional publishing to the indie world. Now hard was it making the adjustment? Do you still do the traditional types of marketing like book signings, personal appearances, etc. What is the biggest thing you miss from the relationship with your publisher?
The most difficult adjustment I have found is not having enough time to do all the the necessary jobs involved in being an Indie Author. I spend about half of each day on marketing and promotion. I promote myself and other authors. (I have a blog called Awesome Romance Novels where I feature 2 or more books per day.) With the publication of The Single Daddy Club Series, I have succeeded in uploading all of the backlist titles. I am looking forward to having the time to create some new works of fiction.
Although I used to speak at local high schools and libraries and participate in book signings, I no longer do those things. I probably should find the time to do them. I found talking to teens about the pros, cons, and rewards of being an author quite satisfying. I know I would be welcomed at schools, libraries, and book stores. That's something I'll have to revisit soon.
While writing romances for Harlequin, I did enjoy the fact that that's all I did. I was a writer. Period. Now I wear every hat and I'm in charge of all aspects of my career. Although it's exciting, it's also hectic and nonstop.
One of the big moves would have been getting out from under the tent of the publisher. You are in all the right places on-line. Did you have to make a big adjustment in adapting to social media? How did your reading audience adapt to all the changes you had to make including a name change?
The social media learning curve was steep. (I don't mind confessing that the learning curve of every avenue of self-publishing was steep.) But I do enjoy socializing, so the learning has been fun. I've made some amazing on-line friendships and connections.
One of the biggest surprises was when Donna Clayton (my pseudonym) readers began finding Donna Fasano on the internet. I have a blog, a Facebook page, and a Twitter account. Although I wrote for my publisher as Donna Clayton, the copyright of each of my books was listed as being held by me, Donna Fasano, in the front of each and every one of my traditionally published novels. I believed that helped a lot.
I have read several blogs you have written. Great stuff. Giving back to other authors is a great idea with all the experience you have. What goals do you have in mind as you share your information?
Offering other authors a helping hand makes me feel good. I'm a big advocate of helping others (and not just in a professional sense). Some authors like to hold onto their hard-earned lessons tightly, and I met some of those types of people back when I first began self-publishing; they know answers and secrets but refuse to tell. However, I met other authors who were generous with information and who helped me immensely. And now that I've learned how to do this successfully, I want to help others all I can. I'm a firm believer in 'what goes around, comes around'...if I help others to succeed, my own success will only be enhanced.
Have you created any book trailers for your works? Do you have any plans in the future to expand that part of your marketing?
I haven't ventured out into this area yet. However, it is something that interests me so I will probably give it a try.
We have had several of the Indie Chicks in the Author’s Spotlight. What a group of outstanding people. I feel so strongly about the group, I added their book in the list of your credits below (You are a co-author). What is the main thing that you get out of this association? Why is the book so successful besides having outstanding authors?
I am so lucky to a part this group of talented women. They offer support and a wealth of knowledge, and they're always willing to help in any way they can. I believe the book is successful because we wrote our stories from the heart. When emotion is poured into a story, readers can't help but notice.
What other groups do you belong too? Let’s give them credit here.
I'm a member of; a large group of authors who were (some still are) traditionally published and now have published some of their backlist titles. I am also a 'member' of several other 'groups' of writers who share information and support, but who aren't organized enough to be deemed a group. Writing can be a solitary occupation; making contacts and forming networks of friends and supporters helps immensely.
You wrote about the difference between the traditional world and Indie world: the UPS were freedom, money, and developing new talents and the DOWNS were no deadlines, no boss and doing it all.
How much of a conflict in your everyday life was it changing hats? Did you have to change the process of how you brought a book to market? If you had to go through the change again, do you have any advice to other authors on where to start?
In a perfect world, I think I would have done things differently. I would have taken the time to build my social network and introduce myself to book reviewers and bloggers before publishing my first Indie book. I'd have 'done it right' by stirring up a little anticipation before launching that first book. But life is rarely perfect, and what I deem perfect circumstances would be far from it to another writer, I'm sure. But if asked for advice, I would tell authors who are just starting out to educate themselves. There is a wealth of free information on the internet. Find it, read it, apply it. What works for some authors might not work for others, so be willing to experiment, be willing to keep an open mind, be willing to fail, and be willing to try again.
How big an impact has ebooks been on your sales volume? Did you have to change your approach to the way you write and market the ebooks compared to the traditional method?
98% of my sales come from my ebooks. Up to this point, all the books (except one) that I've published have been backlist titles. But I've accomplished my 2012 goal of publishing all eleven of my backlist books, and now I'm ready to try my hand at writing more fiction. I have heard that ebook readers prefer shorter novels and that they enjoy very low-priced books. Are these 'rumors' true? I have no idea. All I know is that my readers enjoy being taken on romantic adventures; they've told me they like the realistic characters I create, so I think I'm going to stick with what works for me. For now.
What has been your experience in giving your books away free? Have you been involved in other types of giveaways and how did that work out? What was your main goal in doing this? Did you run into any obstacles?
People love getting something for nothing. I currently have a book running for free on Amazon and iTunes. It's called Return of the Runaway Bride, and I've given away thousands of copies at both venues. I believe it gives readers a 'taste' of my work. I think it's good business to offer samples, and I hope the readers who enjoy my work will be willing to come back and buy a second or third novel. I've given away paperback novels via Goodreads, and I've given away ebooks through book review blogs. I haven't run into any obstacles as of yet, and I think giveaways are a great way to introduce your work to a reader who might not have tried your books, otherwise.
Author's Book List
Sexy single dad Derek Mitchell had learned the hard way to never trust a beautiful woman. So although he would always be indebted to Lainey Adams for thwarting a kidnapping attempt on his beloved daughter, he wasn't about to show his gratitude by offering his heart on a silver platter! But what was the brooding bachelor to do when his matchmaking millionaire father rewarded Lainey's giving her part of the family fortune? For despite Derek's love phobia, something about the beguiling Lainey touched his soul, filling him with hope—and desire. Yet he sensed that she was keeping secrets—the kind that could shatter his world…
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'Mom, get a life!' Her teenage daughter's words were daunting. True, struggling single mom Julia Jones hadn't had a date in over a decade, but she could still catch a man-if she needed to! So Julia, who claimed not to want a husband, found herself entangled in a fake romance. Ryan Shane was tall, dark, and devastatingly handsome. And he just so happened to need a no-strings date himself. Their plan was perfectly thought out. Until a conveniently staged good-night kiss turned into very inconvenient passion… This book contains bonus material that includes several delicious recipes!
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If her husband turned up alive—she'd kill him! Explaining to the seriously sexy cop why she hadn't noticed her husband missing for three days was both embarrassing and sobering. But the day Fiona Rowland lifted her head above the churning chaos of kids, carpools and a million things to do, annoyance turned to fury…then to worry. Where was Stanley? Having one of those wake-up-and-smell-the-coffee moments changes the way a woman looks at things: marriage, money, family and friends. And when her best pal from high school appears (packing her own secrets) to lend support, it turns out even the past isn't quite what it seems. Scrambling to make sense of the drama unfolding, Fiona discovers there's an upside to having your whole world turned upside down. It's easier to grab the good stuff.
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Professor Joshua Kingston thought he'd found the perfect nanny for his son. But once Cassie Simmons stepped into his life, she turned it upside down! His son no longer played by the rules - and Cassie kept making up new ones. He would fire her - if he didn't find her so utterly enticing. Cassie had a huge secret to hide, and she couldn't afford to lose her new job. But her handsome employer wasn't making things easy. All those silly rules. How was an eight-year-old boy supposed to have any fun? The professor definitely needed a lesson in laughter - and love!
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Desperate Bachelor Ben Danvers was about to lose everything?unless he found a woman willing to become his wife. The terms of his grandfather's will were outrageous, but they were ironclad. Just when Ben was about to give up all hope, the last woman he ever expected to wed made a startling proposal. Bargaining Bride Chelsea Carson offered Ben a deal he couldn't refuse. He could keep the family fruit orchard if he would make her one and only dream come true. But there were to be no strings attached, no messy emotions when it was over. Their makeshift marriage would be perfect?unless Chelsea allowed love to bungle the plan.
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'I do,' the bride and groom said… and without love they wed. Jonas Winslow knew nothing about fatherhood, yet he was determined to keep his orphaned nephew. But the boy's aunt, Robin Hampstead, wasn't about to let go of her only remaining family. The solution: a temporary - strictly platonic - marriage…or so they thought. Their agreement was to share the house and all child-rearing responsibilities, which seemed an uncomplicated arrangement until…Jonas began seeing Robin in a new light, not as a pretend wife, but as a very real woman whose bedroom was enticingly close to his.
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Once upon a time... There lived a lovely young woman named Savanna who was engaged to Daniel, a handsome law student. Theirs was to be a fairy-tale wedding. But Savanna's second thoughts were too big to be ignored, so the would-be bride ran away. As the years passed... Daniel's heart turned to ice. It was this unfeeling man that Savanna faced upon her return. The love of her youth was now a stranger. Could Savanna ever make Daniel understand why she abandoned him? And could she convince the man of her dreams he would always be her Prince Charming?
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Track coach Andrea O'Connor is fuming at the audacity of Ian Powers, the very attractive father of one of her students. He offered to buy school equipment only if Andrea agreed to train him for a half-marathon. Well, train him, she would. And not just in running. As a widower with a high-powered job, Ian needed some instruction in being a father to an active teenage daughter. Yet as this overbearing man opened up, Andrea found herself learning lessons--in loving. Ian knew that Andrea, with her assertive attitude and her penchant for stilettos, was some woman! But her vulnerable heart was on the run, so he'd have to prove that his love, unlike his running, had limitless endurance--and once he caught this swift beauty, he'd never let her go.
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So what if Laurel Morgan hadn't had a date since the senior prom? If all it would take to convince her teenage sister to consider college was to go on a few dates and have some fun, it was a bet she could beat. And before she could change her mind, sexy forest ranger Michael Walker agreed to play the part of her ardent admirer! Laurel never expected Michael's acting abilities to be quite so convincing. Whenever her sister was watching, Laurel found herself wrapped in a heady embrace with a passionate kiss on the way. Her captivating cohort promised a performance that would win her the wager, but when the curtain closed, would she lose the only man she would ever love?
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This exciting anthology contains stories from twenty-five women from different parts of the world. Their ages differ, as do their backgrounds and locations, but one thing they all have in common is a spirit of independence and a determination to not only succeed, but prevail.
Whether their struggles are to maintain balance between motherhood and career, escape from an abusive relationship, or to step out in faith and pursue a dream, all of these women have forged their own path. As women, one of our most powerful 'gifts' is the ability to encourage one another.
This book is an effort to encourage women across the world. These twenty-five women share stories that will make you laugh, inspire you, and maybe even make you cry. Their hope is that these stories will inspire YOUR independent spirit and allow you to live the life you were meant to live.
All proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to a charitable organization that fights breast cancer.
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Author Recommended by: HBSystems Publications
Publisher of ebooks, writing industry blogger and the sponsor of the HBS Author's Spotlight plus the blog: eBook Author’s Corner. Check out the index of other Spotlight authors. Spotlight Index.
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