Be sure to check out what they have coming next for their readers. I try to pick authors who are interesting studies and ask them unique questions for our Q/A section.
Check out the Showcase feature of the HBS Author's Spotlight. I have included those authors in this class. Also, we have added the Author Bundles and Series showcases we have posted this month.
Thanks to the following outstanding authors for a great month. Here is a summary of our April 2018 crew.

Ciara Ballintyne
Author: Ciara Ballintyne
Author Genre: Fantasy
Website: Ciara Ballintyne
Twitter: @CiaraBallintyne
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Ciara Ballintyne was born in 1981 in Sydney, Australia, where she lives with her husband, two daughters, one masochistic cat, and one cat with a god complex. She holds degrees in law and accounting, and has been a practising financial services lawyer since 2004. She is both an idealist and a cynic.
She started reading epic fantasy at the age of nine, when she kidnapped Castle of Wizardry by David Eddings from her father. Another two years passed before she began her first attempts at the craft of writing. Confronting the Demon is her debut book.
She enjoys horse-riding, and speculation about taking over the world. If she could choose to be anything it would be a dragon, but instead she shares more in common with Dr. Gregory House of House. M.D.

Interview Excerpt
Next: I’m working on Book 3 in both my series at the moment! It’s a juggling act. Becoming the Demon is the third in the Seven Circles of Hell, a short novel fantasy mystery series…To Make the Dead Weep is book 3 in The Sundered Oath and the sequel to On the Edge of Death.
Social media is a funny thing. I’m not sure how much difference the Twitter following makes. I do sell more via Twitter than many other authors, who tell me Twitter, as a selling medium is dead, so I think it does make some difference. However, it requires genuine relationships, which requires time, which is really hard for a busy author, so I can see why there’s limited potential.
Personal appearances: I do a few each year in Australia. I’ll be at the Central Coast Comicon on Saturday May 5th and Comicgong at Wollongong on May 19.
Covers: The key to good cover design is, I think, to embody a great concept or theme from the story, not necessarily a great scene. One of the underlying themes of On the Edge of Death is the idea of looking into a mirror and seeing what you might have become had you taken the wrong road
Genre: Epic fantasy is basically my only genre.
Living in Australia: My biggest audience is in the US. I also get a lot of sales from the UK, and Australia—the latter of which likely is due to the fact that I am a local author. Marketing online tends to expose you mostly to the US audience.
Author's Book List
On the Edge of Death
In the Company of the Dead
Stalking the Demon
Confronting the Demon

For the rest of the story...View Ciara Ballintyne - HBS Author's Spotlight

Gail Ann Gibbs
Author: Gail Ann Gibbs
Author Genre: Science Fiction, Mystery, Paranormal
Website: Gail Ann Gibbs
Twitter: @gailanngibbs
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Gail Ann Gibbs grew up in the heart of the Texas Panhandle, and has continued to live and write in the sunny Southwest. She eventually obtained two college degrees, neither related to writing. She has been employed in a variety of interesting jobs, some of which may end up in novels someday.
Gail has four novels with the personalized-romance publisher She has also provided stories for the Strange Mysteries anthologies and other publications. She released a collection of short stories, Sketches in the Air, in 2014 and her latest book is the Jules Verne-style fantasy They Called Me Dragon: A Narrative Account of my Adventures on the Planet Earth.
Gail is a member of Arizona Mystery Writers and Saguaro Romance Writers, the Tucson chapter of Romance Writers of America. She enjoys the Arizona sun with her husband and some really big goldfish.

Interview Excerpt
Next: Tin Hearts is a futuristic romance, in which two disabled war veterans struggle to find love in a dystopian future. They just want is to live in peace, but the military isn't done with them yet. Release date is November, 2018, if all goes well.
Author bundles: I wrote the stories for Whortleberry Press before I began the novels, so I wasn't thinking of the book market then. I found them listed on, my favorite list of SF and Fantasy markets. While I can't say they impacted my sales, I think every venue that gets an author's name out there is good, especially in science fiction.
Arizona Mystery Writers and Saguaro Romance Writers: Both of those groups have been wonderful sources of information and support, on everything from first draft writing to understanding changes in publishing. I also want to give a shout out to the Oro Valley Library Science Fiction Book Club.
Genre: Science fiction and Fantasy, although my fantasy is more of the slightly weird, rather than Tolkien. I've sometimes heard the term speculative fiction, which I suppose applies to my work.
Free books: I've given away books on Goodreads (back when they didn't charge for the service) and received reviews and gained followers that way. I also donated copies to the Pima County Library system, under their Local Author program. So far, my most successful giveaway was at the Tucson Festival of Books, involving packets of bookmarks, along with a sales flier for discounted books, all held together with a bright gold clip. They went pretty fast, and I saw a bump in sales afterwards.
Tucson Festival of Books 2018: This was the first year I purchased booth space, and it was an excellent experience. I didn't sell many books at the Festival, but I gave away all my bookmark packets, and made some new friends.
Author's Book List
They Called Me Dragon
Sketches in the Air

For the rest of the story...View Gail Ann Gibbs - HBS Author's Spotlight

Marsheila Rockwell
Author: Marsheila Rockwell
Author Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Crime
Website: Marsheila Rockwell
Twitter: @MarcyRockwell
Google+: Check Out Google+
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Marsheila (Marcy) Rockwell was born [redacted] years ago in America's Last, Best Place. A descendant of kings, pilgrims, Ojibwe hunters and possibly a witch or two, she spent the first few years of her life frolicking gleefully in a large backyard that is now part of one of the nation's largest Superfund sites. Perhaps that explains her early penchant for fantasy and horror - the first book she ever read (at the tender age of three) was Frank L. Baum's "Ozma of Oz."
Marcy sold her first short story to Marion Zimmer Bradley while in college and her first novel to Wizards of the Coast in 2005. She now lives in the desert in the shadow of an improbably green mountain with her husband and writing partner, author Jeffrey J. Mariotte, her children, her vast collections of Wonder Woman/Girl figures, and far too many books.

Interview Excerpt
Next: I just sent my agent the manuscript for a fantasy novel entitled Scrap Witch, which I'm currently describing as Practical Magic meets Alice in Post-Apocalyptic Wonderland.
Social media: I'm not nearly as active there as a lot of authors, but I try to post when I have new stuff, or make sales, or have appearances. I have a pretty steady following, which I built up in the usual way - one reader at a time.
Personal appearances: Maybe Leprecon 2018 in Phoenix in June, but definitely Megamania down in Tucson in July. I'll have info on my website ( and on Twitter and Facebook when those get closer.
Audiobooks (and ebooks) keep your work around even after it's out of print, which has been a boon to most traditionally published authors, I think. They allow new readers to find your work years after it was initially published, hopefully gaining new fans in the process.
Author bundles: Boxed sets and anthologies are usually by invitation from whoever is putting them together. They're a good way to introduce people to your work who may have bought the collection or bundle because of another author in it, but then discover they like your story and want to read more of your writing, and that's the point. They usually boost sales after release.
Genre: I would say dark fantasy/horror.
Reviews: I rely on the audience to supply them (though this includes book review sites and book bloggers, not just Amazon and Goodreads reviews). I also don't have a problem hitting up author friends for blurbs - that's part of what being in the SF/F/H community is all about.
Tucson Festival of Books 2018: Every year is different. You try to anticipate what readers are going to want, because you have limited space and can't bring everything you have to sell. Sometimes you guess right and sometimes you don't. We're looking at trying to bundle things as series or connected books next year, as bundled books always seem pretty popular with festival-goers. Those pretty ribbons probably help some, too!
Author's Book List
Mafia III: Plain of Jars
7 Sykos
Bridges of Longing and Other Strange Passageways
Skein of Shadows
Legacy of Wolves
The Shard Axe

For the rest of the story...View Marsheila Rockwell - HBS Author's Spotlight

J A Whiting
Author: J A Whiting
Author Genre: Cozy Mystery
Author's Blog: J A Whiting
Website: J A Whiting Books
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
USA TODAY Bestselling Author, J. A. Whiting, loves reading and writing mysteries. She is the author of the Sweet Cove Cozy Mystery series, the Lin Coffin Cozy Mystery series, the Claire Rollins Cozy Mystery series, the Paxton Park Cozy Mystery series, and the Olivia Miller Mystery series. She lives in New England where she loves spending time with family, traveling to seacoast towns, following New England sports teams, and being outdoors.

Interview Excerpt
Next: My next book will be number 5 in the Claire Rollins series, Fortune’s Favors.
Covers: I have a woman in England who does the covers for my Sweet Cove series, my Claire Rollins series, and my Paxton Park series. She is very easy to work with and does beautiful covers. I also work with a designer in Canada who does my Olivia Miller series, and my husband handles the cover work for the Lin Coffin series. I explain the story to the designers and suggest something for the cover and then they do all the work!
Audio books: Tantor Media has handled some of the audiobook creation and I’ve worked with a narrator to do a couple of my Lin Coffin books. People email often asking for more and I plan to eventually have all the books done in audio.
Author bundles: I’ve been lucky to have taken part in two author bundles. I met the authors on Facebook and we decided to create a bundle of our books to reach new readers. The bundles have been wonderful experiences and I feel very lucky to work with such an amazing group of writers.
Social media: My primary marketing vehicle has been to write and publish on a regular basis. Social media allows me to interact with readers and other authors. I built my reader base by putting out new stories on a regular basis.
Genre: My primary genre is the cozy mystery. I also write traditional mysteries/crime novels.
Giveaways: I have had excellent response to giving books away for free. I think it is a great way for readers to try an unfamiliar writer.
Reader list: I do have reader lists which are mostly organically built. I add a link in my books for people to sign up for notifications for new books and sales. I prefer to build the email list this way because when someone signs up, I know they are truly interested in reading my books.
Author's Book List
The Haunted Inn
The Haunted Valentine
The Haunted Lighthouse
A Haunted Invitation
A Haunted Theft
The Haunted Bones
A Haunted Disappearance
A Haunted Murder
A Puzzle in Paxton Park
Panic in Paxton Park
Peril in Paxton Park
Fortune's Wheel
Murder and Misfortune
Reversal of Fortune
Good Fortunes
Sweet Spirits of Three
Sweet Lies and Deception
Sweet Time in Seconds
Sweet Vows and Promises
Sweet Hide and Seek
Sweet Friend of Mine
Sweet Fire and Stone
Home Sweet Home
Sweetness and Light
Sweet Deceit
Sweet Secrets
Murder So Sweet
The Sweet Dreams Bake Shop
The Stone of Sadness
Red Julie

For the rest of the story...View J A Whiting - HBS Author's Spotlight

Lori Wilde
Author: Lori Wilde
Author Genre: Romance
Website: Lori Wilde
Twitter: @loriwilde
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Lori Wilde is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over 80 romance novels. She is a three-time RITA award nominee, a four time Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice nominee and has won numerous other awards. She earned a bachelor's degree in nursing from Texas Christian University and holds a certificate in forensics. She is also certified yoga instructor.
Her books have been translated into 27 languages and featured in Cosmopolitan, Redbook, Complete Woman, All You, Time and Quick and Simple magazines. She lives in Texas with her husband, Bill.

Interview Excerpt
Next: My next release is a novella that's part of an anthology from Kensington. A Wedding on Bluebird Way (out May 29th) The anthology features a B&B in Serendipity, Texas and a wedding at the Bluebird Inn that goes awry when the bride-to-be takes off on her uncle's Ducati.
Social media has made it far easier to connect with readers. That's exciting. The downside is that if you aren't vigilant, you can spend far too much time on social media. It's harder to find a balance in today's world between writing, social media, and carving out a healthy lifestyle.
Personal appearances: I will be in Kansas City this upcoming weekend, March 30th, at Avon's KissCon, It's always loads of fun.
Covers: Avon has a wonderful art team. I'm so lucky to be with them. Here's how the cover process works for me. My editor asks what I would like to see on the cover. I send them six or seven ideas. The art, sales and marketing departments work together to come up with a winning concept. They will send sample mock-ups to my editor, agent and me. We discuss. If we have a difference of opinion, I will often take the choices to my readers on social media and get their input.
Audio books: Most of my audio book audience are people who have visions issues, or those who don't have time to sit and read, but they can listen as they go about their business day. It's lovely to be able to capture those readers.
Novellas: I feel like novellas are a form all their own. Some stories just don't fit well into the length of a novel. Novellas fill that niche. It requires a different set of writing skills to write short, and still tell a great story. I believe short reads have always had their place, and while attention spans seemed to have shortened in the age of technology, there are still plenty of readers who love long meaty reads.
Author bundles: I was approached by Kensington to create, and headline, the anthology, A Wedding On Bluebird Way. The editor and I brainstormed the concept and each of the stories. She picked the other writers in the anthology. It was a fun process. I loved working with Kensington on this project.
Genre: My primary genre turned out to be small town contemporaries with a western flair. At one time I was writing romantic adventure, along the lines of Romance the Stone, but my career took off when I followed the market and started writing small town.
Giveaways: My main form of advertising these days is to giveaway free books. I donate books to charities, have sweepstake giveaways, and reward loyal readers with free books.
Tucson Festival of Books 2018: I thoroughly enjoyed the Tucson book festival. I've been going to book festivals for over twenty years, and I have to say this is one of the best run festivals I've ever attended.
Author's Book List
How the Cowboy Was Won
Cowboy, It's Cold Outside
Million Dollar Cowboy
A Wedding for Christmas
Love of the Game
I'll Be Home For Christmas
Rules of the Game
Back in the Game
Christmas at Twilight
Love with a Perfect Cowboy
Somebody to Love
All Out of Love
Love at First Sight
Once Smitten, Twice Shy
There Goes the Bride
Valentine, Texas

For the rest of the story...View Lori Wilde - HBS Author's Spotlight

Jenn Windrow
Author: Jenn Windrow
Author Genre: Paranormal, Romance, Fantasy
Author's Blog: Jenn Windrow
Website: Jenn Windrow
Twitter: @jenmwindrow
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Jenn Windrow loves characters that have a pinch of spunk, a dash of attitude, and a large dollop of sex appeal. Top it all off with a huge heaping helping of snark, and you've got the ingredients for the kind of fast paced stories she loves to read and write. Home is a suburb of it's-so-hot-my-shoes-have-melted-to-the-pavement Phoenix. Where she lives with her husband, two daughters, and a slew of animals that seem to keep following her home, at least that's what she claims.

Interview Excerpt
Next: I am currently working on a new Urban Fantasy called Tweaking Talisman. Think The Portrait of Dorian Grey meets Breaking Bad set in a traveling Freak show. I'm hoping to have it released in time for Phoenix Comicfest which is May 24th.
Personal appearances: I'll be at Phoenix Comicfest - May 24, 25, and 26th. Then in October, I am doing a For the Love of Books event in Phoenix.
Covers: I graduated from the University of Arizona with a degree in Fine Arts and worked as a graphic designer before becoming a writer, so my covers were very important to me. For the paranormal romance books, my publisher actually does the covers for me, but I had a lot of influence in the end product.
Short story: Swallowed By Darkness was my very first story I ever had published. It was a small science fiction publication, and the most exciting thing in the world to me. Once I got my rights back, I threw it up on Amazon to test the waters of self publishing.
Genre: I adore writing Urban Fantasy. I love the action and snark I can put into the story. My van fire based Urban Fantasy, Evil's Unlikely Assassin is my baby. I sold out of that title on the first day of Tucson Festival of Books, just by saying the word vampire.
Reviews: I have a company that will help me send out ARC's to readers for a review. Then I hope I have enough new readers or old readers that will be happy to leave me a review, hopefully all good :)
Tucson Festival of Books 2018: Go through my books, order what I need, and then print out my handy checklist that helps me remember everything I need to bring. Other than that, I go on social media and promote my appearance at whatever festival or Con I am going to be attending. Have enough copies of my titles to sell, I sold out of one of my titles on the first day. It was wonderful, but I could have sold the same amount the second day too.
Author's Book List
Pricked by Thorns
Evil's Unlikely Assassin
Pierced by Venom
Struck by Eros
Swallowed By Darkness

For the rest of the story...View Jenn Windrow - HBS Author's Spotlight

HBS Author's Spotlight Showcase

Dianne Harman
Featured Book: Murder and Mega Millions
She picked the winning numbers. She won millions. Is that why she was murdered?
But who did it? Melissa’s no-good uncle or her ex-con brother who she hasn’t seen for years? Could they both be prime suspects? And what about her maid and her abusive husband-to-be? Is being known as a prominent philanthropist or antique collector a reason to commit murder? Yes, Palm Springs, California, is like a different world to most people, but is it different enough that ego justifies murder?
And are the rich really that much different than you and me?
When Marty’s wealthy new appraisal client is murdered, things get messy. Her husband’s the lead detective on the case, and he needs her to help him solve the murder.
Can Marty’s psychic sister help? How can Patron, her young boxer dog, seem to sense when she’s in danger? And what about the ghost her sister sees? Could she really be the murder victim’s mother?

Author: Dianne Harman
Author Genre: Romance and Literary Fiction
Author's Blog: Dianne Harman Author
Website: Dianne Harman Author
Twitter: @DianneDHarman
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
USA TODAY bestselling author and seven time Amazon All Star Author, Dianne Harman, draws her stories and characters from a diverse business and personal background. She owned a national antique and art appraisal business for many years, left that industry, and opened two yoga centers where she taught and certified yoga instructors. She's traveled extensively throughout the world and loves nothing more than cooking, playing backgammon with her husband, Tom, and throwing the ball for their dog, Kelly.
Being a dog lover and having attended numerous cooking schools, she couldn't resist writing about food and dogs. Dianne is the author of several cozy mystery series: Cedar Bay, Liz Lucas, High Desert, Midwest, Jack Trout, and the Northwest. Each of these books contains recipes from her travels. Alexis, the first book in the Midlife Journey Series was also recently published. She's the author of the award-winning suspenseful Coyote Series.
Murder in the Pearl District was chosen by Amazon to be one of their Mystery books in their October, 2016 homage of great writing by independent authors and several of her books have been chosen by them as PRIME books!
Author's Book List
Murder and Mega Millions
Murder at the Gallery
Murdered at the Courthouse
Murder at Le Bijou Bistro
Murder in San Francisco
Murder After Midnight
Murdered By Wine
Murder in Seattle
Murdered By Plastic Surgery
Murder in Whistler
Murder & The Movie Star
Murder on Bainbridge Island
Murder in Calistoga
Trouble at the Animal Shelter
Murder at the Polo Club
Murder at the Clinic
Murder on the East Coast
High Desert Cozy Mysteries #1
Murder at the Big T Lodge
Murdered by Country Music
Murdered by Words
Trouble at the Kennel
The Blue Butterfly
Murder in Cuba
Murder & the Secret Cave
Murder At The Bed & Breakfast
Murder & The Monkey Band
Murder at the Cooking School
The Death Card
Murder in Calico Gold
Murder and Brandy Boy
Murder in the Pearl District
Murder in Cottage #6
Marriage and Murder
White Cloud Retreat
Murder at Jade Cove
Kelly's Koffee Shop
Coyote in Provence
Blue Coyote Motel

For the rest of the story...View Dianne Harman - HBS Author's Spotlight Showcase

Amy Manemann
Featured Book: Love Lorn
Determined to prove she’s more than just a pretty face, Detective Evie Harper works hard and trains even harder to be the very best. Her first homicide case will put her skills to the test as she and her partner, Detective Stephen Harris, track a ruthless serial killer terrorizing the west end of town. The Lovelorn killer may be one step ahead of them, but they’re closing in fast — until an immoral decision is made that leaves their partnership hanging in the balance.

Author: Amy Manemann
Author Genre: Romantic Suspense, Young Adult Paranormal Romance, Contemporary Romance
Author's Blog: Author Amy Manemann
Twitter: @AmyManemann
Google+: Check Out Google+
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Amy Manemann is an International Best Selling Author. She writes sexy and intriguing romantic suspense, young adult paranormal romance, contemporary romance (NEW), and dabbles in children's books. She resides in her hometown along the Mississippi river with her husband and their two children. When she isn't plotting her next book, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, and diving into a good book.
Amy is also a site administrator for the World Literary Café, an online literary community for authors and readers.
Author's Book List
Love Lorn
Through the Darkness
Into the Light
Love on the Slopes
Don't Know Jack
Deadly Affair
Deadly Politics
Deadly Science
Deadly Reunion

For the rest of the story...View Amy Manemann - HBS Author's Spotlight Showcase

M.R. Mathias
Featured Book: Taerak's Void
After finding a strange medallion and some maps with markings that no one in his village can understand, Braxton Bray decides to take it all to the Hall of Scholars in the kingdom's capital. But greed is everywhere. Braxton and a tough young female caravan guard named Nixy are forced to run for their lives, for someone else wants what Braxton found and is willing to go to great lengths to take it from him.
With a hefty, kingdom wide, bounty on their heads, not even the great wizards of the Sorcerious can help them. Left with nothing but each other, Braxton and Nixy have no choice but to get on a ship and go on an adventure that will take them places they would have otherwise never imagined. Elves, dwarves, giant gothicans, and trolls, treacherous forests on distant shores, love, death, terror, and magic all await anyone brave enough to go along.

Author: M.R. Mathias
Author Genre: Fantasy - Magic & Wizards
Author's Blog: M. R. Mathias Connection Hub
Website: M.R. Mathias Fantasy Author
Twitter: @DahgMahn
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
M.R. Mathias rose from unknown to award-winning, best-selling author at a pace most authors can only dream about. He is a prolific writer of epic fantasy novels, novellas, and short stories. Despite his busy writing, publishing, and promotional schedule Mathias continues to aid his fellow indie authors by posting about their books at Twitter and Facebook etc.
He shared his considerable knowledge of self-promotion in publishing The First Ten Steps. The book has become an important indie guide for navigating the often murky waters of using social media sites to get your eBook in front of avid readers.
*From the Author The jewel you see glowing in the ring in my old authors photo isn't really a jewel at all. It is the crystallized tear of a real dragon. In my novel "The Royal Dragoneers" you might find the moment where this wonderfully magical teardrop fell from a green dragon's eye, and captured all sorts of magic in its facets.
My grandfather died before I was born, but the ring was given to me by my mother, after my grandmother recently died. My grandfather apparently won it in a poker game near the Red River between Texas and Oklahoma sometime in the early 1900's.
It has been a boon, the magic of the dragon's tear ring, for it brought you here to me didn't it? Now treat yourself to something fantastic and try out the free sample of one of my novels. I hope you enjoy the journey. It will be spectacular. Thank you, M.R. Mathias
Author's Book List
Fantastica Series
Warrior of the Void
Demon of Destruction
Sapphire of Souls
Taerak's Void
Emerald Oceans
Star Dragon 13
Alpha Sint - Holo
A Gossamer Lens
The Legend of Vanx Malic Books V-VIII Bundle
The Long Journey Home
King of Fools
The Far Side of Creation
Crimzon and Clover I-X
Autumn's Breath
Paragon Dracus
Trigon Daze
The Greatest Quest
Blood and Royalty
Dingo the Dragon Slayer
The Fortune's Fortune
One Bad Bitch
Rise of the Dragon King
That Frigid Fargin Witch
Saint Elm’s Deep
Crimzon and Clover
The First Dragoneer
Killer of Giants
The Emerald Rider
Dragon Isle
Through the Wildwood
The Wizard and the Warlord
The Wrath of Crimzon
The Sword and the Dragon
The Grog
The Butcher's Boy
Kings, Queens, Heroes, & Fools
The First Ten Steps
The Tricky Wizard
Oonzil the Oathbreaker
The Royal Dragoneers
Orphaned Dragon, Lucky Girl
The Fantasy World of M.R. Mathias
Dragoneer Saga - Books, 4, 5, and 6

For the rest of the story...View M.R. Mathias - HBS Author's Spotlight Showcase

James Moushon
Featured Book: Operation Red Dragon - A Jonathon Stone Mystery Short Story
Jonathon Stone’s plans for a quiet gambling experience are interrupted by the sighting of a known gun-for-hire from Mexico. A casual weekend in the desert for Jonathon changes into an apparent assassination plot. With the FBI and the Secret Service involved, Jonathon tries to apprehend the elusive hit man before he can do damage.

Author: James Moushon
Author Genre: Historical Fiction, Mystery & Thrillers
Author's Blog: Indie Author’s Corner
Website: James Moushon - Mystery Writer
Twitter: @jimhbs
Google+: Check Out Google+
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
James Moushon is a Mystery writer and an Author Advocate.
Starting over 15 years ago, he helped lead the startup of the electronic forms industry in the creation, conversion and usage of electronic forms by supplying that industry with a continuing source of published literature, software products and training seminars.
In 2003, Moushon changed his focus to ebooks and their development.
He is the author of the Jonathon Stone Mystery Novels. He has published three books: Black Mountain Secrets, Game of Fire and The Cajun Ghost plus several short stories including Operation No Sanctuary (June 2017), Operation Camp Navajo (July 2017), and Operation Asian Tiger (August 2017). All featuring CIA Agent Jonathon Stone.
A Jonathon Stone Mystery Short Story Winter 2017 is being released currently: Operation Sundown (November 2017), Operation Little Havana (December 2017), and Operation Listen Close (January 2018). All featuring CIA Agent Jonathon Stone.
James is currently wearing two Hats. He is a Mystery Writer and a Book Publishing Blogger. You can find his blogs at:
HBS Author's Spotlight
The blog's purpose is to help authors get exposure in the book publishing industry. He has interviewed and showcased over 600 authors to date.
HBS Mystery Reader's Circle
The HBS Mystery Reader's Circle provides information about the latest novels and what is coming next from a collection of Bestselling and Outstanding Authors in the Mystery, Thrillers, Historical Fiction and Crime genre.
eBook Author's Corner
The Corner is a collection of Author advice and studies including Marketing, Social Media and other major topics created to help writers in today's ever changing world of book publishing.
He has spent the majority of his adult life developing computer systems and thinking about writing mysteries.
His website is:
To contact him, e-mail:
Author's Book List
Operation Listen Close
Operation Little Havana
Operation Sundowner
Operation Asian Tiger
Operation Camp Navajo
Operation No Sanctuary
The Cajun Ghost
Game of Fire
Black Mountain Secrets
Operation Red Dragon

For the rest of the story...View James Moushon - HBS Author's Spotlight Showcase

Jinx Schwartz
Featured Book: Troubled Sea
Action-packed adventure on the high seas!
A cruising couple live a life many only dream of aboard their 42-foot boat in Mexico's hauntingly beautiful Sea of Cortez. But their chosen sea has a serpent: Mexico's out-of-control drug trade.
After witnessing a drug-deal gone wrong, they set off a deadly chain of events that lands them in a sea of intrigue involving a best friend, the Mexican Federal Police, the DEA, US Coast Guard, the INS, and a nasty drug cartel.
This fast-paced adventure is a must-read for anyone who has ever dreamed of cutting the lines and shoving off to adventure.

Author: Jinx Schwartz
Author Genre: Mystery & Thrillers, Young Adult/tweens, Historical/Western, Humor, Chicklit
Author's Blog: Jinx Schwartz's Water Writes
Website: Jinx Schwartz
Twitter: @jinxschwartz
Google+: Check Out Google+
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
Jinx Schwartz is the author of twelve books, including nine in the award-winning Hetta Coffey series. Hetta is a sassy Texan with a snazzy yacht, and she's not afraid to use it!
A ninth-generation Texan, Jinx has lived and worked all over the globe, and much like the protagonist in her Hetta Coffey mystery series, she's a woman with a yacht and not afraid to use it.
Author's Book List
Just Follow The Money
Just Different Devils
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Just The Pits
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The Texicans
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Featured Set: Fantastica Fantasy Series

M.R. Mathias

Fantastica: The Complete Four Book Collection Step into the world of #1 bestselling ‘Fantastica’ with this complete four book collection compiled into a single Kindle anthology.
From the masterful mind of multiple award winning, International bestselling, fantasy author, M. R. Mathias comes this massive, epic tale about a young man who finds something powerful and has to first, run for his life with the girl he is falling in love with, then risk everything he holds dear to try and understand the wealth of magical power that has found him. Will he be able to defy the demon Pharark and his hordes of rock and wood trolls?
Can he stop the army of giant gothican warriors bent on destroying the Kingdom of Narvoza? Elves, Dwarves, wizards, and powerful artifacts, harrowing voyages to distant and wondrous lands, demons, necromancers, and dragons, all await readers brave enough to step into the magnificent world of Fantastica.

Author: M.R. Mathias
Author: M.R. Mathias
Author Genre: Fantasy - Magic & Wizards
Website: M.R. Mathias Fantasy Author
Author's Blog: M. R. Mathias Connection Hub
Twitter: @DahgMahn
Goodreads: Check Out Goodreads
Facebook: Check Out Facebook
Post with Profile + Interview: HBS Author's Spotlight
Amazon Author Profile

Author Description:
M.R. Mathias rose from unknown to award-winning, best-selling author at a pace most authors can only dream about. He is a prolific writer of epic fantasy novels, novellas, and short stories. Despite his busy writing, publishing, and promotional schedule Mathias continues to aid his fellow indie authors by posting about their books at Twitter and Facebook etc.
He shared his considerable knowledge of self-promotion in publishing The First Ten Steps. The book has become an important indie guide for navigating the often murky waters of using social media sites to get your eBook in front of avid readers.
*From the Author The jewel you see glowing in the ring in my old authors photo isn't really a jewel at all. It is the crystallized tear of a real dragon. In my novel "The Royal Dragoneers" you might find the moment where this wonderfully magical teardrop fell from a green dragon's eye, and captured all sorts of magic in its facets.
My grandfather died before I was born, but the ring was given to me by my mother, after my grandmother recently died. My grandfather apparently won it in a poker game near the Red River between Texas and Oklahoma sometime in the early 1900's.
It has been a boon, the magic of the dragon's tear ring, for it brought you here to me didn't it? Now treat yourself to something fantastic and try out the free sample of one of my novels. I hope you enjoy the journey. It will be spectacular. Thank you, M.R. Mathias

Title: Taerak's Void
Author: M. R. Mathias

With a hefty, kingdom wide, bounty on their heads, not even the great wizards of the Sorcerious can help them. Left with nothing but each other, Braxton and Nixy have no choice but to get on a ship and go on an adventure that will take them places they would have otherwise never imagined. Elves, dwarves, giant gothicans, and trolls, treacherous forests on distant shores, love, death, terror, and magic all await anyone brave enough to go along.
Available at Amazon
Barnes and Noble
KOBO Store

Title: Sapphire of Souls
Author: M.R. Mathias

With the necromancer Reaton-Stav forcing his animated corpses to wreak havoc at every turn, and the demon Pharark using the giant gothicans and trolls to invade Narvoza, the future of the realm hangs in the balance.
Can our heroes find and destroy the sapphire before Pharark can use its power to bring the kingdom to its knees? Will the necromancer who covets Braxton's medallion find a way to stop them? Does the love Nixy and Braxton share for each other even stand a chance in the brutal world they've found themselves in? There is only one way to find out.
Step into the world of Fantastica.
Available at Amazon
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KOBO Store

Title: Demon of Destruction
Author: M.R. Mathias

Braxton, Chureal, and a few others are left searching for a way out of the Wilderkind Forest, while Nixy sneaks off to rescue the orphans she holds dear with only timid Suclair help her. The two women get caught in a race against time, for Lord Ulrich and his giant gothican warriors are bearing down on Antole and ravaging the city around the terrified children, and the Necromancer Reaton-Stav still wants Nixy's head, and Suclair's father's spell book bad enough to do anything neccesary to get them.
A bloody war has over taken the kingdom, and now the dwarves and elves have no choice but to get involved. Will Braxton be able to find a way to use the power of the Void to stop the demon's brutal rampage? Will Nixy and Suclair get trapped in a city overtaken by Pharark's huge ruthless destroyers? Or willl the twisted necromancer get them before they even get that far? Will innocent, young Chureal, and the hatchling dragon she's befriended be able to survive amid such violence?
Wit plot twists so intense they might give you whiplash, and clever heroes, bold enough to face impossible odds, just to have a chance at winning the day, this is one series you don't want to miss. Clear your calendar, and lock your doors. If you haven't already, the time has come for you to step into the world of Fantastica.
Available at Amazon
Barnes and Noble
KOBO Store

Title: Warrior of the Void
Author: M.R. Mathias

Braxton can no longer seek Taerak’s wisdom because the ancient Void Warrior’s journal is on the other side of the world in Narvoza, with the dwarves. Left with nothing but a vague legend found woven in a tapestry, and bits of elven lore Cryelos can barely remember, our heroes must find the Staff of Aevelon, and then reach the altar at the summit of Mount Preal before the Blood Moon reaches its apex. Even if they manage it, they will still have to figure out how to use the staff to stop the Darkanna and their ferocious minions from setting loose their evil monstrosity.
Available at Amazon
Barnes and Noble
KOBO Store

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