The authors I’ve chosen have, along with David and Rachel, been tagged below my answers. So without further ado, let’s get some questions answered:
The Next Big Thing from Clive Eaton.
Author Genre: Mystery & Thrillers
Website: Clive Eaton - Author
Twitter: @CliveEaton
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Author Description:
Clive Eaton lives in rural Norfolk, England with his wife Judy. He has spent many years delivering commercial training courses around the globe, having visited in excess of 30 countries. Writing has been part of that work, but now he has decided to diversify into fiction - "The Pyramid Legacy" being his debut novel.
A sequel, titled "Operation Stonehenge", is his current work-in-progress, and will be launched in the near future. Various other projects are also in the pipeline. Apart from writing, Clive is a very keen photographer and has had a lifetime interest in astronomy and motor sport, primarily F1. For further details visit
What is the working title of your next book?
Operation Stonehenge
Where did the idea come from for the book?
It’s a natural progression from my debut novel, The Pyramid Legacy, where I intentionally left a number of loose ends still flapping around . . . which get tied down in Operation Stonehenge. As soon as I found a clear link between the Great Pyramid at Giza, and a collection of standing stones in the middle of a field in south-west England, I knew another novel was on its way.
What genre does your book fall under?
It’s one of those books which, like The Pyramid Legacy, doesn’t neatly just fit into one genre, but stretches across several. It’s very much a blend of thriller, sci-fi and mystery criss-crossing through every chapter of the story.
What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?
Here we go again, the Hollywood dream. (If any film directors/producers are reading this, both books were intentionally written with the big screen in mind – he says tongue firmly in cheek.) The one key character in both books is Doctor Ben Anderson, a very reluctant hero. Ben is not your typical archetypal muscle-bound, ex-special forces, all action hero. Oh no. He is sooo far removed from those types. My wife thinks Ewan McGregor would play the role well, and I can’t fault her logic. (No offence Ewan.) Two other key characters, who appear in both books, are Drs Samantha Gibson, and Katy Munroe. Sam, although slightly older, has a Megan Fox look about her (well at least I think so) and Ali Larter, providing she can pull off a Midlothian Scottish accent, would make a great Katy.
What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
What, like answer this question Twitter style? The evidence is unquestionable - The architects of The Great Pyramid and Stonehenge were related! (Less than 140 characters and not a hash-tag in sight.)
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
At the moment the choices are self-publish or . . . sorry, what was the question again?
How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?
I’m hoping to get it finished by the summer (notice the lack of reference to a specific year.) From start to finish the manuscript should take about 12 months – and yes I have started . . . about the middle of 2013 is the genuine target.
t other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
That is the most difficult of all these questions, as it doesn’t have a specific genre. Perhaps that is why agents are steering clear at the moment, as it can’t be neatly pigeon-holed. The story is set in the near future, after the destruction of the Internet, and links a number of seemingly disparate historical locations together. Perhaps it fits into the sub-genre made popular by The Da Vinci Code, but with a sci-fi twist.
What else about the book might pique the reader's interest?
Both the debut novel, and Operation Stonehenge, are out and out fiction. However, I’ve woven a number of facts together with the fiction. The challenge I set for readers is to identify which is which. Finally, can the reader solve the puzzles Ben Anderson faces, before he does? (assuming, of course, he in fact does!)
Author's Book List
Operation Stonehenge
Coming Soon
The evidence is unquestionable. The architects of The Great Pyramid and Stonehenge were related!
So what does a ring of standing stones in Wiltshire, England, a pyramid in Egypt, a painting in a church located in a small village in France, and a remote location in Nevada have in common? The answer is simple, but the reason, well, that’s a totally different story.
Robotics engineer, Ben Anderson, is once again plunged into the deep end of a mystery which involves murder, cryptic puzzles and a frantic race against an ever faster ticking clock.
He needs to carefully thread the links together to enable him to find the missing elements of a long lost artefact. Failure is not an option, but success seems totally impossible. In this final throw of the dice, can the deadline be met? If it isn’t, the consequences are unthinkable.
The Pyramid Legacy
For over four millennia the Great Pyramid of Giza has guarded a secret image; until NOW!
A prominent young Egyptologist is murdered by a colleague, deep within the bowels of the Great Pyramid of Giza. The authorities are keen to cover it up, but they know they can’t achieve total closure whilst English robotics engineer, Ben Anderson, remains in possession of a powerful image. An image, which suggests the Great Pyramid at Giza was not built by ancient Egyptians.
What the Egyptian authorities don’t know is that unless the true meaning behind the image can be established, along with other images which will later surface, the future of mankind will face the most serious threat imaginable.
Anderson manages to escape Egypt at the earliest opportunity, together with his astrophysicist girlfriend, Samantha Gibson, but the authorities are quickly on their tail when it becomes evident they have arrested the wrong person.
Keen to establish who really built the Pyramids, Anderson seeks to gain additional proof to support his theory. As he and Gibson begin to discover a series of seemingly disparate clues, they soon realise that everything is far from straightforward.
Whilst seeking additional resources, Gibson is unwittingly embroiled in the internal politics of the US military, with the result that she becomes a pawn in a vicious power struggle involving a corrupt senior officer. Her path crosses that of an ex-lover and her relationship with Anderson stretches to breaking point. As Anderson begins to see Gibson from a totally different perspective, his focus changes, and he pushes himself well beyond the limits of his comfort zone in an attempt to discover the truth.
Gibson is now prepared to do anything to fulfil a lifetime ambition, but as her objective becomes almost within her grasp a virulent virus threatens to stop her . . . And Anderson has the antidote . . . Together with a totally different agenda. And so an unprecedented race begins to finally reveal the true legacy of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
The Pyramid Legacy is a thriller, but also has a story of love and deceit deeply woven in.
Order the Book From: Amazon
The authors I’ve invited to join in the fun are:
Paul Anthony
Linda A Cadose
Winslow Eliot
Kathy Logan
Melissa McPhail
James J Murray
Joyce Schneider
Jay Squires
Just click on their names to see their individual blogs.
Author Invited by: Rachel Amphlett and David Thornby
Original Post: Clive Eaton - Author - The Next Big Thing
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